
With a bootylicious body like Beyoncé and a face that would put any top model to shame, Toi McKnight has all the cuties coming her way. Who could blame them? She was always rocking the latest fashion trends and hanging at every bangin' party in the city. But all that came at a price, and now Toi McKnight is the seventeen-year-old mother of a baby boy. Between bills to pay and adult responsibilities to meet, she's got zero time for sizzling gossip, chilling with her friends or doing the things she used to. So when unexpected sparks start flying between her and six-foot-two, deliciously fine Harlem, Toi knows she's got to dead any chance of a relationship fast since he doesn't date teenage mothers–and she's vowed to never love again. But every time Toi tries to cut Harlem loose, she falls harder for him. And all the other drama in her life doesn't help the situation any, especially when her son's father comes back around. Toi tries to do the right thing, but doing the right thing just may put her on heartbreak express for good. Introducing teen writing sensation Ni-Ni Simone. With a raw, fresh, and unmistakable voice, she proves herself a force to be reckoned with. Simone lives in New Jersey and is a graduate of Kean University.


Just as South Bay High's Jayd Jackson is feeling good that her two main social circles have finally come together, drama takes over once more, and the usual suspects are involved. . . These days, family and relationship drama is the name of the game in Jayd's life–from her fighting uncles on the home front to her friend Mickey's possible pregnancy–aka her «maybe baby»–to a vengeful plan being plotted by Misty, Jayd's nemesis, over a highly personal problem. In fact, Jayd may have to do some plotting of her own to keep her crew safe from Misty's drama. Meanwhile, Rah is trying to get closer to Jayd, but she won't be his rebound girl. Everything comes to a head when Jayd's ex, Jeremy, asks to play basketball with Rah and the others and is told that a white boy can't ball. Jeremy proves them wrong, but will that be enough for them to let him on the team for an important game? Or will ego and stereotyping win? It's almost more than Jayd can take–until her Mama reminds her of her powerful lineage. Now it's time for Jayd to catch up on her spirit work, and confront some powerful emotions of her own. . .


Perry Skky Jr. is at the point in his life where he has to decide if he is truly willing to keep his word to God. . . Between managing his short time during the Christmas holidays, the pressure to win the college National Championship football game, and the demands of having a steady girl, Perry is feeling the burden of being torn in more directions than he can handle. And when a night out clubbing ends with his teammate, Saxon, in the hospital, the New Year is not starting off on the right track. Unfortunately, the challenges are just beginning. From a run-in with a violent gang, to Perry's beloved grandmother falling ill, to a flirtation that turns into a temptation, Perry finds himself tested like never before. Stressed out and frustrated, Perry can't help wondering how he can put God first when so many forces seem to be working against him. Though deep down, Perry knows that his glory only lies with God on his side, he feels drawn to let his flesh lead. Can he get past his weaknesses, learn how to truly embrace God's love, and be an example that will make others want to know God. . .or will he screw up his life for good? Includes a guide on how to start your own book club!





From the mind of basketball legend, Academy Award–winning, and New York Times –bestselling storyteller Kobe Bryant comes a new tale of finding your strength against all odds. Set in an alternate classical world dominated by sports and a magical power called grana, Epoca: The Tree of Ecrof is the story of two children: the lowly born Rovi and the crown princess Pretia who uncover and battle terrible evil and discover their inner strength along the way. Epoca: The Tree of Ecrof takes place at the most elite sports academy in the land, where the best child-athletes are sent to hone their skills. When Rovi and Pretia arrive, each harboring a secret about themselves, they begin to suspect that something evil is at play at the school. In the course of their first year, they must learn to master their grana in order to save the world from dark forces that are rising.


From the mind of basketball legend and Academy Award–winning storyteller Kobe Bryant comes a new tale of finding your inner magic against all odds. GAME. SET. MAGIC.Game – Tennis means life and death for the residents of the magical kingdom of Nova, and for twelve-year-old Legacy, it’s the only thing getting her through the long days taking care of the other kids at the orphanage. That’s all about to change when she hears about Silla’s tournament.Set – Silla, the ruler of Nova, hosts an annual tournament for the less fortunate of her citizens to come and prove themselves and win entrance to the Academy, where they can train to compete at nationals. The prize is Silla’s favor and enough cash to keep open the orphanage, and Legacy has her heart set on both. Magic – What Legacy has yet to know is that the other players have something besides better skills and more money than she does. In Nova, tennis can unlock magic. Magic that Silla used to save the kingdom long ago and magic that her competitors have been training in for months already. Now, with the world turned against her and the orphanage at stake, Legacy has to learn to use her passion for the game to rise above those around her and shine.


This delightful read-aloud story for children uses parenting author Vicki Lansky’s lovable unisex character, KoKo Bear, to show that toilet training is only a part of the larger process of growing up. Both boys and girls can identify with young KoKo’s growing ability to learn just how nice dry diapers can be. Told through a fun and pleasurable story, KoKo helps children understand all the issues of potty training—what to expect and what’s expected.Color illustrations on each page add warmth to the simple story that children can easily understand and convey the family’s happiness with KoKo’s success and their patience with accidents and hesitations.Every page contains read-aloud text in large type for the child as well as a box containing two or three practical tips in smaller type for the parent. Each tip provides helpful information on how to assess, respond and deal with a toddlers’s predictable behavior during the often long period of time that training can take.


Dem kleinen Spatz Fiete fehlt ein Zeh, weshalb er von seinen Geschwistern gehänselt und gejagt wird. Um sich zu verstecken, schlüpft er in eine kleine Socke und streift so getarnt durch einen Park. Dort trifft er eine alte Ratte, die sich seiner annimmt und sein Freund wird. Im Laufe der Geschichte trifft Fiete noch viele andere Freunde, die ihn so nehmen, wie er ist. Gemeinsam erleben sie viele Abenteuer an Land und mit einem alten Kutter auch auf See. Es geht um freundschaftlichen Zusammenhalt, unsere Umwelt und ihren Schutz und um die vielen Hürden, die im Alltag zu bestehen und neue Dinge, die zu lernen sind.