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clear. If we imagine that each surname has its own place in the circle – the son under the father, etc. It is more convenient to write from beginning to end, but we write from top to bottom. That daughter runs to her husband, and the daughter-in-law to her son. And the girls weave a web in each circle along an endless broken line and each man is connected with another man, she came from her brother, and her sister went to her husband. But there are 87.5 million men in each circle and the same number of women. This is if the Vedic figure of 1 billion 256 million is divided by 16, we are paired people. I could try to draw a similar circle, but my circle is only divided into 50 divisions – a little less than 87.5 million. That is, boys, carriers of surnames are in place, and girls get married and the last 87.5 million stick connect with the first one.



      Bride Road.

      If the angle of movement of those standing nearby changes, it turns out Periodic drawing, but I can not check. And in each circle it is so, but the angles of movement can be different, that is, the trajectory, circles 8, the number of circles corresponds to the number of generations. Is there such a computer and when will it be available?

      7. Family tree

      Having created souls, a person could not but structure the genealogical tree, a person has everything in order, including the structure of the genus. Each person has a couple and this couple has their own children: a boy, a girl. It is immutable, it is the law, it cannot be otherwise. For many years, the population of our planet should have been unchanged.

      There are 8 generations in the family and so on in a circle. Dying, people move into their own parallel race, in which the same souls and the same 8 generations. These 2 parallel families, parallel brothers and sisters, never marry each other.

      1. great-grandfather____0

      2. grandfather_______30

      3. father______60

      4. self_______90

      5. son_______120

      6. grandson______150

      7. great-grandson ____180

      8. great-great-grandson _210



      A parallel genus in a run, for about 4 generations.

      The numbers between births correspond to the years counted from the birthday of the great-grandfather. And a person needs to be born every 240 years. And so we decided to create 2 clans (bodies), that is, we should be born approximately every 120 years and live forever. (I describe how they decided) And if I myself am point 4, then I am the same age as point 8.









      It turns out 2 parallel genera. Great-great-grandson-great-great-grandfather are their great-great-grandson-great-great-grandfather, great-great-grandson-great-great-grandfather. A man is his own descendant, his own ancestor. A woman marries and continues her husband’s family. It turns out from one clan comes out and goes to the clan of the husband, produce offspring. It turns out mother, grandmother, great-grandmother always. And in the parent’s daughter and granddaughter many times. And the ancestor of her husband and all his family.

      We are always moving into ourselves. A man settles in the body of a boy, the son of his father and mother, and a girl, in the body of a girl, and also, with her parents. Brother and sister, always brother and sister, and they should not be separated from each other, and they should know their relationship. Husband and wife, always husband and wife, never related. The husband always marries his wife, and the wife always marries her husband, it’s been that way since the day the souls were created – that’s the law. If the husband was born, then the wife should be born in his time, and if the wife, then the husband is after her. And no instance has the right to register another marriage. You can’t marry someone else. The vector of time always runs forward.

      We often encounter the fact that a brother and sister were not born to their parents, but in parallel to their own. Then those who are not with their own give birth to the grandchildren of their parents. Another question, if the parents are several times, foreigners will continue the family in Russia. And where is the overpopulation, why at the same time live several pieces at the same time? Here are several parents, etc. And when we start to shrink, this is what happens: for several families, 2 children. Here you need to know. Someone was born once, and someone many times. And giving birth one at a time is not an option, here someone needs to be childfree so as not to separate brother and sister. Chaldfree is a person who voluntarily refused to give birth to a child in the current life.

      Polygamy, the work of devils. In one man, the couple was not born, and in the other 3—4 times, at the same time was born. Where to put all your wives? It’s all the machinations of devils. Polygamy breaks the law. Devils can not be taken as a wife, but for fun you can. And always give birth to their children, the same age as their wives, husbands. There is a small population in Russia, and it was decided who would be born from abroad to us, the first-born are ours abroad, it turns out not from their mothers and fathers, and then they give birth to their own children. Yes, these are endless rebirths.

      What’s the point, the soul is not born? The answer to the question is, I don’t know. And if I decide to leave and not be born, what should my husband do and where will our children be born? They will take the children, but what about the husband? And the number of the genus is 1256 million. Human. Only 1 kind of souls has been created, which are born alternately in 2 parental branches of bodies. And all consist in one large matrix of the genus. In any case, according to the plan, it was like that, but it turned out… more on that below.

      Why do we need wars? What are we sharing? Why are there so many religions? Truth must remain, not faith, but Knowledge.

      Each person should know his matchmakers, his couple, children, parents.

      8. Parallel delivery

      If there are 2 parallel genera of people, then we still must periodically unite these genera. It turns out that we, by a joint decision, can be born in our parallel family. But this is a thousand years. So that the genera are not far apart genetically.

      Ideally, if I have a daughter and a son, and everyone has a daughter and a son. Then if the son and daughter hold hands, and the daughter takes her husband with the other hand, and he holds his sister, etc., does it turn out to be an endless fence? No, it turns out a vicious circle, and the 157 millionth person – the son’s wife will take him by the hand and the circle will close. And since in the family of 8 generations it turns out 8 circles, and then repetitions.

      Дерево жизни _____

      And the second one is the same, our parallel tree.

      It turns out the number of souls of people, a multiple of 16. The wand is my family, and the points on the circles are my matchmakers, and in each circle, the location of the birth changes. Since, I count from myself, I draw around me, but this drawing is true for every person. In the meantime, our tree resembles: shapeless scraps, spirals, etc. It turns out such a tree, infinitely, that is, the Sun, will turn into a white dwarf, and we will be reborn in the same way, only in another Galaxy. Forever. Endless branch. And our families can be whole forever. Not invented by me and not decided by me, but understood, accepted and written by me.

      Are we like that? That’s when it will be so, we will have everything in openwork.




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