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Too Many Commands.—Leave a few things within the range of the child's knowledge that are not forbidden. Keep your word good, but do not have too much of it out to be redeemed.

      9. Punish as Little as Possible.—Sometimes punishment is necessary, but the less it is resorted to the better.

      10. Never Punish in a Passion.—Wrath only becomes cruelty. There is no moral power in it. When you seem to be angry you can do no good.

      11. Brutish Violence Only Multiplies Offenders.—Striking and beating the body seldom reaches the soul. Fear and hatred beget rebellion.

      12. Punish Privately.—Avoid punishments that break down self-respect. Striking the body produces shame and indignation. It is enough for the other children to know that discipline is being administered.

      13. Never Stop Short of Success.—When the child is not conquered the punishment has been worse than wasted. Reach the point where neither wrath nor sullenness remain. By firm persistency and persuasion require an open look of recognition and peace. It is only evil to stir up the devil unless he is cast out. Ordinarily one complete victory will last a child for a lifetime. But if the child relapses, repeat the dose with proper accompaniments.

      14. Do Not Require Children to Complain of Themselves for Pardon.—It begets either sycophants or liars. It is the part of the government to detect offences. It reverses the order of matters to shirk this duty.

      15. Grade Authority Up to Liberty.—The growing child must have experiments of freedom. Lead him gently into the family. Counsel with him. Let him plan as he can. By and by he has the confidence of courage without the danger of exposures.

      16. Respect.—Parents must respect each other. Undermining either undermines both. Always govern in the spirit of love.

Decorative spacer.

       Table of Contents

Three Children.

      Some men are very entertaining for a first interview, but after that they are exhausted, and run out; on a second meeting we shall find them very flat and monotonous; like hand-organs, we have heard all their tunes.—Coulton.

      He who sedulously attends, pointedly asks, calmly speaks, coolly answers, and ceases when he has no more to say, is in possession of some of the best requisites of man.—Lavater.

      Beauty is never so lovely as when adorned with the smile, and conversation never sits easier upon us than when we know and then discharge ourselves in a symphony of Laughter, which may not improperly be called the Chorus of Conversation.—Steele.

      The first ingredient in Conversation is Truth, the next Good Sense, the third Good Humor, and the fourth Wit.—Sir William Temple.

       Table of Contents

      Say nothing unpleasant when it can be avoided.

      Avoid satire and sarcasm.

      Never repeat a word that was not intended for repetition.

      Cultivate the supreme wisdom, which consists less in saying what ought to be said than in not saying what ought not to be said.

      Often cultivate "flashes of silence."

      It is the larger half of the conversation to listen well.

      Listen to others patiently, especially the poor.

      Sharp sayings are an evidence of low breeding.

      Shun faultfindings and faultfinders.

      Never utter an uncomplimentary word against anyone.

      Compliments delicately hinted and sincerely intended are a grace in conversation.

      Commendation of gifts and cleverness properly put are in good taste, but praise of beauty is offensive.

      Repeating kind expressions is proper.

      Compliments given in a joke may be gratefully received in earnest.

      The manner and tone are important parts of a compliment.

      Avoid egotism.

      Don't talk of yourself, or of your friends or your deeds.

      Give no sign that you appreciate your own merits.

      Do not become a distributer of the small talk of a community. The smiles of your auditors do not mean respect.

      Avoid giving the impression of one filled with "suppressed egotism."

      Never mention your own peculiarities; for culture destroys vanity.

      Avoid exaggeration.

      Do not be too positive.

      Do not talk of display oratory.

      Do not try to lead in conversation, looking around to enforce silence.

      Lay aside affected silly etiquette for the natural dictates of the heart.

      Direct the conversation where others can join with you and impart to you useful information.

      Avoid oddity. Eccentricity is shallow vanity.

      Be modest.

      Be what you wish to seem.

      Avoid repeating a brilliant or clever saying.

      Thinking only of dress. THINKING ONLY OF DRESS.

      If you find bashfulness or embarrassment coming upon you, do or say something at once. The commonest matter gently stated is better than an embarrassing silence. Sometimes changing your position, or looking into a book for a moment may relieve your embarrassment, and dispel any settling stiffness.

      Avoid telling many stories, or repeating a story more than once in the same company.

      Never treat any one as if you simply wanted him to tell stories. People laugh and despise such a one.

      Never tell a coarse story. No wit or preface can make it excusable.

      Tell a story, if at all, only as an illustration, and not for itself. Tell it accurately.

      Be careful in asking questions for the purpose of starting conversation or drawing out a person, not to be rude or intrusive.

      Never take liberties by staring, or by any rudeness.

      Never infringe upon any established regulations among strangers.

      Do not always prove yourself to be the one in the right. The right will appear. You need only give it a chance.

      Avoid argument in conversation. It is discourteous to your host.

      Cultivate paradoxes in conversation with your peers. They add interest to common-place matters. To strike the harmless faith of ordinary people in any public idol is waste, but such a movement with those able to reply is better.

      Never discourse upon your ailments.

      Never use words of the meaning or pronunciation of which you are uncertain.

      Avoid discussing your own or other people's domestic concerns.

      Never prompt a slow speaker, as if you had all the ability. In conversing

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