
The fourth book in the Hank the Cowdog series, Murder in the Middle Pasture, begins with a baffling new mystery – the death of a calf on the ranch, and, as Head of Ranch Security, Hank must go on a very dangerous mission to spy on the coyote village and arrest the murderer. However, a pack of wild dogs soon complicates the plot, and it takes all of Hank’s deductive powers to solve this one!


Hank assists Eddy the Rac performing amazing feats of illusion. But the magic tricks backfire when Hank becomes a prime suspect in a felony and Eddy pulls a disappearing act. This tale leads Hank through the creepy haunted house as he tries to save his friend and clear his name.


Hank the Cowdog has seen dry summers in his years as the Head of Ranch Security, but nobody on the ranch has seen a drought like this. Ponds have dried up, the creek is down to a trickle, pastures have turned to burned toast, and the cows are kicking up clouds of dust. Then, to top it all off, Pete the Barncat hatches a dastardly plot to ruin Loper’s birthday! The last thing the cowboys need is a prairie fire, but that’s what they get, and it begins to look like the next roundup might be their last. What the ranch really needs is a good rain to bring back the grass . . . and Loper’s good mood!


In this exciting case, Hank falls victim to a series of sneaky schemes: first, a Turkey Debacle endangers his relationship with Sally May, then, a case of poisoning puts him at death’s doornail, and finally, a disastrous ride to town almost finishes him off. As each terrible event takes its toll on his reputation – not to mention his dignity – Hank begins to notice a pattern. Could it be that an evil mastermind is behind these plots? As the pieces of the puzzle fall into place, Hank narrows down the pool of suspects and finds himself drawn into a deep, dark conspiracy orchestrated by his mortal enemy…or is it mortal enemies?


Slim rescues an orphan raccoon, and much to Hank’s dismay, everyone on the ranch is enchanted with the “cute” baby coon with the beady little eyes and amazing little hands. Yet, little do they know that every time midnight rolls around, Eddy the Rac is seized with uncontrollable fits and it’s Hank’s responsibility to guard the crafty masked bandit every moment! Soon Hank finds himself teaming up with Eddy to liberate the poor “singing” cookies.


Hank the Cowdog is about to go on the ride of his life! When Slim’s pickup truck breaks down, the ranch ends up with a brand-new model on loan while the old one gets fixed. But a ranch dog like Hank isn’t used to power windows and door locks, and he gets into a heap of trouble with the push of a button. Will Hank be able to find a way out of this latest mess?


When a strange twist of events brings a yellow Labrador onto the scene of a roundup gone wrong, the entire ranch quickly falls in love with this newest addition to the ranch's Security Division. Who can help loving a Lab? Hank quickly begins to feel the pressure of measuring up to this perfect dog, but it isn't long before everyone begins to notice that their sweet new pet, Happy, has a few personality quirks of his own. Will Happy stay on the ranch forever? Will Hank manage to solve the crisis that erupts when Happy's quirks get out of hand, before Happy eats the ranch into bankruptcy?


It’s Hank’s job to clear the ranch of all intruders–and that includes gophers. But when Hank’s efforts causes a stampede in the middle of the cattle roundup, Loper decides that he wants Hank to learn some manners, so he’s sending him to–gulp!–Obedience School. To Hank, this sounds like torture, complete with dank dungeons, torches burning on the walls, and menacing instructors who wield the rules of etiquette like weapons. Will he survive?


It’s early springtime on the ranch, and Hank is going through the usual motions of making sure that a warm spring arrives safely: singing songs about it, barking faithfully each morning, and helping the cowboys with their work around the ranch. However, in the midst of a particularly hard day’s nap, he receives a report that his little birdy friend, Madame Moonshine, is in danger of being eaten by Pete the Barncat! Naturally, Hank springs into action to save her, but a misstep brings the wrath of Sally May down on his head, and Hank must flee the scene of the rescue and travel west on the Oregon Trail with Little Alfred. Later, when a freak storm strands both of them far from the house, Hank must rely on his instincts and clever wits—and perhaps a little help from Madame Moonshine—to keep them both safe and get Alfred back to his mother!


Hank and Drover are just beginning an investigation when a pirate suddenly appears on the front porch! They soon realize that the pirate is just Little Alfred in disguise. Alfred chooses Hank as his first mate, and Hank enthusiastically agrees to be hoisted up into the tree-house pirate ship…then remembers dogs don’t belong in trees! Can Hank survive his adventure on the high seas and return to shore in one piece?