
Как известно, ни одно из канонических Евангелий не является аутентичным текстом. Есть мнение, что канонические Евангелия диктовались Богом. А как был рождён сын дьявола? Наивно предполагать, что антипод Господа, зная о рождении Сына Бога, не сделал бы тоже самое. В этой книге описано рождение сына дьявола на Земле – «Евангелие от сатаны». С помощью колдовских чар князь тьмы вступает с царицей Изидой в близкие отношения. Рождается дьяволенок. Жрец Унхатон и астролог Месхет пытаются убить сына сатаны. Дьяволу удается спасти своего наследника и вывезти его из Египта в Рим.



Это пятая и заключительная книга саги "Келпи" о волшебном мире Граничных земель и борьбе добра и зла. Хейди, принцессе Граничных земель, предстоит сделать трудный выбор между любовью и долгом, ведь она полюбила того, кто сам является источником зла. Преодолев множество преград, девушка находит выход: она сможет и сохранить любовь, и вернуть мир родной земле, и защитить своих людей от грозящей им опасности. Но жертва, которая потребуется от нее, оказывается намного труднее, чем говорилось в пророчестве, сделанном фэйри в день ее рождения. В этой книге читатели встретят многих уже знакомых героев, узнают, как сложатся их судьбы, а также познакомятся и с новыми действующими лицами саги.


Книга основана на реальных событиях из жизни автора. В ней присутствуют сочетание мистики и реальности, эмоций и чувства вины, боли и страха, нерешительности и упорной борьбы за место под солнцем.


В повестях и рассказах Анны Старобинец обыкновенная жизнь совершенно обыкновенных людей неожиданно поворачивается к читателю своей мистической пугающей изнанкой. Параллельные миры, страшные тайны, домовые – все переплетено и оставляет ощущение какой-то недосказанности. Анну Старобинец смело можно назвать отечественным Стивеном Кингом.


Inspector Ghote, 'one of the great creations of detective fiction' (Alexander McCall Smith), reluctantly becomes India's answer to Hercule Poirot when he's summoned to solve a mysterious murder worthy of Agatha Christie herself in this classic mystery - with a brand-new introduction by bestselling author Vaseem Khan. Inspector Ganesh Ghote of the Bombay CID is flattered when he's expressly summoned by a former ambassador, Surinder Mehta, to investigate a mysterious murder in the faraway hill station of Ootacamund. A body has been found on the billiard table at the genteel Ooty Club, a gathering place for well-to-do Indians and Englishmen – and the influential Mehta believes that only Ghote will be able to solve the crime. On arrival, Ghote discovers, to his dismay, that Mehta, an aging crime buff steeped in classic British mysteries, believes him to be a Great Detective, with powers of deduction second only to Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot. Ghote, trapped unwillingly in a second-rate detective story, decides that the only way to end this charade is to solve the case. But as he interrogates the motley group of suspects, his unreliable Watson spouting increasingly wild pet theories, he begins to despair of ever discovering the truth . . .


Dignified, hard-working Inspector Ghote, 'one of the great creations of detective fiction' (Alexander McCall Smith), is handed a case that has the potential to destroy his career in this classic mystery - with a brand-new introduction by bestselling author Vaseem Khan. Ramrao Pendke, heir to a massive country fortune, is in Bombay recovering from a kidney transplant operation when he's bludgeoned to death at the Tick Tock Watchworks. The murderer, the watch shop's owner, promptly confesses. So Inspector Ganesh Ghote of the Bombay CID is puzzled to be called in by the head of the whole State police force, to investigate such an open-and-shut case further. To Ghote's dismay, he soon discovers he's been handed a political hot potato. For the alleged murderer has influential relations – who are adamant their dreamy, watch-obsessed cousin could not have committed such a violent crime. And, worse, the dead man had an unpleasant cousin of his own . . . who now stands to inherit a vast fortune, in his place. Did 'bad hat' Ganpatrao Pendke kill his cousin? Ghote must investigate, whilst knowing an unpleasant truth: he's been chosen for this case specifically because he's considered expendable, so a single misstep could end his career.


Bombay's red-light district is the scene of the crime, when gentle Inspector Ghote, 'one of the great creations of detective fiction' (Alexander McCall Smith), is forced to take on his most embarrassing investigation yet in this classic mystery - with a brand-new introduction by bestselling author Vaseem Khan. Inspector Ganesh Ghote of the Bombay CID is in the worst trouble of his career so far. Given a task which at first seems merely embarrassing – that of escorting an aging British film star on a tour of Bombay's notorious red-light district, the 'Cages' – he is, before long, confronted with something infinitely worse: murder. But this isn't the end of his troubles. For the sole suspect is none other than the Sheriff of Bombay: respected holder of the honorary legal office, an ex-Rajah and former captain of India's cricket team. And he is a suspect only because Ghote had a swift glimpse of his face – as he hurriedly left a house of ill-repute. The gentle but tenacious detective shudders to think of the investigation ahead of him. What humiliations will he have to suffer as he searches for proof, he wonders. What sights will he see? Who will he encounter? And – above all – how will he explain what he has learnt to his wife?


The best of the shorter adventures of Inspector Ghote, 'one of the great creations of detective fiction' (Alexander McCall Smith), are brought together in this page-turning collection of short stories - with a brand-new introduction by bestselling author Vaseem Khan. Inspector Ganesh Ghote of the Bombay CID stands alongside Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes as one of the best-loved of fictional detectives. Mild mannered, often hamstrung by his refusal to accept bribes or force false confessions, but unparalleled in his determination to catch his killer, Ghote has delighted readers since his first appearance in print in 1967. This collection of short stories brings together some of the best of Ghote's shorter adventures. From 'The All-Bat Hat' to 'Murder Mustn't At All Advertise, Isn't It?', these stories celebrate Ghote and his painstaking investigative powers. Plus, an introduction by H. R. F. Keating himself gives a fascinating insight into the creation of the good detective, and how his life as a policewalla changed and evolved over the years to reflect real-life police work in the contemporary Bombay of the past.


Inspector Ghote, 'one of the great creations of detective fiction' (Alexander McCall Smith), is sent to the remote Indian countryside to protect a formidable retired judge who's been receiving death threats in this classic mystery - with a brand-new introduction by bestselling author Vaseem Khan. Inspector Ganesh Ghote of the Bombay CID is ordered off to the remote, heat-soaked Indian countryside to protect an aged, unpopular and rigidly obstinate judge of the British Raj era, against whom death threats have been made. In the old house, Ghote soon finds that his chief opponent is not the unknown who has been leaving Justice Sir Asif Ibrahim threatening letters, but the formidable, iron-principled old judge himself, who dismisses the threats as mere foolishness and refuses to cooperate with Ghote's investigation. The good inspector is determined to do his duty, and soon has both a lengthy list of suspects – including the judge's own beautiful, high-strung daughter, a radical American priest and the editor of a left-wing newspaper – and a possible motive for shutting up the judge: he is writing his memoirs, and who knows what secrets the old man is planning to reveal . . .