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is Personal Identity? Cassandra Nova, Charles Xavier, and John Locke Bringing it all Back to Wolverine Jamie Madrox and Derek Parfit Bringing it all Back to Wolverine (Again) Be Slow to Judge 12 The Consolation of Bilbo What Has it Got in its Pocketses? The Problem of Divine Foreknowledge Freedom and the Music Tolkien's Boethian Solution 13 Inception and Free Will Alternate Wills We May Not be Free Compatibilism Frankfurt Counterexamples Should We Worry? 14 Turing's Dream and Searle's Nightmare in Westworld What Does it Mean to Think? Turing Versus Searle Searle, the Chinese Room, and Ford Hosts and Guests: What is the Difference? The Maze: Is it Consciousness? 15 What is it Like to Be a Host? Your Phone is Not Conscious What is it Like to be a Bat? Philosophical Zombies When Are We? It Does Not Look Like Anything to Me Limit Your Emotional Affect Please Everything Will be What it Isn't I Know Only That I Slept a Long Time, and Then One Day I Awoke Violent Ends 16 The Time Travel in Avengers: Endgame The Grandfather Paradox Branching Time Travel Lewisian Time Travel A Disappointing Ending … … But Not a Disappointing Movie

      11  Part IV: Philosophy of Religion 17 South Park, Cartmanland, and the Problem of Evil “And That's it?” The Story of Job The Sweet Milk of Our Tears “You Are Up There!” Free Hat, Free Willzyx, Free Will “Are You There God, It's Me, Jesus” “Go, God, Go” 18 Hidden Mickeys and the Hiddenness of God Emphatic Silence: The Experience of Divine Hiddenness The Argument from Divine Hiddenness When is a Hidden Mickey a Hidden Mickey? The Disanalogy Between Hidden Mickeys and Divine Hiddenness Might God Be Hidden for Love's Sake? 19 The Jedi Knights of Faith “I Can't Kill My Own Father” “Mostly Because of My Father, I Guess” “Something is Out of Place!” “I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing” “I Take Orders from Just One Person: Me” “It's a Trap!” “That's Impossible!” Bringing Balance to the Force

      12  Part V: Ethics 20 Why Doesn't Batman Kill the Joker? Meet the Joker Is Batman a Utilitarian or Deontologist? (Or None of the Above?) To the Bat‐Trolley, Professor Thomson! Hush Will Love This Next Story … Top 10 Reasons the Batmobile is Not a Trolley … “I Want My Lawyer! Oh, That's Right, I Killed Him Too” Case Closed – Right? 21 Means, Ends, and the Critique of Pure Superheroes “‘In the End’? Nothing Ends, Adrian, Nothing Ever Ends” The Utilitarians Strike Back “Even in the Face of Armageddon I Shall Not Compromise in This” Скачать книгу