
&quot;America&#39;s best idea&quot; &#126; our National Park units!<br><br>As of 2016, the United States National Park Service oversees 410 park units. They are found in all 50 states, including Washington, D.C., and in the U.S. territories of Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.<br><br>Listed by state and territory, this book gives you a glance at these amazing National Parks, including the disbanded and proposed units. Whether it is in the mountains, the deserts, the prairies, on waterways or in urban areas, America&#39;s National Park units are unique and different from one another. Each unit is a jewel amid the national treasure and they all have a story to tell, if you have the time to listen.<br><br>


The most current, up to date, full color manual anywhere on the RPG-7 Grenade Launcher system.<br><br>Authored by Erik Lawrence, former Special Forces Instructor and owner of one of the most realistic and experienced training companies in the US.<br><br>65 pages of great to know information with procedures that have been vetted over time.<br><br>50+ color pictures to better explain the listed procedures.<br><br>Developed for weapons familiarization classes and instructor development…the best Team Room reference library available.<br><br>The objective of this manual is to allow the reader to be able to use the RPG-7 Grenade Launcher system safely and competently.<br><br>The practical guide will give the reader:<br><br>* background/specifications of the weapon and its capability<br>* Multiple descriptive photographs <br>* instructions on its operation<br>* disassembly and assembly procedures<br>* demonstrate correct employment of tripod<br>* proper safe firing procedures<br>* malfunction and misfire procedures<br><br>Operator level maintenance will also be detailed to allow the operator to understand and become competent in the use and maintenance of the RPG-7 Grenade Launcher system.


The most current, up to date, full color manual anywhere on the UZI Submachinegun.<br><br>Authored by Erik Lawrence, former Special Forces Instructor and owner of one of the most realistic and experienced training companies in the US.<br><br>51 pages of great to know information with procedures that have been vetted over time.<br><br>30+ color pictures to better explain the listed procedures.<br><br>Developed for weapons familiarization classes and instructor development…the best Team Room reference library available.<br><br>The objective of this manual is to allow the reader to be able to use the UZI Submachinegun safely and competently.<br><br>The practical guide will give the reader:<br><br>* background/specifications of the weapon and its capability<br>* multiple descriptive photographs <br>* instructions on its operation<br>* disassembly and assembly procedures<br>* proper safe firing procedures<br>* malfunction procedures<br><br>Operator level maintenance will also be detailed to allow the operator to understand and become competent in the use and maintenance of the UZI Submachinegun.


Child sexual abuse (CSA) is an insidious crime that can destroy the lives of innocent children and leave their families devastated. The topic of child sexual abuse is, at best, a difficult subject to discuss and at worst, a horrifying one. <br><br>Child sexual abuse has been defined as:<br>&quot;Child sexual abuse involves any sexual activity with a child where consent is not or cannot be given. This includes sexual contact that is accomplished by force or threat of force, regardless of the age of the participants, and all sexual contact between an adult and a child, regardless of whether there is deception or the child understands the sexual nature of the activity. Sexual contact between an older and a younger child also can be abusive if there is a significant disparity in age, development, or size, rendering the younger child incapable of giving informed consent. The sexually abusive acts may include sexual penetration, sexual touching, or non-contact sexual acts such as exposure or voyeurism.&quot;<br><br>The following is a representative list of risk factors related specifically to child sexual abuse within youth-serving organizations. Note that the emphasis is on &quot;unsupervised&quot; access to children in a variety of ways.<br><br>* Unsupervised contact with children<br>* Transportation of children<br>* Long term contact with children in live-in situation<br>* Extreme physical exertion in a remote setting with children<br>* Visit to children&#39;s homes<br>* Helping children change clothes, bathe, or with other personal activities<br>* Coaching sports in which physical contact between adult and child is routine<br>* Delivery of meals to children&#39;s homes<br><br>While many of the YSO&#39;s have undertaken a number of steps to keep the children safe, there are many such organizations that have not faced the facts about the profound risks to children that exist every day.



For many Toastmasters Clubs, one of the biggest challenges in running a successful and productive club is maintaining a constant flow of visitors to attend and join you and your fellow Toastmasters as a member. Members come and members go. Life happens! Your Club membership can quickly change from a healthy charter-strength club to one in danger of losing its Charter. <br><br>Veteran Toastmaster of over two decades, Rae Stonehouse DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster), PDG (Past District Governor, District 21) has witnessed the cycle several times with his own club Kelowna Flying Solo Toastmasters. <br><br>Toastmasters are social!<br><br>Toastmasters are known to be quite social, after-all we are striving to hone our communication skills. Then along comes social media and on-line tools that can increase not only our reach but our productivity. <br><br>Social media is here to stay!<br><br>Social media is here to stay, at least until the next &quot;big thing&quot; comes along. Keeping up with what&#39;s new, what&#39;s hot and what&#39;s not could easily turn into a full-time job. And indeed it has for many people as they have created a new career as Social Media Managers.<br><br>The Power of Promotion! On-line Marketing For Toastmasters Club Growth by Rae Stonehouse flattens the learning curve for anyone who wants to maximize their time spent on-line, without turning it into a full-time job. <br><br>Rae believes that Toastmasters clubs should be run like businesses and social media platforms provide promotional and marketing opportunities that can help spread the word about one of the world&#39;s best kept secrets… Toastmasters.<br><br>In this easy-to-read, how-to manual, Rae shares his experience with using social media to draw attention to his Toastmasters club and to convert visitors to social media properties to actually visit his club and to join. Sometimes it has worked … sometimes not!


Another whimsical true story by Jane Rome about her adventures in boating and the lessons God taught her along the way.


The Great Depression played no favorites-a fact that thirteen-year-old Faith Covington finds out when her father loses his job and she and her mother are transplanted from their upscale neighborhood in New York City to a farm in the Pennsylvania wilderness. As Faith struggles to learn a new way of life-and ultimately to figure out who she is, her faith is challenged by new customs and by a plot she stumbles upon that threatens the whole community. How will she respond when she comes face to face with racism, persecution, and greed? Will her faith hold up? She&#39;ll have to dig deeper, pray harder, and take more chances than she ever thought imaginable to discover those answers.


How to take nothing and make something. How to prosper in good and tough times. This book will wake you up to the opportunities that are all around you.


Fourteen-year-old Maddie Bergamo has it all-looks, brains, mad moves on the basketball court, a cute crush, and true friends-and so far, her life seems right on track to make her eventual goals of the Olympics and a sports scholarship to her Ivy League dream school.<br><br>But then life topples her neatly stacked plans, and Maddie finds herself in a fight for survival. As events spiral out of her control, Maddie receives an unexpected gift: an ancestor&#39;s extraordinary diary of life as a slave girl. And what Maddie discovers within those pages changes her world forever.