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of generations in the same plane, along the Y axis, which corresponds to our stick – this is time, my time moves down. That is, in each round dance, the same representatives of surnames, but different generations.

      If we imagine that the points on the ovals are imaginary people, then it turns out that in each plane, on different ovals, members of the genus change their location and always find themselves next to their couple, but you can draw how there are 1000 Buddhas in a room, then in each oval 87.5 million lines, meaning the way to the husband’s family, the men are all in place, and the women are running. But in any case: everyone marries his own. And birth is always the same. That is, all the souls of people now living on Earth line up in one big family. Our parallel families are building their own tree and the participants in the round dance, the same souls and disposition, respectively, too. We build the 1st tree, and the second is the same. It turns out we are twice a family. 2 trees of life. And parallel parental lineages never marry among themselves.

      2 древа жизни_____

      If we imagine that the ovals lie in different planes, then it turns out that we all, together with our matchmakers, should give birth by agreement at about the same time. So that there is no big difference between the couples.

      But, in reality, the daughter’s fiance could be born 1 year older, and I cannot give birth to my son and daughter on the same day, unless they are twins. The difference between the children will be, if the oval line indicates the date of birth of the children of the matchmakers, that is, the grooms and brides, then it will fluctuate. But fluctuations are the norm, and jumps can only be between brother and sister – the difference in age. That is, we, the whole planet, must come to a consensus and strictly implement the decision. And if the fluctuations are large, and in the next generations, someone will have to give birth as soon as they enter the fertile age, and someone will grow old, so that the bride and groom do not have a big difference in age.

      9. Tree of life

      I really wanted to read about the real structure of the world. And books about the world order still need to be found before reading. That is: “I died and after death my dead relatives were waiting for me, who accompanied me to the place of birth. Since I had already read about the world order and knew my family, I had no questions. I also witnessed the birth of my future wife, and she witnessed mine. I also helped on the instructions of the government, distracted the devils. Where is it? Maybe I haven’t read it, but I hope I will. I wonder how a person who does not know in life reacts? And how was it explained to him that it was not necessary to climb where it was not necessary? And also this text: “My husband and I went and looked at how we live, made deja vu, and they also told my mother” I love you “at 3 months. Mom’s eyes got big. Where is it? This text was dictated to me. For what? Everyone knows about the future. Everyone needs to know and understand. Scientists write deciphered the Phaistos disc. They write from the edge to be read.

      And I look, in the middle along side A, the tree of life in the form of a flower, (I will also draw a flower, for clarity, below) exactly 8 petals, then the man walks from the center through the maze. Division, this may his life. There, along the path of the little man, there is the Tree of Life in the form of a flower, which means they still remember. And then people forget, they think the symbol of the genus is just a flower and they start drawing it like that with 6 petals.

      He comes to the exit from the labyrinth, at the exit from the labyrinth he has my tree drawn as I drew, but 4 generations are indicated and then the transition to another native genus. And there was still a path not yet traveled, it turns out that he should be reborn within the labyrinth on the edge, but although he had to leave the labyrinth. That is, beyond the knowledge, although at the beginning of the path there was already knowledge, but he is born from the edge in order to re-cross the line of knowledge. Knowing that it was the flower of life that a person went along the edge, consciously he must return to darkness. And then he “leaves” the labyrinth forever.

      Same on the reverse side. I am not qualified in this field. The history of the Earth is on one disk, wow… The Vedas have 1 billion 256 million souls, as I remember. But from some 10 thousand, we had to give birth to the bodies of several billion, and there is a branch bifurcating, that is, the number of people is growing? And the Tree of Life is found all over the Earth. Some suspiciously common sign, don’t you think? And Maya has a man in the center, an eight-pointed star, from which I conclude that someone there was knowledgeable. And the Egyptians draw a line and people in the line and they have an eight-pointed sign. It is this prevalence that makes one believe in it. What else was so spontaneously widespread on Earth, during the period of disunity of the Earth’s population? Who distributed? We!


      Дерево с сережками_____

      Места рисунков—

      Tree of Love, Tree of Kinship, Tree of Peace, or instead of Tree, substitute the word Flower.

      As you can see, the Tree of Life or the Family can be drawn in different ways. The flowers are a top view and the ladder is a side view. And if, not knowing, copy? And if you know, then the shape of the figures will change, and the number will be equal to 8. And a ladder and a twig and a basketball net, if you know the meaning, then it does not matter how we draw, if we save 8. Here I drew, the flowers look like a lotus. They didn’t call the Flower of the Family, but in vain… Women like flowers more than trees. And the Buddhist leader, someone, came out of the lotus flower, like a man from the Phaistos disc, doesn’t that mean that he knew? That he came knowing – he says exactly, but how did he know? I sit and guess. Maybe the firstborn, that is, at his first birth, even more so at his origin, already had a place in the flower of the family.

      They figured it out, so the time to improve life has come and only the best is ahead. And the future is not far off, but soon, very soon we will consciously begin to build Paradise on Earth, by the whole World.

      10. Gender symbol

      Relation to the gender symbol. The symbol of the genus can only be 8 petals. And if the number of petals does not correspond to 8, then it means that this is no longer a symbol of the genus, but just a flower. And how do we treat the gender symbol? Rejoice in what we remember. And I think it’s normal to place it in dwellings, especially if you like the drawing, let it serve as a reminder to us about the structure of the family.

      And you can trample it. Putin is trampling the flower of the family in the Kremlin. We step on the drawing with our feet, and not on the human race. And in the toilet you can have. And on dishes. We will stain the drawing on the dishes, not humanity. We have the coat of arms of Russia on the coins. Sometimes we drop coins, throw them into the fountain and don’t worry that we are walking on the coat of arms, spoiling the coat of arms, etc.

      Jewelry in the form of a symbol of the family was protected, and I think the word amulet came from protecting a symbol, carrying it in the form of evidence and remembering. Remembered The symbol of the genus can be of any form, but there are only 8 generations, and then repetitions. And the symbol is considered to be an 8-pointed star, an 8-leaf branch, an octagonal flower, an 8-pointed or 8-pointed ornament.

      In Armenia, it is correct, the name starts with A and exactly 8 curls, and everyone knows what this symbol is called with the letter A. I don’t remember the word. There are also letters: A, x, h, i.

      I wanted to photograph the sad plate. Places for 8 reports of the drawing, and there are 7 of them and 1 report, separated from the rest by a gap. This plate is a symbol of discontinuity, a symbol of struggle. Sad. But I changed my mind and drew a fun cover.

      11. Aliens

      A person received knowledge and did not always use it for good. Instead of planting land, he went with weapons to a neighbor. No weapons were needed. You don’t need everything. But… created. Now, never, ever, let’s not disarm. We will

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