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have the army. And chemical, virus-bacteriological, nuclear – all this is superfluous. You can’t shoot a bunny with a virus, that’s all you can’t shoot a bunny with, it’s superfluous. Do you agree? It should only be used for good. Bacteria for treatment: lacto- and bifidobacteria and other bacteria that improve human life. Possibly nuclear and hydrogen fuel. And we need to reason with the devils, like our little brothers. Teach them to be smart. Explain, that not all the skills you have are relevant. To teach in words?!?

      The probability of having an alien mind is 100%.

      Scientists from somewhere first come up with, and so they look for confirmation. And wormholes and wormholes, and before that black holes. Maybe they knew? They just didn’t remember where they knew from. They say that Vernadsky wrote that the same ideas came to mind, in parallel with several scientists, at the same time. From which the theory of the information field was developed. But in fact, there are souls and they are able to travel through time, transferring knowledge to help people and themselves. That is, these 2 scientists could, after death, having agreed to transfer knowledge to themselves for the purpose, 1st: science makes life easier for human society, 2nd: a reminder to you, guess.

      Even the wheel was invented on different continents – separately and many times.

      I wonder if we all will fly to other planets to visit? And between the planets, what will be the currency? What language will we speak? I propose the Bashkir language as an intergalactic language, since it has the status of an international one on Earth. She personally appropriated it, but so far no one knows about it. And yet, they still speak it.

      But as an alternative, I propose to consider the Tatar language. Tatars and Bashkirs understand each other. And which one is easier? Don’t know. I think Bashkir.

      12. Humanity

      About weapons, states will not disarm. This is so that people, led by devils, from slingshots, do not shoot each other. The army has weapons, and even then people are not afraid to arrange massacres. And let’s disarm the armies of all countries. And what? All my life I dreamed of proudly pronouncing, I am a pacifist. I joke when I shoot, I close my eyes. Hit – 30 degrees from the center of the target. I’m turning away, I forgot to write, maybe a degree is wider, I didn’t try to hit it that way. I aim accurately, and then what’s wrong? I close my eyes, pull my shoulders in, ultrasound, turn the body and pull the trigger… and always by… I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong? And I always forget not to direct people. Women usually do not react, and men are speechless. And to be honest, the arms monopolist will be tempted to speak out against pitchforks and axes.

      In Russia, 1/4 of the forest area of the Earth, but if you let it run on gasoline, these are the same 30 years. Although, no. Until you cut it, you bring it, you catch up with gasoline, you will spend more gasoline, for no more than 10 years. All. I proved the coming of the apocalypse. You can demographics, start to control. How are we going to get away? Here in Russia and Liberia, sponsored by the USSR, there are only problems with the economy, and this can be solved, there will be no money for gasoline. But Burundi, Rwanda, Japan, India, what should they do? They won’t have any gas. We have permafrost, zones of risky farming, we are not like you, our apple trees freeze through.

      I’ll marry my son, in Burundi or Rwanda, if the daughter-in-law was born there, and if not, then I can’t help in any way. How to be something? Either they have nowhere to study, or I don’t know. 21st century – they should already write, on Earth 100% literacy. Here is a country with a literacy of 26%, how is it? See for yourself, the level of literacy of Earthlings. If only Russia could write off an example of the economy from Germany, and the rest of the world, about the population and birth rate, should learn from modern Russia. And you can learn from Japan. Let’s arrange a Paradise world, in 80 years, but how we live, if we continue to live, Hell will come in 30 years.

      In Russia, we have a high level of literacy. And the uneducated are people who are uneducated for health reasons. Many could be cured, but at least in the future. Medicine has room for improvement. Do they want to be disabled and live like vegetables, unable to enjoy the world, communicate normally and be full-fledged people? Or would they like to be born healthy and be a joy to their parents, to enjoy communication with their peers? This is a question. The day will come when people will be born 100% healthy. Because the conception of unhealthy offspring will become impossible.

      We will provide, humanitarian aid, to the past. If history has 2 endings and transitions in time are real, then it makes no difference for us whether to start vaccination today, against the plague, in the Middle Ages or later, when we finish the priority, today’s affairs. Sometimes it’s better not to rush, but thoroughly, get ready. Is it worth it to vaccinate there, or maybe yes, or maybe not. The decision will be made not according to my whim, but on the basis of necessity, and I will not decide it, and I will not control it.

      13. Historic cities

      Since I am writing about the future, I could not help touching on historical buildings. Why are ghost towns being built in China? Why does a highly developed country, with an always progressing economy, which has covered half the world, supplies Russia with machine tools, even to a greater extent than the developed European Union, with a literacy rate of the population, as in developed countries of 99—100%, uninhabited cities? And not only at home, they built such a city in Angora. I believe this is evidence that the Chinese government is waiting for its fellow citizens who are now living in the future. And realizing that the number of returnees will approach a quarter of the current population of the country, he is building cities ahead of time. It is economically unprofitable to build cities over and over again and leave the buildings unpaid. Therefore… Or the Chinese government has nowhere to put money. And to prevent, inflation in the country, which will entail an increase in prices for manufactured goods, and as you know, the Chinese are still foreign traders, they paved the Great Silk Road in the Middle Ages, I will not say anything about Ali Express. But in contrast, reincarnation is prohibited in China, without the permission of the government. And I urge the rest of the world to take an example from China and not reincarnate without the permission of the government. And not to give birth to extra ones, but… it’s a shame that we are not the first. And if we give birth to extra ones, then someone will have to return to settle in, but who wants to?

      About recurrence and degrading progress. The Sumerians came from where? They built a city, a network of irrigation canals. What century? 60th BC!!! And they went somewhere. Do the plates look suspiciously like a keyboard? I think so too. Were they all scientists?… Arkaim 20—0th century BC: water supply, sewerage, 20th century AD: not everyone has water supply with sewerage.

      Next is Tiwanaku. City of giants? First they stole the stones, and now they are guarded. Later, and then not so beautifully built. How to treat it? And they knew agronomy very well. But here it is, a break in the continuity of knowledge. Why is this knowledge not passed on, but lost? Maybe the lack of modern writing. Do you know the date of invention, the current “sound-letter” writing? She didn’t know herself: 0th year BC. or 0 CE?

      I read from the monastery during the period of the Inquisition, a woman went to America from Europe to introduce religion. That is, it went through space.

      Initially, souls migrate, in the 0s for some reason they stop. And if there is a miracle, it is persecuted. Now many people remember about past lives, about resettlement and write about it.

      I read the literature of the past stumble upon erroneous judgments. That is, if in the past we behaved badly, then punishment always comes? Yes and no. Knowing, we will go to look at ourselves and we will be ashamed if we have done bad deeds and we should not spoil the world in which our children will be born and will live, and then we ourselves. At that moment, I would have passed on the knowledge, and if I couldn’t, I would say:

      “Don’t spoil the world you live in, let the children get a better world.” And children must be loved.

      I repeat, technically the reincarnation of a woman into

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