
The Oren were one and their strength was legion. They had it all figured out, in their own parasitical, cold-blooded way. But they’d neglected one she-cat of a girl....



All Flicker wanted was a chance to make the aliens understand. All the aliens wanted was a chance to kill him while they could. But there were things about Flicker that they hadn't counted on…


When Roger Strang found that someone was killing his son—killing him horribly and often—he started investigating. He wasn't prepared for the results, nor was he prepared for the results of another investigation—this one about his own life.


What was the mystery of this great ship from the dark, deep reaches of space? For, within its death-filled chambers was the avenue of life! Will the crew bring the ship home, or perhaps use it to free mankind?


She'd paid good money to see the inevitable … and then had to work to make it happen!


An indestructible alien had found its way aboard the hospital ship. Their orders were simple: destroy it. But how do you destroy an indestructible being? And even if you can figure out how, should you?


Advanced races generally are eager to share their knowledge with primitive ones. In this case … with Earthmen!


Explore a Venus that never was. This is Venus as science fiction imagined it, as it might have been. Explore the hot, humid, muddy planet and meet the aliens that populate it.


He was just dozing off when the fat lady up the aisle let out a scream. A huge reptilian head had materialized out of nowhere and was hanging in air, peering about uncertainly. A scaly green body followed, four feet away, complete with long razor talons, heavy hind legs, and a whiplash tail with a needle at the end. For a moment the creature floated upside down, legs thrashing. Then the head and body joined, executed a horizontal pirouette, and settled gently to the floor like an eight-foot circus balloon.