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Gift Range Chart for a $10 Million Campaign 37.1 Overview of DAF Sponsor Types 38.1 Foundation Types, Financing, and Requirements

Chapter reference Title
4.1 Model of Identification Theory
6.1 Seven Roles of Philanthropy​
12.1 The Fundraising Cycle
12.2 The Four‐Legged Stool of Fundraising
12.3 Donor Pyramid of Fundraising Strategies
13.1 Ad from Dana‐Farber Cancer Institute
14.1 Rosso Constituency Model
14.2 Wheel of Roles and Responsibilities
14.3 Wheel Example Family 1
14.4 Wheel Example Family 2
16.1 Brand Pyramid Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
19.4 Four Roles of the Nonprofit – Including Fundraising – Leader ​
20.1 Eight‐Step Board Recruitment Process
20.3 Eight Stages of Board Retention
21.1 Six Steps for Successful Volunteer Fundraiser Involvement
Profile of the Annual Fund
22.2 Annual Fund Profile Shapes
22.4 Donor Retention Calculation and Example
24.2 Peer‐to‐Peer Fundraising
24.3 Percentage of Social Media Users in General Population, by Age
26.2 Eight Mechanisms That Drive Charitable Giving
26.3 Spiderplot of Mechanisms for Giving
30.1 Partial Pooling Financial Management
31.1 Generational Cohorts in Historical and Social Context
33.1 Intersection Where Major Gifts Occur
33.2 Transactional to Transformational Fundraising
33.4 The Eight‐Step Major Gift Management Cycle
34.1 A Process for Preparing, Formulating, and Making the Invitation to Give
35.1 Sample Campaign Progress Chart for a $10 Million Campaign
35.2 Phases of a Campaign

Chapter reference Title
2.1 Proposed Beneficiary Bill of Rights
15.1 The Departmental Budget Worksheet
15.2 Fundraising Fitness Test Top Indicators Tab
15.3 Time Study Factor Worksheet, Part 1
15.4 Time Study Factor Worksheet, Part 2

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