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out, because we don’t know how in an abstract example 1. No pranayama, suffocation – as this is life-threatening. The openings, if you look at them, can also demonstrate, it quietly disappears, after a meter it quietly appears – this is in space, and in time at what time it passed, it appears there, and disappears here. But it doesn’t split… And comes back again.

      5. Existence of God

      God is supposed to be a living being – which has always been??? It turns out: life has always been? Life can only be vectorial and infinite, it can only be in one direction. That is, there cannot be a being that did not happen. According to science there is no God. According to beliefs, no one saw him. Life can only be vectorial, that is, the origin of life from inanimate matter, and then development, well, or a segment in the case of extinction.

      But according to the same beliefs, they saw the soul that was created. From a scientific point of view, what has been created exists, all the more so with irrefutable evidence in the form of photographs and eyewitness accounts.

      I believe that all people are good, and only under the influence of devils, people not themselves, but devils with human hands, scare God, do not accept statements that contradict their worldview, commit crimes, intimidate people with God, his punishments offend people. We have laws on Earth, written by man softer.

      People did not understand the laws of the world order, the world order was singular at the time of the birth of religion. If the word singularity is replaced by the word not understanding, then everything is clear. So they write in the definition, what is beyond our understanding… a singularity.

      Angels can be transported from one place to another, there are eyewitnesses, they saw it, and teleportation is scientifically impossible. But they carry over! – it means they know how to create an opening in space, and this does not contradict the laws of physics, it corresponds to the scientific point of view of the world. And after all, there are many such cases when people are our visible bodies, having disappeared in one place, they appeared in another. Consequently, this skill is available not only to souls, but also to denser structures, that is, a person can use openings in space, but he will learn how to create them later, which means that transitions in time are still real.

      Now the question is, we did not create souls in the past, but they are there. How? But we could, having studied the souls enough, create them in the future, and sent them to live in the past. Therefore, souls have already traveled through time, and time has succumbed to scientists. But this is not a time machine, as in the movie “Back to the Future”, but a device that makes an opening in time and you can drive through this opening by car – and call it a time machine, but you can also walk. Science does not stop wormholes. The concept of strings and wormholes was introduced just the same by scientists, I think this says something.

      Do you think angels, devils showed you as proof? The human soul knows more than the devil’s, both our soul and the devil’s can control the synopsis of the brain even from the outside, that is, without living in this body, but in any case, training and discipline are needed, that is, nothing can be done independently, first learning in the future and only then organized action. And what do you think angels, archangels, etc. – always angels and archangels? It is unfair to always walk in submission, the feeling of the injustice of the world order when you read about the class of angels.

      But in fact, they died, learned, etc., and who will become who depends on the skills of skills, discipline, having been an angel, there is an opportunity to become an archangel, etc. After death, they will teach. Approximately you work during the period of life, maybe in another time, as required, and you are born, live, die, work as angels and are born again. The structure is like in the army, you have trained, you know, you know how to do it better than the rest, you are appointed and obeyed, or you are still obeying, depends on perseverance and diligence.

      The human body is a biorobot, for the soul. That is, the soul uses our brain and body, it turns out I am a symbiosis of soul and body. The soul is created and infinite vectorially, and my body grows old and dies. The soul leaves the body. And… further, the soul is a very complex structure, do you really think that we will produce an infinite number of souls? Then to them, why go to suffer without a body? No, one soul will live in many bodies – which means one thing: we will reincarnate. We can reincarnate into a neighbor, we won’t contradict the laws of physics. And why do we live in several pieces at the same time? Because the devils hinder the transfer of knowledge. People do not know and give birth and give birth, many countries can no longer feed themselves territorially, not to mention the fact that oil will run out, in 30 years we will have to travel on vegetable fuel. And what about countries with overpopulation? It is time for some countries not to multiply, but to shrink.

      We will not produce 8 billion souls. And let’s produce 1 billion 256 million souls – according to the Vedas, just a multiple of 16. We will reincarnate according to the Buddha, we will create devils by mistake. Catholicism describes cases of movement in space. You will somehow unite under science or read your religious books based on science, and we wish scientists faith in facts purchase. Maybe from this point of view to look at the world order. Man also rereads evolution, he is weak and helpless from birth. And remember in religious literature, the devils could sometimes make a mess, that is, confuse the consciousness of the writer.

      Start with the origin of God – so we will not create it, but we did not create it. What is not created and did not happen does not exist, life – we created trees, grass, animals, humans. Created souls. And each soul has its own couple, its son and daughter, and the population of the Earth should have become a constant value. Now love your neighbor as yourself, you don’t know who you are in a past life and who in the next, offend someone, what if you yourself live in this body and offended yourself? Or do you still have respect for everyone?

      From the point of view of science, and even without science, the most beautiful children are mestizos, therefore we will all be reborn in order to avoid national diseases, remember? It’s about bodies. And our souls were created in a structured way, and each has its own place in the structure of the human family tree. 8 generations of souls, and then repetitions.

      And life did not originate on its own, and scientists of the future created the first living cells from inanimate matter. Do not reread the laws of physics. Using the material that is there, using the tools and technologies of the future, scientists have created life. And many generations of scientists dealt with this issue. They could and did. This is what they can do.

      6. About attempts to create openings in time

      Here are 2 abstract examples:

      1. We ended up on an unknown planet and came across a reservoir of unknown origin with unknown inhabitants, and we climbed to swim without knowing how to swim – the consequences?

      2. We came to the pool and after watching swimming techniques, after listening to the instructions, we learn from an instructor who will teach us swimming and support us physically – consequences?

      Inventing the drill of time now is like point 1 of an abstract example, either the reservoir is sulfuric, or full of sharks, or a geyser. And we must come to point 2 of an abstract example, if instructions were transmitted from the future, I consider it important to adhere to them. And act in concert and with the support of the people of the future. We will all visit the future and, having understood the laws of life, we will express our opinion. Every step we take is subjected to scrutiny by the people of the future. People already know how to manipulate time and space in the future – where should we hurry? Already invented, already know how. The scientists will create the first opening in time under instruction, during their stay in the future.

      We should be grateful to the believers that they carried the knowledge about the soul, of course, not everything is correct in the scriptures, but… And the scientists were wrong and religious literature was written by people. Let’s separate the lie from the truth… and the truth will remain.

      Of course, we, the

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