
Everyone knows that a dog’s gotta chew what a dog’s gotta chew. But when Hank’s doggie urges have him chomping on plastic—including Little Alfred’s toy truck— Hank knows he’s got to get things under control. Then Beulah—the long-eared lady dog of his dreams—shows up at the ranch, and Hank is thrilled. At last, he thinks, she’s finally given up her infatuation with Plato the Bird Dog. But it turns out that Plato is missing, and Beulah wants Hank to help find him. Can he put his doggie dreams aside and do the right thing? And will hunting for Plato help with his chewing problem? It’s all in a day’s work for everyone’s favorite Head of Ranch Security!


While Slim and Loper are away from the ranch for three days, Hank suffers from…is it a double bumblebee sting, or much worse? It falls upon Sally May to nurse the stricken Hank back to health. Her patience and compassion are seriously tested, while the afflicted Hank endures humiliation at the hands of Pete, Wallace and Junior, and an insulting veterinarian. Does Sally May care after all?


Hank discovers an elixir that gives him a huge burst of energy – Sally May’s bucket of root stimulator. It gave him such a kick, he challenges Rufus, the Doberman Pincher to a fight, only to discover that, in the meantime, Sally May has filled the bucket with mopwater! Big trouble for the Head of Ranch Security.


Talk about a rude awakening! Things go from bad to worse when Hank and Drover wake up in the wee hours of the morning to a full-fledged invasion of the ranch. It’s the coyotes, and they’re set on making a take-out dinner out of the resident cat, Pete. But, when Hank does Pete a favor, things take an even more unexpected turn: the coyotes catch sight of Drover and decide to kidnap him instead! In the blink of an eye, little Drover is taken prisoner, and that means that Hank only has one day to figure out how to get him back before the coyotes make Drover their evening meal. Can Hank manage to get Slim to understand the situation, or will he have to go it alone? Or, will he get help from a very unexpected ally?


Little Alfred is having a hard time accepting his new baby sister, Molly. Hank tries to give him some advice, but Alfred decides to run away from home. It's up to Hank the Cowdog, Head of Ranch Security, to save Alfred from the coyotes, bobcats, and other monsters that lurk in the «dark unchanted forest.»


What happens when Hank the Cowdog finds himself stuck in town and facing the mean, monster Great Dane, “Rambo”? Rambo’s only weakness is that he’s a car-barkaholic. He just can’t resist chasing and barking at passing cars. Join Hank as he runs the Eighteen-Wheeler Marathon, charms his nieces and nephews with tales of courage, and enlists Dog-Pound Ralph in a scheme to banish Rambo.


Hank the Cowdog is at it again! There’s a burglar on the loose, and he’s robbing houses with the help of a super-sneaky, superstinky secret weapon. As Head of Ranch Security, Hank knows it’s his job to protect the ranch and all the buildings on it. So when a suspicious character comes sniffing around Slim’s bachelor shack, Hank heads right into action. But does Hank have what it takes to save the day—even after getting caught?


Someone has been raiding Sally May's garbage barrels! Hank knows the crime is the work of a notorious gang of raccoons, but in a tragic case of mistaken identity, the Head of Ranch Security is himself forced to take the heat. Even more trouble lies ahead. Rip and Snort, the good-for-nothing coyote brothers, are planning to pull an even bigger job. Not only is Hank powerless to stop them, he's forced to fight on the side of evil and must contend with terrifying forces!


Hank’s day begins defending the ranch against a vicious one-eyed robot. After that exhausting morning, Hank supervises Little Alfred’s fishing trip. That routine expedition turns into a first-class crisis when Hank reels in more than he bargained for. A vanishing fishhook? Is there hope for Hank, or is it curtains for our hero?


Hank runs into a dispute with a giant bullfrog over the Emerald Pond. Then, there’s a battle with a…Monster. It’s too scary to tell what kind of monster it is! However, things get really tough when Hank is entrusted with the job of guarding Little Alfred’s soon-to-be prize-winning chicks. They’re cute, but they also look delicious! Will Hank be able to put aside his doggie instincts or will his appetite finally get the best of him?