
This essential guide to tic disorders and Tourette Syndrome tackles problems faced both at home and at school, such as adjusting to the diagnosis, the effect on siblings and classroom difficulties. Dr Chowdhury offers advice on how to manage symptoms, describing practical techniques such as habit reversal and massed practice and reviewing available medical treatments. In clear, accessible language, this book explains the clinical signs and symptoms of Tourette and related conditions, and their possible causes. Presenting strategies for dealing with associated difficulties, including low self-esteem, anger-management and bullying, this book will be invaluable to parents, teachers, social workers and other professionals.


"It was lovely seeing you and your family, Jenny. Let's catch up again soon. And remember, 'All work and no play makes Jack … an International Human Rights Lawyer!" Jenny is a busy mum, who gets a visit from her friend, the Tiger Mum, which makes Jenny feel she's not doing enough for her own children. If they haven't mastered at least two instruments, three languages or read all of the classics before university, how will they ever succeed in life?! With some help from her family, Jenny realises how easy it is to get caught up in the anxiety of parenting and the important thing is that her children are growing up in a warm, loving environment. A humorous look at overanxious parenting that helps put everyday stresses about children's achievements into perspective.