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       Table of Contents

      In the matter of making calls it is the correct thing:

      For the caller who arrived first to leave first.

      To return a first call within a week and in person.

      To call promptly and in person after a first invitation.

      For the mother or chaperon to invite a gentleman to call.

      To call within a week after any entertainment to which one has been invited.

      You should call upon an acquaintance who has recently returned from a prolonged absence.

      It is proper to make the first call upon people in a higher social position, if one is asked to do so.

      It is proper to call, after an engagement has been announced, or a marriage has taken place, in the family.

      For the older residents in the city or street to call upon the newcomers to their neighborhood is a long recognized custom.

      It is proper, after a removal from one part of the city to another, to send out cards with one's new address upon them.

      To ascertain what are the prescribed hours for calling in the place where one is living, or making a visit, and to adhere to those hours is a duty that must not be overlooked.

      A gentleman should ask for the lady of the house as well as the young ladies, and leave cards for her as well as for the head of the family.


Improve Your Speech by Reading.

       Table of Contents

      Don't say Miss or Mister without the person's name.

      Don't say pants for trousers.

      Don't say gents for gentlemen.

      Don't say female for woman.

      Don't say elegant to mean everything that pleases you.

      Don't say genteel for well-bred.

      Don't say ain't for isn't.

      Don't say I done it for I did it.

      Don't say he is older than me; say older than I.

      Don't say she does not see any; say she does not see at all.

      Don't say not as I know; say not that I know.

      Don't say he calculates to get off; say he expects to get off.

      Don't say he don't; say he doesn't.

      Don't say she is some better; say she is somewhat better.

      Don't say where are you stopping? say where are you staying?

      Don't say you was; say you were.

      Don't say I say, says I, but simply say I said.

      Don't sign your letters yours etc., but yours truly.

      Don't say lay for lie; lay expresses action; lie expresses rest.

      Don't say them bonnets; say those bonnets.

      Don't say party for person.

      Don't say it looks beautifully, but say it looks beautiful.

      Don't say feller, winder, to-morrer, for fellow, window, tomorrow.

      Don't use slangy words; they are vulgar.

      Don't use profane words; they are sinful and foolish.

      Don't say it was her, when you mean it was she.

      Don't say not at once for at once.

      Don't say he gave me a recommend, but say he gave me a recommendation.

      Don't say the two first for the first two.

      Don't say he learnt me French; say he taught me French.

      Don't say lit the fire; say lighted the fire.

      Don't say the man which you saw; say the man whom you saw.

      Don't say who done it; say who did it.

      Don't say if I was rich I would buy a carriage; say if I were rich.

      Don't say if I am not mistaken you are in the wrong; say if I mistake not.

      Don't say who may you be; say who are you?

      Don't say go lay down; say go lie down.

      Don't say he is taller than me; say taller than I.

      Don't say I shall call upon him; say I shall call on him.

      Don't say I bought a new pair of shoes; say I bought a pair of new shoes.

      Don't say I had rather not; say I would rather not.

      Don't say two spoonsful; say two spoonfuls.

       Table of Contents

      Don't let one day pass without a thorough cleansing of your person.

      Don't sit down to your evening meal before a complete toilet if you have company.

      Don't cleanse your nails, your nose or your ears in public.

      Don't use hair dye, hair oil or pomades.

      Don't wear evening dress in daytime.

      Don't wear jewelry of a gaudy character; genuine jewelry modestly worn is not out of place.

      Don't overdress yourself or walk affectedly.

      Don't wear slippers or dressing-gown or smoking-jacket out of your own house.

      Don't sink your hands in your trousers' pockets.

      Don't whistle in public places, nor inside of houses either.

      Don't use your fingers or fists to beat a tattoo upon floor, desk or window panes.

      Don't examine other people's papers or letters scattered on their desk.

      Don't bring a smell of spirits or tobacco into the presence of ladies.

      Never use either in the presence of ladies.

      Don't drink spirits; millions have tried it to their sorrow.

       Table of Contents

      1. Your conduct on the street should always be modest and dignified. Ladies should carefully avoid all loud and boisterous conversation or laughter and all undue liveliness in public.

      2. When walking on the street do not permit yourself to be absent-minded, as to fail to recognize a friend; do not go along reading a book or newspaper.

      3. In walking with a lady on the street give her the inner side of the walk, unless the outside is the safer part; in which case she is entitled to it.

      4. Your arm should not be given to any lady

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