
It is in a harsh and eerie landscape – the crater formed by the meteor they called &quot;The Stranger&quot; – that another stranger is found… dead. In an area where the presence of every outsider is announced by the bush telegraph, how had this man passed unreported? Who was he? How had he died? No tracks around the crater and no stranger in town. It soon becomes obvious to Bony that both the locals and the Aboriginals are guarding a secret – untill the will of the Tribe breaks their silence…<br /> <br /><i>This is undoubtedly Upfield's strongest book, for a number of reasons: 1) Bony is at his best in his detective work; 2) Upfield is at his best in studying the social and cultural situations of the white and the Aboriginals; 3) though the physical setting is less intense than in some other works, it is strong here; 4) Upfield's symbolism – especially in the use of the metaphor of clothes vs nakedness – is extraordinarily complex. There is no doubt that this particular book is a masterpiece in every way</i>. – from <i>The Spirit of Australia </i>by Ray Browne.


Myra Thomas, apparently dressed only in nightgown and slippers, has walked off the train somewhere along the 650 kilometres of track that crosses the Nullarbor Plain. With two camels and a dog, Bony begins to search the desert in search of her. He finds more than he bargins for – only to find a group of people imprisoned in the extensive limestone caves beneath the desert plain…<br /> <br /><i>This is surely one of the two or three strangest of Upfield's novels. It is an eerie mixture of Aboriginal folk customs and white man's greed and lust for revenge. Something of a study of abnormal psychology, it nevertheless turns on people's very natural and nasty feelings… This book is a splendid combination of plot, setting and development.</i> – from <i>The Spirit of Australia </i>by Ray Browne.


Detective-Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte is on leave, staying with an old friend near Adelaide. Ben Wickham, a meteorologist whose uncannily accurate weather forecasts had helped farmers all over Australia, lived nearby. Ben died after a three-week drinking binge and a doctor certified death as due to delirium tremens – but Bony's host insists that whatever Ben died of it wasn't alcohol…<br /> <br /><i>This is an unusual crime story for Upfield, but, revealing the vast range of his interests, it is one of the better ones … Constable Alice McGorr returns and is at her strongest and most profane best … she is extraordinary, and should be appreciated as one of his major creations.</i> – from <i>The Spirit of Australia </i>by Ray Browne.<br /> <br /><i>Bony – a unique figure among top-flight detectives</i> – BBC






“Compelling, gruesome . . . a great read.” — Mystery Scene “OLSEN WILL SCARE YOU—AND YOU’LL LOVE IT.”—Lee Child"OLSEN WRITES RAPID-FIRE PAGE-TURNERS.”— The Seattle Times Seduction. Mind control. Murder. These are the weapons that have made Brenda Nevins one of the most wanted—and feared—criminals in the world. Now the notorious serial killer has escaped from prison and is plotting her revenge. Using innocent young women as bait, she will lure her unsuspecting victims into her trap. This time, sheriff’s detective Kendall Stark and forensic pathologist Birdy Waterman won’t be able to stop her. The killing will be filmed. The feed will be live. And the blood will be streaming . . .   Praise for Gregg Olsen’s novels   “YOU’LL SLEEP WITH THE LIGHTS ON AFTER READING GREGG OLSEN.” —Allison Brennan “READERS WILL GET THE SHOCK OF A LIFETIME.” — Suspense Magazine “OLSEN KEEPS THE TENSION TAUT.” — Publishers Weekly “The fifth Waterman and Stark thriller from the very talented Gregg Olsen . . . it’s truly a great read.” — Mystery Scene Magazine


Красная Рука, Черная Простыня, Желтый Глаз и другие подобные сущности лучше всего себя чувствуют в детских учреждениях – школах и летних лагерях. И это объяснимо: там для них создается исключительно благоприятная атмосфера. А вот милиция против них совершенно бессильна, потому как нагана нечисть не боится. Чего она боится, берется выяснить молоденький стажёр Виктор Рахманов. Ох и натерпится он страха! Для среднего школьного возраста.


Малюсенький сборник рассказов в жанре ужасов и фантастики. Всего в произведение включено шесть коротких жутковатых историй на разную тематику. Внимание! Желательно, читать в темноте, укрывшись одеялом и прислушиваясь к подозрительным шорохам и скрипам. Вполне возможно, что реальность не такая уж и сломанная, и находитесь вы вовсе не в настоящем мире…