
The Great Depression played no favorites-a fact that thirteen-year-old Faith Covington finds out when her father loses his job and she and her mother are transplanted from their upscale neighborhood in New York City to a farm in the Pennsylvania wilderness. As Faith struggles to learn a new way of life-and ultimately to figure out who she is, her faith is challenged by new customs and by a plot she stumbles upon that threatens the whole community. How will she respond when she comes face to face with racism, persecution, and greed? Will her faith hold up? She'll have to dig deeper, pray harder, and take more chances than she ever thought imaginable to discover those answers.


Fourteen-year-old Maddie Bergamo has it all-looks, brains, mad moves on the basketball court, a cute crush, and true friends-and so far, her life seems right on track to make her eventual goals of the Olympics and a sports scholarship to her Ivy League dream school.<br><br>But then life topples her neatly stacked plans, and Maddie finds herself in a fight for survival. As events spiral out of her control, Maddie receives an unexpected gift: an ancestor&#39;s extraordinary diary of life as a slave girl. And what Maddie discovers within those pages changes her world forever.


December 7, 1941. A soft Hawaiian breeze flutters across the lanai. A perfect Sunday morning . . . until tragedy strikes. Thirteen-year-old Emiko Arrington can&#39;t stop looking through the window at the cloud of smoke rising from Pearl Harbor, a shimmering curtain of black and gray that gradually drifts out to sea. She sees the planes, swarming like insects as they pour down the valley and turn into the harbor. She sees their bombs and torpedoes fall away. Within a short time, Emiko and her family cease to be Japanese-Americans. Somehow, without warning, they simply become Japanese. They become the enemy.


Lucas Taylor has lived a long life. Though his body is failing him, his memory is still strong as he recounts his journey through life, love, and loss&mdash;and shares an incredible lesson he&#39;s learned along the way.