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ЛИТМИР - LITMIR.BIZ - Электронная библиотека
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• Completely revised and updated history
• Evergreen seller for all reference shelves
This thorough, carefully researched history sets church events against the background of social changes. This third revised edition will be up-to-date through the events of the 2012 General Convention of the Episcopal Church.
• Evergreen seller for all reference shelves
This thorough, carefully researched history sets church events against the background of social changes. This third revised edition will be up-to-date through the events of the 2012 General Convention of the Episcopal Church.
• The first book to explore the theologies of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people of color
• Addresses issues of homophobia in communities of color, including ethnic churches, as well as racism in LGBT communities
• Pioneering work on the global and local intersections of race, sexuality, and religion
To date, no book has systematically examined the theological writings of LGBT people of color. Nor has any book explored how such writings might actually transform contemporary theological reflections on race and sexuality. This book remedies these gaps by constructing a rainbow theology around the theme of bridging or mediation.
Rainbow Theology is the first book to reflect upon the theological significance of the intersections of race and queer sexuality across multiple ethnic and cultural groups. This is particularly important in light of the current polarizing debates over issues of race, sexuality, and religion within churches and communities of faith around the world.
• Addresses issues of homophobia in communities of color, including ethnic churches, as well as racism in LGBT communities
• Pioneering work on the global and local intersections of race, sexuality, and religion
To date, no book has systematically examined the theological writings of LGBT people of color. Nor has any book explored how such writings might actually transform contemporary theological reflections on race and sexuality. This book remedies these gaps by constructing a rainbow theology around the theme of bridging or mediation.
Rainbow Theology is the first book to reflect upon the theological significance of the intersections of race and queer sexuality across multiple ethnic and cultural groups. This is particularly important in light of the current polarizing debates over issues of race, sexuality, and religion within churches and communities of faith around the world.
This completely new work replaces the best-selling but woefully outdated Morehouse classic by the same name. This fresh work explains the liturgy in all its aspects for the uninitiated and is written by a respected liturgics scholar in the Episcopal Church.
Информация о книге
Автор произведения James W. Farwell
In the Episcopal Church, the term Eucharistic Minister is used to denote someone who assists the priest with administering the Eucharist, often handling the wine.
Ely offers historical perspective on this ministry, a theological overview, practical tips, plus an invitation to engage in the spiritual dimensions of serving one’s local congregation as a Eucharistic Minister. She concludes the book with a chapter on how to establish this ministry in a local parish.
Ely offers historical perspective on this ministry, a theological overview, practical tips, plus an invitation to engage in the spiritual dimensions of serving one’s local congregation as a Eucharistic Minister. She concludes the book with a chapter on how to establish this ministry in a local parish.
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Beth Wickenberg Ely
Raimund Merz tunneb Moritzit ja Florianet juba lapsepõlvest, nende elu keskpunktiks on üks metsistunud aed külaserval. Kui nendega liitub Inger, taanlasest kunstniku tütar, moodustub nelikust sõpruskond, kuniks mõlemad poisid tüdrukusse armuvad. Inger valib Moritzi, paar saab ka Raimundist ja auahnest Florianest. Aastaid hiljem ristuvad nende teed uuesti, andes Raimundile võimaluse selgelt näha, kui tühine on tema elu ilma Ingerita. Meeleheitlikult otsib ta teed tagasi iseenda ja oma minevikuga leppimise juurde. Otsingud kulmineeruvad reisiga Lyoni, ühe maali juurde, mis lummab teda samamoodi nagu lapsepõlv metsikus aias. Mirko Bonné suur armastusromaan toob Goethe „Hingesugulaste“ teema tänapäeva. See uurib tüllimineku ja võõrdumise põhjuseid ning loob haarava portree mehest, kes leiab jõudu oma olemuse varjust välja astuda. Mirko Bonné (snd 1965) on avaldanud romaane, luulekogusid, esseesid ja reisikirju, tõlkinud saksa keelde muu hulgas Sherwood Andersoni, Emily Dickinsoni, John Keatsi, Grace Paley ja William Butler Yeatsi teoseid. Oma loomingu eest on Bonné pälvinud mitmeid kirjandusauhindu.
Maik Klingenberg ei mõista, miks inimesed teda igavaks peavad. Hästi, tal pole just palju sõpru (okei, tal pole ühtegi sõpra). Ja kõik saavad kõvasti naerda, kui ta klassis oma kirjandit ette loeb. Ja teda ei kutsuta kunagi pidudele – ka mitte populaarse klassiõe Tatjana sünnipäevale. Andrei Tšihhatšov hüüdnimega Tšikk (isegi õpetajad ei oska tema perekonnanime hääldada) on uus poiss koolis ja samuti ebapopulaarne, kuid teistel põhjustel. Ta näeb alati välja, justkui oleks äsja kakelnud, tema riided on totaalne katastroof ja ta ei räägi kunagi kellegagi. Ühel päeval ilmub Tšikk ootamatult Maiki juurde koju. Ka teda pole Tatjana juurde peole kutsutud, aga tal on plaan. Nad otsustavad „laenata” auto (väljavalituks osutub üks helesinine Lada Niva) ja nii saabki alguse kahe poisi pöörane suvine seiklus ilma vanemate, selge sihi, teekaardi ja mobiilita. Kas nad eksivad ära? Kindlasti! Kas nad kohtuvad igasuguste kummaliste aga vahvate tegelastega ja satuvad sekeldustesse? Igatahes! Kas sellest saab kõigi aegade ägedaim suvi? Kahtlemata! WOLFGANG HERRNDORF (1965–2013) õppis esmalt maalimist. Aastal 2002 ilmus tema debüütromaan In Plüschgewittern, 2007 Diesseits des Van-Allen-Gürtels, 2010. ja 2011. aastal järgnesid romaanid Tschick (ee „Miks me varastasime auto”) ja Sand. 2013. aastal ilmus postuumselt päevik Arbeit und Struktur ja 2014 poolikuks jäänud romaan Bilder deiner großen Liebe. „Miks me varastasime auto” sai suurepärase vastuvõtu osaliseks ja muutus kohe bestselleriks. Raamatust on välja antud üle 50 trüki ja saksakeelsete väljaannete tiraaž küünib kahe miljoni eksemplarini. Teos on tõlgitud 28 keelde. 2016. aastal valmis režissöör Fatih Akinil film „Tschick”, mis on linastunud ka Eestis kinodes.
Power begins on the inside and you are about to tap into yours. Too often we feel powerless to address the tug-of-war going on inside us. Many people have heard the whispers from an inner voice saying, «you're not living up to your full potential.» Yet when we try to change, we get pulled back into the vortex of our status quo, leaving us feeling isolated, stuck, and like no one understands the «real me.» Repeatedly hearing this story from her coaching clients led conscious leadership expert and mindset coach, Dr. Annice E. Fisher to share her ground-breaking 4-step consciousness-raising process for reclaiming your power. For over 15 years she has led organizations through the change process, and discovered that the baseline for creating and sustaining change is the belief that you have power and choice in every situation. It is up to YOU to decide if you want to use them. Your guided path through this book will teach you how to get unstuck. Each power phase: asking, assessing, and accepting uses the 4-step process to bring you back home to live as the highest version of yourself. Let's introduce the real you to the world.