
10,000-copy first printing (publishing simultaneously in hardcover, paperback, e-book, and audio). This book also has an EROTICA audience. Akashic is simultaneously releasing this novella and 2 others (by JaQuavis Coleman and K'wan) to follow up H.N.I.C on the new Infamous Books imprint curated by multiplatinum rap star Prodigy of the group Mobb Deep. Promotion for these 3 new titles will be done in conjunction. Miasha is an Essence magazine best-selling author, one of the premier urban/street-lit authors of the past few years. Miasha is very active in the promotion of her books.


"A gritty, fast-paced tale of revenge…Tight, terse prose harkens back to pulp fiction of the 1950s…The work is a breath of fresh air from lengthy, trying-too-hard-to-shock street lit and is an excellent choice for all metropolitan collections."–Library Journal (starred review, Pick of the Month)"The urban setting is unnamed but familiar in this brief, bloody tale of wasted lives lived short and hard."–Publishers Weekly"Simultaneously a fast-paced crime drama and an engrossing, unsentimental moral tale, H.N.I.C. peers into the dark heart that underpins the codes of loyalty and friendship, betrayal and vengeance."–Brooklyn Daily Eagle"In a genre that too often places incorrect ebonics in the mouths of black characters and fails to cross the empathy gap to get into their heads, Savile and Prodigy arrive at a seamless voice that is a refreshing take on crime fiction tropes…if tone and texture are what you're looking for in your hardcore literature…H.N.I.C. delivers the goods."–Okayplayer"H.N.I.C. is written by Prodigy himself and shows the extent to which good rappers can make good storytellers."–Brooklyn Based"Ultimately, H.N.I.C. deals on all the right levels and is completely satisfying."–Blackout Book Review"If you don't have this novella in your library collection already, please be on the lookout for this 2013 release, H.N.I.C., penned by Hip Hop artist Prodigy of the group, Mobb Deep."–StreetLiterature.com"The strength of this novella, in addition to its straightforward prose and rapid pacing, rests on the universal theme at its center: loyalty. Loyalty and the bullshit our friends put us through…Like any good work of crime, H.N.I.C. is grounded in such common experiences and, like any good work of crime, it speaks to all of us, despite the fact that very few of us can bypass an alarm system through some computer trickery."–Nerds of a Feather, Flock Together"It tells the…urban tale of deceit, greed and questioned loyalty with just enough drama to keep you turning the pages."–Literary Jewels"A brutal and quick read…custom-made for the big screen."–Charles Tatum's Review ArchiveProdigy, from the legendary hip-hop group Mobb Deep, launches Akashic's new Infamous Books imprint with a story of loyalty, vengeance, and greed.Pappy tries to break out of the game before the head of his crew, Black, gets them all killed. Against his better judgment Pappy agrees to do one last job, but only because it's the price of his freedom. He knows his «brother» Black would rather see him dead than let him walk away. Yet he still agrees to do the job because Black isn't the only one who can't be trusted.Further developing the stark realism and uncompromising streetwise narratives of his lyrics, H.N.I.C. cements Prodigy's position as one of the foremost chroniclers of contemporary urban life. Simultaneously a fast-paced crime drama and an engrossing, unsentimental moral tale, H.N.I.C. peers into the dark heart that underpins the codes of loyalty and friendship, betrayal and vengeance.With H.N.I.C., Prodigy inaugurates Infamous Books, a revolutionary partnership that pairs the Infamous Records brand with Brooklyn-based independent publisher Akashic Books. Infamous Books' mission is to connect readers worldwide to crime fiction and street lit authors both familiar and new.



Мини-приключение. Урезанная и переделанная книга: "Хидуатта Ваббун и Исказитель рока". Дорогуша любезничает с доходным хобби и коллекционирует мимолетные утешения. Вскоре той встречается нечто, да и приоткрываться начинают изысканные секреты фантастики всюду. Позднее та прильнет к завораживающим возможностям изысканных грез и проникнется к странному счастью.


"Many readers will enjoy the peek inside the organization's hierarchy. Also enjoyable is the spirited romance between Doyle and Vicky Stanopolis, his partner in more ways than one. And the surprise ending is a wowser."– Mystery Scene Magazine "Heffernan's style harks back to traditional hard-boiled mysteries… The Scientology Murders isn't likely to make the church's recommended reading list, but for mystery fans it's an entertaining tale."– Tampa Bay Times "The Dead Detective pursues miscreants attached to the Church of Scientology from their Florida headquarters to the Yukon State. . .Highly entertaining."–Kirkus Reviews"Action moves from Florida's Gulf Coast to the wilds of Alaska, where a most satisfying conclusion takes place. Heffernan pulls no punches in taking on Scientology (and, briefly, Tom Cruise) in this long-awaited return of Harry Doyle. Hard-boiled action with a layer of controversy."–Booklist"The good guys–Doyle; his detective partner, Vicky Stanopolis; and Clearwater police sergeant Max Abrams–remain entertaining and appealing throughout."–Publishers Weekly"While investigating a murder that has also left his much-loved adoptive father seriously wounded, Harry Doyle (aka the Dead Detective) finds himself contending with executives from the Church of Scientology."–Publishers Weekly, Spring 2017 announcements, Mysteries & Thrillers"This is a fun and fast paced novel…If you are a thriller or mystery reader and curious about the inner workings of Scientology, then The Scientology Murders is a must read." –Lit Reactor "This is Heffernan's second novel about the 'Dead Detective,' Harry Doyle, a Pinellas County homicide detective, who in this book investigates a series of murders that lead back to the intensely secretive Church of Scientology."– Tampa Bay Times "The Dead Detective is Heffernan's first novel in seven years, and wherever he's been, he hasn't forgotten how to write a good, gritty police procedural. . .This edgy police drama succeeds in capturing the hysteria that grips Tampa residents when a celebrity criminal is found dead in a cypress swamp."–New York Times Book Review on The Dead DetectiveA series of murders in Florida have left the police force baffled and Detective Harry Doyle's much-loved adoptive father seriously wounded. As his investigation becomes personal, Doyle–known to his peers as the Dead Detective–finds he must penetrate one of the most private institutions in the country in order to track down those responsible.Clearwater, Florida, is the spiritual center of Scientology, a religion that encourages its members to remain pure and true to their beliefs. One senior leader has a misguided young man in his employ, a twisted soul who will stop at nothing to make sure the rules are followed–even if it means shaming the very virtues espoused by the church.With veils of secrecy surrounding the church's inner sanctums, the detectives are stonewalled at every turn. Eventually, however, the investigation leads Doyle, his partner Vicky Stanopolis, and Clearwater Sergeant Max Abrams to the far reaches of Alaska, where they come face-to-face with death in a form they never expected.


Nominated for a 2018 Shamus Award in Best Original Private Eye (paperback)! "[In] this tricky and delightfully surprising crime novel…Spinelli deftly segues from one genre to another–from hard-boiled noir to paranoid thriller, puzzle mystery (with each and every riddle logically explained), spy caper, and ultimately to something evocative of Bogart and Bacall. Spinelli is definitely a talent to watch."–Publishers Weekly"An unofficial San Francisco shamus whose tale is set in 1997 but whose heart is stuck in 1947 hunts for the world's most elusive missing person…'I keep meeting people who wind up dead,' aptly observes the narrator/hero…If you'd like more where that came from, Spinelli is your man."–Kirkus Reviews"Treasure the intriguing mystery and its haunting solution."–Booklist"A neat little post-modern mash-up of Chandler and Hammett…[Spinelli's] got wit and style up the wazoo."– Thrilling Detective "You can believe the man that wrote that read his Chandler and maybe his Macdonald as well."– Mystery File "A fun romp of an old-school detective novel with a few post-modern tweaks. It's full of fist fights, shoot outs, and wise cracks, taking a few peculiar twists that prove many times to be poignant."– MysteryPeople "A classic noir…Spinelli manages to keep us on our toes."– Pif Magazine "A fantastic read, plenty of twists and turns…Highly recommended."– Col's Criminal Library "It's classic noir with a little technology that turns into an international thriller. Though it's a dangerous leap mixing both genres, author Bradley Spinelli succeeds The Painted Gun will keep readers hooked at every page."– Underrated Reads "One of the best aspects of The Painted Gun is its sense of place. The seedier sides of San Francisco are brought to life with all the expected characters…A wonderful diversion."– Confessions of a Cyberlibrarian «An intriguing read.»–Life Within the Pages"The Painted Gun is hardboiled like they don't make anymore. Whiplash twists, razor-sharp prose, an addictive narrative–I couldn't read it fast enough."–Rob Hart, author of South VillageIt's 1997 at the dawn of the digital age in San Francisco. Ex-journalist and struggling alcoholic David «Itchy» Crane's fledgling «information consultancy» business is getting slowly buried by bad luck, bad decisions, and the growing presence of the Internet. Before he can completely self-destruct, a private investigator offers him fifty grand to find a missing girl named Ashley. Crane takes the job because the money’s right and because the only clue to her disappearance is a dead-on oil portrait of Crane himself–painted by the mysterious missing girl whom he has never met. As Crane's search for Ashley becomes an obsession, he stumbles upon a series of murders for which he begins to fear he's being framed…With pitch-perfect dialogue, an exquisitely crafted plot, and a stylized, deadpan nod to classic hard-boiled writers like James Ellroy, Elmore Leonard, and Dashiell Hammett, The Painted Gun introduces Bradley Spinelli as a force to be reckoned with in contemporary noir fiction.



Эта книга являет собой простую по своему сплетению, и довольно сложную по рисунку историю, состоящую из нескольких сюжетных линий. Первая сюжетная линия, она же являющаяся и основной, завязана на взаимоотношении доктора Дональдса, его пациентки Кристал, и еще восьми личностей, живущих в сознании девушки и называющих себя проводниками. Именно их совместная игра в «кошки-мышки», полностью отражает название книги. Наблюдать за тем, как проводники и доктор вступают в длительные диалоги, полностью исключая из них Кристал, привносит особую остроту в разворачивании, как самого сюжета, так и дает возможность читателю задуматься о том, что же все-таки скрывает доктор, и отчего проводники с такой легкостью приоткрывают перед ним завесы собственных тайн, рассказывая о них устами его пациентки. Вторая сюжетная линия – взаимодействие ассистентки доктора Эл и молодого врача Питера. Его попытка излечить девушку после травмирующих событий прошлого, плотно связавшего Эл и доктора Дональдса между собой, являющая собой бесплотные усилия одного в противостоянии с убеждениями и страхами другого. Эту линию можно было бы назвать побочной или дополнительной, если бы не контрастность, при сравнении работы двух докторов, и неоднозначность в отношении друг к другу между героями. Эта линия несет в себе дополнительную изюминку, дающую произведению возможность стать еще более загадочным для читателя. По крайней мере, до определенного момента. Третья сюжетная линия, напрямую относящаяся к первой, рассказывает о том, как уживаются между собой тени сознания Кристал, периодически позволяющие себе покинуть ее голову, и стать более осязаемым кошмаром для каждого героя, и самой Кристал. Молодая девушка, невольно ставшая разменной монетой в планах на жизнь у собственных родителей. Все эти три линии поддерживают между собой два мира, создающихся и вырастающих буквально на глазах читателя с каждой прочитанной страницей. Первый мир – мир реальный, полный озлобленности, расчетливости, отчаянья и боли. Второй мир – мир, созданный в сознании девушки, и разделенный на девять залов, которые она, иногда, называет кругами, где суждено вечно томится ее измученной душе. И спустя какое-то время, проводники поддерживают ее отношение, открыто намекая на то, что каждый сам волен выбирать себе свой собственный Ад. А они, лишь слуги и, в какой-то мере, рабы человеческих желаний.


Я приглашаю вас на пробежку. Свежий воздух, интересная компания. Правило одно: кто остановится – умрёт. И – да! – будьте осторожны: на дорожке мы будем не одни. И кто знает, куда она заведёт нас. Содержит нецензурную брань.


Связь между мирами, жизнь вне рамок. Все это стирает границы видимого, заставляя верить в то, что не возможно увидеть своими глазами. Верите ли вы в призраков, параллельные миры? Все это энергия, импульсы, поле информации. В этом сборнике пугающие и будоражащие воображение мистические рассказы. Готовы отправиться в путешествие, которое начинается со смерти?