
История движется по спирали. Человечество вырвалось к звёздам. Государства-победители "колониальной гонки" поглощали ресурсы открывшейся им галктики. Те же, для кого места в обитаемом космосе не нашлось ушли в неизведанное, надеясь на лучшее. Прошло тысячелетие, неспокойное и тяжёлое для самого крупного объединения человечества Конгломерата Звёздных Систем. К ужасу людей мифы тёмной магии, мистических сущностях оказались истинными. Космос содрогнулся от применения термоядерного оружия пока уничтожались целые планеты. Маховик войны раскручивался беспощадно, требуя всё больше жертв, на алтарь легло всё что создавало человечество: наука, искусство, технологический прогресс. На смену элитным армиям кибернетически улучшенных солдат пришли миллионы самых простых людей. На место точечных операций пришло зарывание в землю. Теперь войны напоминали скорее Великую Войну начала двадцатого века. Регресс гордо идёт по освоенной галактике, каждая сторона должна заплатить свою цену победы.








Three years have passed since the devastation of Golyna. Anna, once the maker of immortals, continues to fight the evil she unwillingly created through her rune-carving magic. Secreted away in an isolated mountain monastery, she works as a teacher to young scribes, guiding them toward runes that foster peace rather than endless war. So when the tracker who murdered her brother comes to Anna’s redoubt, begging for his eternal runes to be undone, Anna agrees to grant his wish on one condition—that he aid her in rooting out the remnants of Volna, a genocidal regime bent on destruction. In this brave new world where old foes can become allies, so too can former friends sour into deadly enemies. With the tracker’s help, Anna is propelled into a confrontation with Ramyi, her former apprentice. Grown bitter and disillusioned, Ramyi now wants to lay waste to the world—but not before she completes an apocalyptic ritual that could have dire consequences for all of existence. To stop Ramyi from unleashing chaos, and restore peace to a broken world, Anna must be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.


Three long years have passed since Anna, First of Tomas, survived the purge in Malijad after being forced to use her scribe sigils to create an army of immortals. Safely ensconced in the shelter of the Nest, a sanctuary woven by one of her young allies, Anna spends her days tutoring the gifted yet traumatized scribe, Ramyi—and coming to terms with her growing attachment to an expatriate soldier in her company. Away from her refuge, war drums continue to beat. Thwarted in her efforts to locate the elusive tracker and bring him to justice, Anna turns to the state of Nahora and its network of spies for help. But Nahoran assistance comes with a price: Anna must agree to weaponize her magic for the all-out military confrontation to come. Dispatched to the front lines with Ramyi in tow, Anna will find her new alliances put to the test, her old tormentors lying in wait, and the fate of a city placed in her hands. To protect the innocent, she must be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. For even in this season of retribution, the gift of healing may be the most powerful weapon of all.


IN THE REALM OF THE LIVING   Liberated from exile, the brutal god Nezu is leveling his vengeful wrath against the blessed lands of Alba, and only three heroes stand a chance of stopping him.  Fireborn Allegria, with her ability to harness the power of light; her Starborn lover Hallow, who leads the society of mages; and Deo, a warrior born of both worlds. . .  IN THE REALM OF THE DEAD  But the circle of friendship is broken when Allegria is imprisoned in the spirit world of the Thane. Surrounded by long dead warriors bent on revenge, Allegria is losing her grasp on the mortal realm. Now she must fight to hold on to the memories she has left–and the hope that help is coming from a world away.  IN ALL THE SHADOWS BETWEEN   The ultimate battle between good and evil is breaking,  and Hallow and Deo need Allegria to win it. But even then, how can they can achieve the impossible? For it’s not just one destructive god they must face, but also his creator. Only an arcane prophecy and the untried power of their joined magics can save the Fourth Age.