

Mariana the Mermaid is not like the other mermaids. Abandoned by a careless mother on the ocean floor, she has never laughed or played, and can barely even swim. She feels useless. Then she meets Muriel the Turtle, who welcomes her into her family and teaches her to sing her own mighty song, making her feel confident and ready to join in with the other mermaids. Written for children aged 4+, this picture book uses a simple metaphor to show how children who have experienced neglect or who lack confidence can learn to find a sense of self-worth. It will help children explore their feelings and encourage communication.


At lunchtime, all of Tom's friends gather at school to work together building their house. Each one of them has a special job to do, and each one of them has a different way of expressing their gender identity. Jackson is a boy who likes to wear dresses. Ivy is a girl who likes her hair cut really short. Alex doesn't feel like 'just' a boy, or 'just' a girl. They are all the same, they are all different – but they are all friends. A very simple story that challenges gender stereotypes and shows 4 to 8 year olds that it is OK to be yourself. An engaging story that is more than just an educational tool; this book will assist parents and teachers in giving children the space to explore the full spectrum of gender diversity and will show children the many ways they can express their gender in a truly positive light.


Sometimes I feel sad.Sometimes it's because I've lost something.Or because I'm hurt.Other times I don't know why I feel sad.I just do. Feeling sad is, unfortunately, a part of everyone's life, and there's not always an easy fix. This touching book helps explain to children aged 5-11 that they're not alone in feeling this way, and is especially useful for children who struggle to express their feelings.


When I am ready, I need you to talk to me and help me understand my feelings…' This reassuring story helps children aged 5+ with attachment issues to understand their feelings, open up to a caring adult and learn how to choose positive behaviours. Ben is made up of lots of different 'parts' – to name a few, he has happy, caring, angry, excited, hugging and yelling parts. Ben explains how all these parts are okay, and that a caring adult can help you to understand and manage them more easily. This book also features activities to help children talk about their feelings, and a simple introduction to attachment theory for adults.


"It was lovely seeing you and your family, Jenny. Let's catch up again soon. And remember, 'All work and no play makes Jack … an International Human Rights Lawyer!" Jenny is a busy mum, who gets a visit from her friend, the Tiger Mum, which makes Jenny feel she's not doing enough for her own children. If they haven't mastered at least two instruments, three languages or read all of the classics before university, how will they ever succeed in life?! With some help from her family, Jenny realises how easy it is to get caught up in the anxiety of parenting and the important thing is that her children are growing up in a warm, loving environment. A humorous look at overanxious parenting that helps put everyday stresses about children's achievements into perspective.


Molly is a mole with many friends, including a deer, a butterfly, and an owl. Sometimes Molly feels sad because she doesn't look the same as her friends, and feels very different to them. By helping each of them out with a task, Molly learns that her friends love her for the amazing qualities that are unique just to her. Molly the Mole addresses the difference between the way we perceive ourselves and the way our friends and family perceive us. Molly learns the importance of being kind and patient with others, and that everyone is unique. Part of the Truth and Tails series, which aims to eliminate prejudices and encourage acceptance in young children aged 4-8, this delightful story is accompanied by hand-drawn, watercolour illustrations.

