

The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon was written by Karl Marx in 1852. In it, he discusses the French coup in 1851 and how recent French history shows the class struggle. It is famous for one of Marx's most memorable quotes, «Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past».


Thomas Paine (1737 – 1809) was an Englishman and American political activist. He authored pamphlets which helped motivate the American colonists to declare independence in 1776. Common Sense is his most famous of such pamphlets.


First published in 1872, Wild Life in the Far West chronicles the life of James Hobbs. In the early 19th century as a teenager, Hobbs joined a fur trading expedition and was captured by the Comanches. He became known as Comanche Jim, and spent 15 years with the Comanches and 7 years in the West and South with Kit Carson.


The destiny of the human race, the denouement of the story of the universe, the fulfillment of God's overarching plan for all things, these are just some of the eschatological topics that Andrew Jukes explains in this theological masterpiece. Beginning with hermeneutics and including a compelling argument that human beings are saved through death rather than from death, Jukes deftly navigates the reader through thorny themes with the guidance of Scripture.


Pioneers of the Black Hills is an account of Gordon's Stockade Party of 1874. This expedition set out for the dangerous Black Hills, which were still guarded by Sitting Bull. The area had long been rumored as rich in gold and silver deposits.


Written in the 16th century, The Prince remains one of the most influential books on political theory. Its author, Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian diplomat and political theorist, and is considered the father of modern political thought.


The Moors, 1300 years ago, conquered the land of the Visigoths and placed Spain under the rule. For 800 years, the area flourished under Islamic rule, until the Reconquista. The Moors in Spain chronicles the period from the 8th through the 17th centuries.


Герой попадает на необитаемый остров, постепенно заполняемый каннибалами. Жизнь на пределе выживаемости, герой поневоле втянут в борьбу против современного пуританства, ханжества и снобизма. Роман продолжает серию многочисленных робинзонад. Ценен тем, что происхождение этой – Россия.