
A heartwarming, homey tale of the Basset family, who were «poor in money, but rich in love.» Louisa May Alcott was an American novelist best known as author of the novel ‘Little Women.’ In the mid-1860s, Alcott wrote passionate, fiery novels and sensational stories. She also produced wholesome stories for children, and after their positive reception, she did not generally return to creating works for adults. Alcott continued to write until her death.


In the antecedent of ‘The Young Lion Hunter’, Grey tells of his first adventure out west with Buffalo Jones. Of this book, Grey said, «I am hoping that it may influence boys to a keener love and appreciation of all the wonderful outdoors of their native land.»


There was Delaney's red-haired trio—Red Gilbat, left fielder; Reddy Clammer, right fielder, and Reddie Ray, center fielder, composing the most remarkable outfield ever developed in minor league baseball. It was Delaney's pride, as it was also his trouble.


'Beauty and the Beast' is a magical tale of love, understanding, and triumph. Late one night a merchant becomes lost in the woods and stumbles upon a seemingly deserted castle. Hungry and tired, he enters the castle and finds a feast laid out on a grand table. Finding no one else in the castle, he eats the food himself. In the morning as he leaves he finds a beautiful rose bush in the garden and picks a single flower for his daughter Belle. Suddenly a beast appears and tells him he must die for abusing his hospitality. The merchant explains that he only picked the rose for his daughter. The Beast makes a deal with him that he can take the rose and other riches back to his daughter but only if he agrees to return and does not tell his daughter of the deal. The merchant agrees and makes his way home. He is unable to keep this terrible secret from Belle and when she finds out she returns to the Castle in his place. This is a wonderfully enchanting story, from the opening Once Upon a Time until the final Happily Ever After. A story your children will cherish for years.


The continuing Adventures of Plupy, Beany, and Pewt. «Sequil» is indeed the sequel to Henry A. Shute's beloved 'Diary of a Real Boy'. Henry A. Shute was widely considered the Mark Twain of New England during his lifetime. Transport yourself to a simpler time and laugh along with our heroes as they navigate through the trials and tribulations of boyhood in the late 1800s.


The Absorbent Mind was Maria Montessori's most in-depth work on her educational theory, based on decades of scientific observation of children. Her view on children and their absorbent minds was a landmark departure from the educational model at the time. This book helped start a revolution in education. Since this book first appeared there have been both cognitive and neurological studies that have confirmed what Maria Montessori knew decades ago.


After failing to tempt him to their own vices, Santa is kidnapped from the Laughing Valley by the five Daemons of the Caves (Daemons of Selfishness, Envy, Hatred, Malice, and Repentance) on Christmas Eve. Can Christmas be saved?


Children love birthday parties. This is a book – a first of its kind – to help kids understand and celebrate the birthday of the Church. The Day When God Made the Church is the story of Pentecost and how the Holy Spirit shaped, and continues to shape, who we are as God’s Church. Children will learn the story of Pentecost: the sights, sounds, and events of that miraculous day described in the Book of Acts. They will also discover who the Holy Spirit is and how God calls each of us to follow Jesus. At the end, parents, educators, ministers will discover fresh ways to celebrate Pentecost with children in their own churches and families.


Пособие «Каллиграфические прописи. 1–4-й классы» представляет собой рабочую тетрадь, в которой ребёнок потренируется аккуратно и красиво писать буквы, их элементы, варианты соединений, а также слоги и слова. Занимаясь по этому пособию, ребёнок сможет выработать красивый почерк и увеличить скорость письма. Пособие можно использовать для работы дома, а также в качестве дополнительного материала на уроках в классе. Для начального образования.


Книга «10 000 задач и примеров по математике. Весь курс начальной школы. 1–4 классы» известных педагогов-практиков О. Е. Узоровой и Е. А. Нефёдовой – это сборник заданий для проверки знаний и повторения пройденного материала по математике в 1–4 классах. Выполняя теоретические и практические задания, школьник сможет хорошо подготовиться к контрольным и проверочным работам по математике. Пособие можно использовать для самостоятельной работы дома и на уроках математики в классе. Для начального образования.