
Former cop Cass Raines knows the streets of Chicago all too well. Now she’s a private investigator and getting an exclusive glimpse into how the other half lives—and how they die . . .   Wealth. Power. Celebrity. Vonda Allen’s glossy vanity magazine has taken the Windy City by storm, and she’s well on her way to building a one-woman media empire. Everybody adores her. Except the people who work for her. And the person who’s sending her flowers with death threats . . .   As Vonda’s bodyguard, off-duty cop Ben Mickerson knows he could use some back-up—and no one fits the bill better than his ex-partner on the police force, Cass Raines. Now a full-time private eye, Cass is reluctant to take the job. She isn’t keen on playing babysitter to a celebrity who’s rumored to be a heartless diva. But as a favor to Ben, she signs on. But when Vonda refuses to say why someone might be after her, and two of her staff turn up dead, Ben and Cass must battle an unknown assailant bent on getting to the great lady herself, before someone else dies.   Cass finds out the hard way just how persistent a threat they face during the first stop on Vonda’s book tour. As fans clamour for her autograph, things take an ugly turn when a mysterious fan shows up with flowers and slashes Ben with a knife. While her ex-partner’s life hangs in the balance, Cass is left to find out what secrets Vonda is keeping, who might want her dead, and how she can bring Ben’s attacker to justice before enemies in the Chicago Police Department try to stop her in her tracks . . .


In New Orleans' historic Garden District, life is all about attending the right parties, impressing the right people, and making the right amount of money (a lot!) It's an attitude fifty-nine-year-old Charlotte La Rue has never really understood. She leads a quiet, simple, practical life–and it suits her just fine. Business is booming at her housecleaning service, Maid-for-a-Day–and in her down time, she loves reading mystery novels and hanging out with her parakeet, Sweety Boy. Everything's perfect. Well, almost everything. . .Charlotte doesn't mind polishing silver, scrubbing toilets, or dusting bookcases–but she can't stand dealing with her rich clients' dirty laundry. And when it comes to the much-talked-about Dubuisson family, there's an awful lot of it–especially since Jackson Dubuisson was found murdered in his study. Now this exclusive enclave is abuzz with all kinds of gossip–and some very sinister speculation. A chatty socialite keeps hinting that Jackson's extra-marital affair may have been the death of him. His mother-in-law–who's quite possibly senile–has revealed more of the Dubuisson family's secrets than Charlotte ever wanted to know. And then there's his widow, Jeanne. Charlotte refuses to desert her in her time of need–but suspects she may have something to hide. One thing is certain: someone wanted Jackson dead–and that someone is not coming clean. . . Surrounded by possible suspects and hounded by a tenacious police detective, Charlotte wishes she could stick to her own policy of staying out of clients' personal business. Problem is, she's never been able to walk away from a mess. And this is the biggest one she's ever seen. . .


What starts with the gruesome discovery of a severed head on the Tube soon becomes personal for former DI Cal Drake. After one betrayal too many, Drake has abandoned the police force to become a private detective. He’s teamed up with enigmatic forensic pathologist Dr Rayhana Crane and it’s not long before the case leads them to the darkest corners of the nation’s capital and in dangerously close contact with an international crime circuit, a brutal local rivalry and a very personal quest for retribution. With the murder victim tied to Drake’s past, his new future is about to come under threat.




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Елена Ершова – российская писательница, автор мистических произведений в жанре «хоррор». Стала известна благодаря трилогии «Легенды сумеречной эпохи». Первые две книги серии занимали призовые места в литературных конкурсах. Имея педагогическое образование и опыт психологической работы с социально опасными семьями и трудными подростками, автор весь багаж своих знаний активно использует в книгах, где герои ставятся в непростые ситуации. Роман «Ихтис» также занял призовое место – в конкурсе «Миф.Today», проводимом издательством «Эксмо», и вошёл в шорт-лист премии «Электронная буква», организованной порталом ЛитРес. Главный герой романа Павел – журналист, занимающийся разоблачением шарлатанов, которые эксплуатируют тему провидения, экстрасенсорики и паранормальных явлений. Для ненависти к такого рода «специалистам» у Павла есть свои причины. И вот однажды он отправляется в глухую деревню, чтобы вывести на чистую воду основателя общины «Рыбари Господни» – старца, который якобы лечит все болезни, воскрешает мёртвых и совершает иные чудеса. Вояж оказывается очень опасным, ведь сектанты – вовсе не мирные овечки. К тому же герой вспоминает недоброе предзнаменование, имевшее место перед его отъездом в командировку. Что ждёт Павла в этой глуши – журналистский успех или кошмар, который вторгнется в его новую реальность? Ответ – в аудиокниге. Автор обложки – Яна Суворова Музыка – Вячеслав Тупиченко © Елена Ершова ©&℗ ООО «1С-Паблишинг»

