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22 Can Eleanor Really Become a Better Person? (The Good Place) Aristotle's Guide to Moral Growth Aristotle's Four Levels of Moral Character Kohlberg's Model of Moral Development Does Character Actually Matter? The Moral of the Story 23 “You're a Sucky, Sucky Friend” “Do You Have Any Books about Making Friends?” “Did You Ever Consider Making Friends by Being … Pleasant?” “Kripke! What'd You Say of the Idea of You and I Becoming Friends?” “To Make Friends … Take an Interest in Their Lives” “That's Insane on the Face of It” “… Promises to Be a Herculean Task” “There is No Algorithm for Making Friends!” 24 “You Are Asking Me to Be Rational” Master of the Stoic Arts Unlimited Power? “Fear is the Path to the Dark Side” “From My Point of View, the Jedi are Evil!” “You Underestimate My Power!”

      13  Part VI: Challenges to Traditional Ethics 25 Rediscovering Nietzsche's Übermensch in Superman as a Heroic Ideal Truth, Justice, and the Nietzschean Way Putting the Über into the Übermensch: Creativity and Following the Will to Power The Nietzschean Superman Superman Versus Clark Kent S is for Savior Kneel Before Zod! Perhaps … Lex Luthor? Nietzschean Übermensch, American Christ, or Both? 26 Knowing Who You Are “This Suits You” “But the Voice Inside Sings a Different Song” “That Voice Inside is Who You Are” “Do You Know Who You Are?” “I Am Moana!” 27 Becoming a (Wonder) Woman What is a Woman? The Ambiguously Feminist Superhero 28 The Silence of Our Mother How Can You See, with Jujubes for Eyes? The Gifts of Our Mother The Work of Our Mother Mother Takes Sides 29 “Everything Is Backwards Now” Deep Humanity in an Alien Avatar “Out There is the True World” “Lost in the Woods” “Everything is Backwards Now”

      14  Part VII: Social and Political Philosophy 30 Maester Hobbes Goes to King's Landing (Game of Thrones) You are Selfish and Dangerous The Realm Needs a King Hobbes Takes the Maester's Chain The Horrors of War Robert's Rebellion Lion and Direwolf, Dragon and Leviathan 31 Lost 's State of Nature Lining up for Peace Human Nature and Natural Humans Amid the Wreckage The Longer Haul Over or Under the Language Barrier Confidence and the Con Men Roles and Rules Tit for Tat Gaining Trust from the Past 32 Federation Trekonomics Capitalism is Most Illogical Dammit, Marx, I'm a communist, not a Communist! Set Phasers to “Revolution” To Boldly Conclude … 33 Superman and Justice It's All About

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