



Beautifully rendered and fascinatingly textured art makes this unique book attention-getting and gifty for nature lovers of all ages. The author has a true reverence for animals and nature that comes through clearly in text and art. Author has illustrated books for Scholastic but this is the debut book for his crumpled paper art. Highly informative text covers the diversity of 16 carefully chosen animals, their characteristics, and their habitat Includes animals from these places: Serengeti National Park (Tanzania-African Bush Elephant); Ol Pejeta Conservancy (Kenya-Northern White Rhinoceros); Nunavut, Northwest Canada (Peary Caribou); Gunung Leuser National Park (Sumatra-Sumatran Orangutan); Lake Balaton, Hungary (Eastern Imperial Eagle); Coast of Newfoundland, North America (North Atlantic Right Whale); Virunga Mountains (Congo-Mountain Gorilla); Sundarban mangrove forest (India-Bengal Tiger); Nujiang River Valley, Eastern Tibet (Snow Leopard); Milman Island, Coral Sea, Australia(Hawksbill Sea Turtle); Coast of Gulf of California, Mexico (Vaquita); Svalbard, Norway (Polar Bear); Kaeng Krachan National Park, Thailand (Sunda Pangolin); Bering Sea, Russia (Pacific Walrus); Fernandina Island, Ecuador (Galapagos Penguin); Amazon Rainforest, Brazil (Lowland Tapir). Kunal created this sculpture technique when playing with art along with his young son. Kunal creates eco-friendly sculptures by sourcing from eco-friendly paper companies that plant a tree for every ream of paper sold. Includes map and detailed author note. Downloadable educator guide will be available. Lexile: NC1060L.


In this groundbreaking study based on five years of in-depth ethnographic and interdisciplinary research, <I>Troubled in the Land of Enchantment</I> explores the well-being of adolescents hospitalized for psychiatric care in New Mexico. Anthropologists&#160;Janis H. Jenkins and Thomas J. Csordas present a gripping picture of psychic distress, familial turmoil, and treatment under the regime of managed care that dominates the mental health care system. &#160;The authors make the case for the centrality of struggle in the lives of youth across an array of extraordinary conditions, characterized by personal anguish and structural violence. Critical to the analysis is the cultural phenomenology of existence disclosed through shifting narrative accounts by youth and their families as they grapple with psychiatric diagnosis, poverty, misogyny, and stigma in their trajectories through multiple forms of harm and sites of care.&#160;Jenkins and&#160;Csordas compellingly direct our attention to the conjunction of lived experience, institutional power, and the very possibility of having a life.



Hank is literally at the end of his rope in his tenth adventure. It’s roundup time at the ranch and Hank is left behind, tied to a post, while a high-bred border collie named Bennie takes Hank's place and runs the show. How can Hank restore himself as Head of Ranch Security and reclaim his fame and fortune?


It’s early January on Hank’s ranch when Slim and Loper recieve word that an ice storm is headed their way. However, just as they’re about the prepare the cattle and stock tanks at the ranch to safely weather the storm, Deputy Kile calls with some bad news. It seems that one of their electric fences has short-circuited, and some of their wheat pasture steers have strayed into town and onto the Twitchell golf course! Slim saddles up his horse and heads off to retrieve the steers, but a few mishaps delay his cowboying just long enough to coat Twitchell in ice and make his steer-roping adventure into a rip-roaring frozen rodeo!


Hank the Cowdog is having a string of rotten luck. First, he accidentally gets trapped in a cattle trailer and ends up stranded in town. Then, the dogcatcher picks him up and locks him in a cage! However, fate turns around when he meets up with Dogpound Ralph. The two dogs break free and strike out on the adventure of a lifetime. Suddenly, life just couldn’t be any better. Or could it?