
Many of our ideas about the world are based more on feelings than facts, sensibilities than science, and rage than reality. We gravitate toward ideas that make us feel comfortable in areas such as religion, politics, philosophy, social justice, love and sex, humanity, and morality. We avoid ideas that make us feel uncomfortable. This avoidance is a largely unconscious process that affects our judgment and gets in the way of our ability to reach rational and reasonable conclusions. By understanding how our mind works in this area, we can start embracing uncomfortable ideas and be better informed, be more understanding of others, and make better decisions in all areas of life.<br><br>Some uncomfortable ideas entertained in this book:<br><br>– Political correctness can be harmful<br>– Identity politics is a dangerous game<br>– Morality is functionally democratic<br>– Victims often do share some of the responsibility<br>– God is a far more horrifying character than Satan<br>– There is no such thing as freewill<br>– Americans are manipulated into being pro-war<br>– Non-whites can be racist, and women can be sexist<br>– Some people do &quot;choose to be gay&quot;<br>– Sometimes the bad guys win<br>– Obese people are not perfect the way they are<br>– It&#39;s okay to find inappropriate jokes funny<br><br>Facts don&#39;t care about feelings. Science isn&#39;t concerned about sensibilities. And reality couldn&#39;t care less about rage. <br>Uncomfortable ideas. Prepare for a bumpy ride.


INTRODUCTION: A SAFARI INTO GENESIS<br>Genesis 2:19 After Adam, an adult, was created, God offered him the option to name animals.<br> Let&#39;s join him. We&#39;ll wear our jungle fatigues and tracking boots. We&#39;ll include a large quick-lens camera. Zoom lens binoculars and a knapsack containing some rations, dangles from our neck. We have heard from doubting Thomases who would discourage us from examining the New World emanating from Genesis. Our binoculars now zoom in on early creation wherein fresh, intelligent design emerges from a jungle clearing.<br> We suspect an Intelligent Designer to be admiring His creation in this enchanting Pangea. Just now a large, muscular figure, flaring with the sun&#39;s brightness, appears in the clearing behind a swathe of richly endowed fruit- bearing trees and flowers of glorious color.We are still blinking from the powerful sunlight on that figure. The DESIGNER on a hillside bluff, bright as the noonday sun, listens with fatherly enjoyment. (we&#39;re enjoying clairvoyance in this enchanting place.)<br> We record Adam&#39;s voice as he exclaims over a male giraffe, &#39;GOREF.&#39; We hear him &quot;I&#39;ll, call you &quot;Scruff.&quot; Aramaic- Hebrew found in the writings from which the 1611 King James Bible was taken. We&#39;ll hear the consonants in English as &#39;giraffe&#39;. At least a dozen concurrent nations use a similar word today. To be listed later.<br>Now Several Middle Eastern and other nations will mime the sound. Turkic: purpuruk; Assyrian: pirrpirraa; Persian:parvane; Hindi, parvana and Arabic p to f (a lingual &#39;bilabial switch&#39; to be explained later) as farasha. <br> Now he singles out a butterfly that flutters near his face. I&#39;ll call you &#39;parpar&#39; meaning to flutter. We remember words like the French &#39;parlay&#39; of the fluttering tongue and the English word &#39;Parliament&#39; for fluttering tongues. English words like parrot and parakeet for fluttering tongue birds quickly come to mind. We trip the shutter to capture the flight of the delicate creature which is now wandering over our heads. Later we&#39;ll find other Aramaic biblical Hebrew animal names, which the King James Bible or Strong&#39;s Bible Concordance may contain. I&#39;m removing this too warm jacket and rolling up the heavy camouflage pants. Happy creation hunting!


A perfect new holiday tradition families will return to year after year Provides comfort for children struggling with severe illnesses, injuries, disabilities and losses Introduces a delightfully memorable elvish phrase that teaches children how to process grief Creates a safe bridge to help families talk about painful emotions and tragedies An ideal story to bring comfort to those missing a loved one during the holidays Couples with a plush toy of the injured bunny Clara helps who becomes pivotal in her own healing


Рабочая тетрадь «Занимательная математика» поможет сформировать элементарные математические представления, способствует расширению кругозора, сенсорному и интеллектуальному развитию детей 3-4 лет. Она познакомит маленьких почемучек с увлекательным миром математики, заложит прочный фундамент знаний и поддержит интерес к занятиям. Система простых и эффективных упражнений, основанная на авторской методике К. В. Шевелева, прошла многолетнюю проверку и полностью соответствует требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта. Программа К. В. Шевелева рекомендована Федеральным институтом развития образования для использования в дошкольных образовательных организациях. Продолжить подготовку к школе можно с другими тетрадями данной серии. Для дошкольного возраста.


Вместе с этой книгой каждый день вы будете учить по пять новых английских слов. Все слова приводятся с транскрипцией и переводом, а также сопровождаются примерами употребления. Это поможет развить необходимые речевые навыки. В конце книги вы найдете раздел с самыми необходимыми фразами. Книга написана Андреем Солошенко, автором телеграм-канала @five_english_words, на который подписано около 50 000 человек.


Part of the Ordinary Terrible Things series, Divorce Is the Worst is a funny but frank picture book for kids whose parents are going through a divorce. In her iconic straightforward-but-sensitive way, author Anastasia Higginbotham sheds light on how hard it is for children to stay whole when their whole world, and the people in it, split apart. As a child of divorce, I can tell you that the worst part is feeling alone, and feeling like no one could ever understand how awful it is. This book counters those terrible feelings in a beautiful, heartfelt, funny, and digestible way. So incredibly important. &mdash; PETER PAIGE , executive producer and co-creator of ABC Family's «The Fosters» Anastasia Higginbotham…doesn’t sugarcoat the words or the charmingly rumpled illustrations in her new book about parents spitting up…With real humor and no pretension, Ms. Higginbotham offers kids empathy necessary to gain hope and perspective on any traumatic event. &mdash; JULIE BOWEN , actress, «Modern Family»


Are you a Belieber? Step inside the Justin Bieber museum exhibit in Stratford with <i>Justin Bieber: Steps to Stardom.</i> This visual journey through the exhibit and the life of Justin Bieber tells the story of his rise from busking on the steps of local theatres to performing at the largest and most well-known venues in the world.This book brings the museum to you, featuring 100 colour photos of some of the most iconic exhibit items, along with exclusive insights from Stratford Perth Museum general manager John Kastner. Read the never-before-revealed tales of the treasured display items, the story behind the creation of the exhibit itself, and the journeys of fans who have travelled from all over the globe to visit this homage to an icon. <i>Justin Bieber: Steps to Stardom</i> is a must-have collector's item for Beliebers all over the world.


В пособии разбираются конструкции Complex Object и Complex Subject, их образование и употребление. Приводятся самые употребительные глаголы, после которых используются эти конструкции. Множество разнообразных упражнений, большинство из которых основаны на современной английской и американской литературе, советы и рекомендации автора помогут овладеть конструкциями, узнавать их в тексте и активно использовать. Пособие предназначено для всех изучающих английский язык.


In your hands you hold the Spell Book of Harry Potter, containing all of the spells that Harry Potter and other great wizards and witches of the Wizarding World have used in the Harry Potter series. This book contains all the spells, what the spells do, and how they are pronounced as well as special essays on magic. With this book you can learn great spells yourself and become a great wizard or witch like Harry Potter!<br><br>The Harry Potter Spellbook Unofficial Guide is the original convenient and comprehensive guide to the spells and magic of the wizarding world of Harry Potter. This comprehensive guide includes:<br><br>*A to Z of Harry Potter Spells used in the Harry Potter books <br>*Complete descriptions of each spell, how the spell is pronounced and what it does<br>*Separate sections on different types of spells &ndash; Charms, Counterspells, Curses, Fake Spells, Healing, Hexes, Jinxes, Transfiguration and the destructive Unforgiveable Curses<br>*Types of Wizards, Wizard Training, Wizard wands, the effects of emotions on magic <br>*Descriptions of Animagi, Metamorphmagi, Parselmouths, Legilimency, Occlumency, Seers, Floo Network, Portkeys, Inferi, Dark Marks, Horcruxes and more.<br><br>Both as a fun magic guide and as an indispensable addition to any avid Harry Potter fan&#39;s collection, The Harry Potter Spellbook Unofficial Guide is the perfect book for you.<br>