
James Joseph Walsh, M.D., LL.D., Litt.D., Sc.D. (1865-1942) was an American physician and author, born in New York City. He graduated from Fordham College in 1884 and from the University of Pennsylvania (M.D.) in 1895. After postgraduate work in Paris, Vienna and Berlin he settled in New York. This version contains dozens of linked footnotes to help deepen your reading experience.


Betsy Bobbin is shipwrecked in the Nonestic Ocean with her friend Hank the mule. The two drift to shore in the Rose Kingdom on a fragment of wreckage. Betsy meets the Shaggy Man and accompanies him to the Nome Kingdom, where Shaggy hopes to release his brother, a prisoner of the Nome King. The group experiences many fascinating and exciting adventures on their way to the Nome Kingdom. They meet Queen Ann Soforth of Oogaboo and her army, and the lovely Polychrome, who has lost her rainbow again; they rescue Tik-Tok from a well; and are dropped through a Hollow Tube to the other side of the world where they meet Quox, the dragon. Will they ever rescue the Shaggy Man's brother? This lavishly illustrated edition has more than one hundred of the original John R. Neill illustrations.


The Tin Man and the Scarecrow are regaling each other with tales of past adventures in the Tin Man's castle in the Winkie Country when a Gillikin boy named Woot wanders into their presence. After he is fed and rested (which the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow, not being of blood and flesh, do not need), Woot asks the Tin Man how he became made of tin. The Tin Man tells Woot the story of how he had once been a flesh-and-blood woodman in love with a maiden named Nimmie Aimee. Woot suggests that since the Tin Man now has a kind and loving heart, it is his duty to find Nimmie Aimee and make her Empress of the Winkies. The Scarecrow agrees, so the three set off to search for the girl. Will they find her, and if they do will she still love the Tin Man? This edition is furnished with over 70 of John R. Neill's original superb illustrations.


The Little Wizard Stories of Oz contains six thrilling short stories based on characters from the Wizard of Oz. L. Frank Baum had announced to the world that he was done writing Oz books. Inundated with letters from disappointed children Baum decided to write short stories in the hopes that this would mollify his legions of disappointed fans. These stories explore more deeply many of the characters we've come to know and love Jack Pumkinhead, The Cowardly Lion, The Hungry Tiger, The Scarecrow, The Tin Woodman, and even the Wizard of Oz himself. This lavishly illustrated edition has more than forty of John R. Neill's whimsical drawings.



A Boy’s Will' is the poetry collection that put the world on notice that Robert Frost was going to be an important Poet. His early poems were already exploring the themes and subject matter that would make him America’s best known poet. Simply superb.


Modern science has proved that the fundamental traits of every individual are indelibly stamped in the shape of his body, head, face and hands—an X-ray by which you can read the characteristics of any person on sight. The most essential thing in the world to any individual is to understand himself. The next is to understand the other fellow. For life is largely a problem of running your own car as it was built to be run, plus getting along with the other drivers on the highway. From this book you are going to learn which type of car you are and the main reasons why you have not been getting the maximum of service out of yourself. Also you are going to learn the makes of other human cars, and how to get the maximum of co-operation out of them. This co-operation is vital to happiness and success. We come in contact with our fellowman in all the activities of our lives and what we get out of life depends, to an astounding degree, on our relations with him. «Elsie Lincoln Benedict is a woman who has studied deeply under genuine scientists and is demonstrating to thousands at the Auditorium each evening that she knows the connection between an individual's external characteristics and his inner traits.»-Minneapolis News. «Elsie Lincoln Benedict is known nationally, having conducted lecture courses in many of the large Eastern cities. Her work is based upon the practical methods of modern science as worked out in the world's leading laboratories where exhaustive tests are applied to determine individual types, talents, vocational bents and possibilities.»-San Francisco Bulletin


In this delightful tale an unnamed boy discovers that there is a dragon living in the downs above his house. But this is no ordinary dragon, this is an erudite, poetry-loving dragon. The boy and the dragon become friends in short order. Unfortunately, the villagers also discover that there is a dragon living in the downs and they send for the great dragon slayer St. George. The boy and the dragon need a plan, a plan that will save the life of this unique and delightful dragon. This edition is illustrated with whimsical dragons throughout. From the author of 'The Wind in the Willows.'


Join us aboard a pirate ship in a time that never was. A swashbuckling tale of mutiny and courage set in the Pacific. Vivid and entertaining.


«Андрей Васильич Коврин, магистр, утомился и расстроил себе нервы. Он не лечился, но как-то вскользь, за бутылкой вина, поговорил с приятелем доктором, и тот посоветовал ему провести весну и лето в деревне. Кстати же пришло длинное письмо от Тани Песоцкой, которая просила его приехать в Борисовку и погостить. И он решил, что ему в самом деле нужно проехаться…»