
Меня, независимую землянку, закинуло в тело ученицы института высшей магии. Теперь мне придется учиться левитировать, впадать в транс и варить зелья. Пути назад нет, и я усиленно грызу гранит науки. Вот только телу моему хочется любви. А мне – положения в обществе и денег. И как все это совместить, если замуж я выходить не желаю?


Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Mini Habits. Smaller Habits, Bigger Results” by Stephen Guise. In Mini Habits, Stephen Guise explains how to overcome procrastination and start living again without putting major effort into it. This is an effective remedy for those who have started to change a hundred times since Monday and failed each time. A mini habit is a tiny action that you force yourself to do every day, so tiny that it cannot cause you much inconvenience. Steven Guise's book helps get the ball rolling even for people who are deeply depressed, despondent and stuck. The mini-habit system works because you’re playing by the rules of your brain instead of wasting your energy fighting against it. The author himself, thanks to this technique, read 10 times more books than he would have otherwise and got in excellent athletic condition. And he started with one single push-up a day.


Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Mindset. The New Psychology of Success. How We Can Learn to Fulfill our Potential” by Carol Dweck. Carol Dweck's book, Mindset. The New Psychology of Success. How We Can Learn to Fulfill our Potential was recognized as the book of the year by the World Education Federation and is already changing the approach toward management theory today. A professor at Stanford University, she has made a discovery in the field of psychology about the power and meaning of mindset. This discovery boils down to a simple, like all ingenious ideas, formula and scales from the individual to the culture of the whole organization. If you believe that talents are given to you from birth and do not change throughout life, then you have a “fixed” mindset that does not benefit anyone, and even less so yourself. If you believe that abilities can be changed by gaining new experience, then you have a “growth” way of thinking. Using real life examples, the author explains how to use a growth mindset to achieve happiness in your personal life and in business.


Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Accidental Genius. Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insight and Content” by Mark Levy. Mark Levy, author of Accidental Genius: Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insight, and Content, tells us to break the mold for problem solving and venture outside our comfort zone to overcome mental roadblocks. Unfortunately, each of us has a literary critic in our heads who’s concerned with polishing our thoughts and ideas before they’re released to the general public. One way to release our minds from this restraint is to engage in Freewriting. Mark has championed this method for many years, which has allowed him to generate ingenious solutions for business, as well as come up with ideas for books and articles. Freewriting is deceptively simple: write without thinking, free your mind of your worries, while neglecting all concerns for grammar, punctuation, and spelling. At this pace, your inner critic be able to keep up with you, allowing you untethered access to your once-inaccessible creativity.


Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “The Soul Unchained. Journey Beyond Ourselves” by Michael Singer. Spiritual guru Michael Singer’s book “The Soul Unchained. Journey Beyond Ourselves” explores our consciousness. Even when you are happy, your inner voice expresses doubt and fear, and tries to teach you how to live. It prevents you from enjoying life because it does not allow you to perceive reality objectively. This inner voice evaluates events, which persuades your consciousness to create a model of the world in which you feel comfortable. How can you separate this inner voice of self-reflection from your true self? Why are you so afraid to change your life? How can you get rid of negative thoughts? The book, a collection of lectures on yoga philosophy, self-concept, the meaning of life, and the theory of the mind, was number one on the New York Times Best Seller list. Singer's ideas even caught the attention of Oprah Winfrey, who then decided to invite the author on her talk show.


Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness” by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Jon Kabat-Zinn's “Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness” is a program on how to reduce stress through mindfulness. The book, which gave rise to a whole field in medicine and psychology, explains how to combine proven medical techniques with the practice of meditation and yoga. Pain is feedback from our body. In this way, it tells us where the disorder or damage has occurred. Our consciousness has a direct impact on physical and emotional health, so it is important to learn how to control it. The goal of the program is to restore the balance between body and mind, harmonize your condition, increase immunity, and learn how to heal yourself. The book includes simple, very applicable meditation exercises. They will help the reader cope with even chronic pain, and by regularly putting these methods to use can improve quality of life.


Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “The Art of Systems Thinking: Essential Skills for Creativity and Problem Solving” by Joseph O'Connor and Ian McDermott. The Art of Systems Thinking goes far beyond formal logic as it considers any phenomenon in its dynamic, in its time. In their book, Joseph O'Connor and Ian McDermott, as NLP specialists, rework the traditional view of the nature of things, and strive to teach us to see the whole picture – and see things in a new way. We live in a world of ready-made mental models that we ourselves have not created. The world around us is often perceived as a given and we live in a vicious circle created by culture, public opinion, and upbringing. We ourselves come up with artificial restrictions and thereby complicate our lives. This can be corrected by properly influencing our existing mental models. The authors discover ways that allow you to find the trajectories of dynamic systems, eliminate their vulnerabilities, and change your life for the better.



Обыкновенный нуб Минус хочет защитить родную деревню от зомби и стать настоящим супервоином. К счастью, случайно встреченный алхимик предложил ему помочь. Минуса ждут интересные тренировки, сложные испытания, опасные квесты и поиск сокровищ. Удастся ли ему справиться со всеми трудностями и стать героем? В конце страницы тебе придется решать головоломки и разгадывать загадки, чтобы история продолжалась. Приключение начинается!


Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Emotional Intelligence. Why it can matter more than IQ” by Daniel Goleman. Everyone knows that a high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue, but until emotional intelligence was discovered we could only guess why. Daniel Goleman's brilliant research dives into psychology and neuroscience and offers surprising new insight into our "two minds" – the rational and the emotional – and how they together shape our destiny. Using clear examples, Goleman identifies the five crucial skills of emotional intelligence, and shows how they are key our success in relationships, our profession, and even our physical well-being. Today many MBA program have included the importance of emotional intelligence into their curriculum and not only the quantitative side of business. “Emotional Intelligence” was on the New York Times Bestseller’s list for 18 months, has been translated into 40 languages and is sold all over the world.