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mien, air, port.2. Relation, dependency, connection.3. Endurance, suffering.4. Direction, course, aim, aspect, point of compass.Bearings, n. pl. Charges (in coats of arms).Bearish, a. Rough, rude, coarse, savage, boorish, uncivil, uncourteous, discourteous, impolite, ungentlemanly.Bear one's self, Behave, acquit one's self, conduct one's self.Bear out, Maintain, support, defend, uphold, justify, make good.Bear the bell, Be the leader.Bear the cross, Take up the cross, submit to trials or afflictions.Bear the palm, Excel, be superior.Bear up, 1. (Active.) Support, uphold; sustain, keep from falling.2. (Passive.) Stand firm, show fortitude.Bear with, Endure, BEAR, tolerate, put up with, have patience with.Bear witness, Testify, depose, state, affirm, declare, aver, avow, say, SWEAR.Beast, n. Brute (fit for the service of man), quadruped, beast of the field, four-footed animal, irrational animal.Beastly, a. Brutish, brutal, bestial, sensual, irrational.Beat, v. a. 1. Strike, knock, hit, thump, belabor, drub, maul, pommel, BASTE, thrash, thwack, bang, lay blows upon.2. Hammer, forge.3. Pound, bruise, pulverize, comminute, bray, break in pieces.4. Batter, smite, pelt, dash against.5. Conquer, overcome, subdue, vanquish, overpower, defeat, checkmate.6. [Colloquial.] Excel, surpass, outdo, cut out.Beat, v. n. 1. Pulsate, throb.2. Dash, strike.3. (Naut.) Go against the wind, go a zigzag course.Beat, n. 1. Stroke, striking, blow.2. Pulsation, throb, beating.3. Round, course.Beat all hollow, [Low.] Surpass completely, excel beyond all question.Beat back, Repulse, repel, drive back.Beat down, 1. Batter, overturn, destroy, break, throw down.2. Subdue, overpower, overcome, crush, put down.3. Press down (by blows), lay flat.Beaten, a. 1. Worn by use, much travelled.2. Hackneyed, trite, common, common-place.Beatific, a. Ravishing, enchanting.Beatification, n. 1. Beatifying (especially the act of the pope in declaring a person happy after death).2. Bliss, BEATITUDE.Beatify, v. a. Enrapture, enchant, transport, enravish, make happy.Beating, n. 1. Striking, drubbing, flogging, thrashing, cudgelling, pommelling, caning, flagellation, BASTINADO.2. Beat, pulsation, throb, throbbing.Beat into, [Colloquial.] Teach (by laborious effort), instil, inculcate, implant.Beatitude, n. Happiness, bliss, felicity, blessedness, blissfulness, beatification, transport, rapture, heavenly joy.Be at loggerheads, Come to blows, fall to loggerheads, go to loggerheads.Beat out, 1. Flatten (by hammering).2. Exhaust, overcome (with fatigue).Beat the air, Make vain efforts, try in vain, lash the waves, fish in the air, milk the ram.Beau, n. 1. Fop, dandy, coxcomb, exquisite, macaroni, popinjay, jackanapes, jack-a-dandy, man of dress.2. Gallant, lover, admirer, suitor, sweetheart, CICISBEO.Beau ideal, [Fr.] Ideal beauty, ideal excellence, ideal standard.Beau-monde, n. [Fr.] Gay world, fashionable world, people of fashion, genteel people.Beauteous, a. [Poetical.] Beautiful.Beauties, n. pl. 1. Anthology, selections, elegant extracts.2. Beautiful persons (especially beautiful women).Beautiful, a. Handsome, fair, fine, elegant, graceful, PRETTY, BEAUTEOUS.Beautify, v. a. Adorn, decorate, embellish, deck, bedeck, BEDIZEN, ornament, emblazon, gild, array, garnish, grace, set, TRICK OUT, set off, make beautiful.Beauty, n. 1. Elegance, grace, symmetry.2. Comeliness, seemliness, fairness, loveliness, attractiveness.3. Fine part, special grace, particular excellence.4. Beautiful person (especially a beautiful woman).Beaux-esprits, n. pl. [Fr.] Men of wit, men of genius.Beaver, n. 1. Fur of the beaver.2. Hat.3. Face-guard (of a helmet).Be beat out, Be exhausted, be fagged, be greatly fatigued.Be brought to bed, Be confined, lie in, be in child-bed.Becafico, n. Fig-eater, fig-pecker, greater pettychaps, garden warbler (Sylvia hortensis).Be called, Be named, go by the name of, take the name of, pass under the name of.Becalm, v. a. 1. Quiet, soothe, calm, tranquillize, pacify, make calm, make tranquil.2. Detain by a calm (as a ship).Be cast away, 1. Be thrown aside.2. Be shipwrecked.Because, conj. 1. For, since, as, for the cause that, for the reason that, on this account that, inasmuch as.2. On account, by reason.Bèche-de-mer, n. [Fr.] Trepang, sea-cucumber, sea-slug.Beck, n. Nod, bow.Beckon, v. n. Make a sign, give a signal.Beckon, v. a. Call by a sign or signal.Becloud, v. a. Dim, bedim, obscure, darken, cloud.Become, v. n. 1. Be.2. Change to, be changed to, be converted into, get to be, come to be.Become, v. a. Suit, befit, be suitable to, be proper for, be appropriate to.Becoming, a. 1. Fit, proper, suitable, meet, appropriate, congruous, right, seemly.2. Comely, graceful, neat, pretty.Become of, Be the fate of, be the end of, be the final condition of.Be confined, 1. Be restrained, be shut up, be shut in.2. Be brought to bed, lie in, be in child-bed.Bed, n. 1. Couch, BERTH, resting-place, place to sleep in.2. Raised plot (of ground).3. Layer, stratum, seam, vein.Bed, v. a. Embed.Bedaub, v. a. Smear, daub, besmear, soil, daub over.Bedeck, v. a. Adorn, decorate, embellish, beautify, ornament, deck, emblazon, gild, array, garnish, grace, BEDIZEN, set out, set off, TRICK OUT.Bedew, v. a. Moisten, wet, damp, dampen.Bedim, v. a. Darken, dim, obscure, cloud, becloud.Bedizen, v. a. Adorn (gaudily), deck, BEDECK.Bedlam, n. Madhouse, lunatic hospital, lunatic asylum, hospital for the insane.Bedlamite, n. Madman, lunatic, maniac, crazy person, insane person.Bedouin, n. Nomadic Arab.Bedridden, a. Confined to the bed.Beef, n. Flesh of neat-cattle.Bee-house, n. Apiary, beehive.Bee-line, n. Straight line, right line, shortest distance, most direct line.Bee-moth, n. Wax-moth.Beetle, v. n. Protrude, project, jut, jut out, hang over.Beetle-head, n. Simpleton, fool, DUNCE.Beetle-headed, a. Dull, stupid, obtuse, foolish, senseless, witless, insensible, sluggish, slow of apprehension, void of understanding.Beeves, n. pl. Neat-cattle.Befall, v. a. Betide, overtake, happen to.Befall, v. n. Happen, occur, take place.Befit, v. a. Suit, fit, become, be suitable or proper for, be appropriate for.Befitting, a. Becoming, suitable, fit, proper, right, meet, seemly, appropriate, congruous.Befool, v. a. Infatuate, dupe, deceive, delude, cheat, chouse, trick, diddle, hoax, stultify, hoodwink, circumvent, overreach, beguile, bamboozle, impose upon, practise upon, play upon, make a fool of.Before, prep. 1. Preceding.2. Prior to, previous to.3. In the presence of, face to face with.4. Near the front of, in front of.Before, ad. 1. Toward the front.2. In advance, farther onward.3. Formerly, in time past, of old.4. Hitherto, up to that time.5. Above, in a former part.Beforehand, ad. Previously, in anticipation, in advance.Beforehand, a. Forehanded, in comfortable circumstances (as respects property), well off, well to do.Before the wind, With the wind, in the direction of the wind.Befoul, v. a. Soil, pollute, daggle, draggle, foul, bemire, dirty.Befriend, v. a. Favor, encourage, patronize, countenance, assist, help, aid, benefit, act as a friend to, do a good turn for, be kind to.Beg, v. a. 1. Crave, solicit, beseech, implore, supplicate, conjure, pray for, petition for, seek by petition, ask earnestly.2. Assume, take for granted, consider as true.Beg, v. n. Solicit charity, ask alms.Beget, v. a. 1. Generate,

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