
It was late in the afternoon, and we were seated on the veranda of my friend’s bungalow in the Begum suburb at Hyderabad. Our conversation had turned to ghosts, on which subject I was, at the time, rather skeptical, and Nicholson, after relating a number of blood-curdling stories, had finished by remarking that a nearby house, which was said to be haunted, would give me an excellent chance to put the matter to the test.


Sandy’s eyes needed only jet propulsion to become flying saucers. Wasn’t Pat wonderful? she beamed, at everyone.


A gun is an interesting weapon; it can be hired, of course, and naturally doesn't care who hires it. Something much the same can be said of the gunman, too....


Dixon Wells is testing an invention that can tell you how your life would have turned out if you’d made a different choice. Now you can have the answer to what if.


Here is the story that presented virtual reality to the world. Dan Berk meets an Elfin professor who has invented a pair of goggles that allow the wearer to enter completely into the action of a story. Sometimes it can be hard to remember that it isn’t real, or is it?


Dixon Wells discovers that seeing the world from another's perspective doesn't produce the results he may have expected.


In this sequel to 'A Martian Odyssey,' Stanley G. Weinbaum paints a vivid picture of a Mars that never was. Join Dick Jarvis and “Frenchy” Leroy as they explore an ancient Martian city and make unexpected discoveries.


To all who didn’t know him, Curt George was a mighty hunter and actor. But this time he was up against others who could really act, and whose business was the hunting of whole worlds.


Destiny reached out a hand to Algernon Weaver—but he was a timid man, at first. But on the strange world of Terranova, there was much to be learned—of destiny, and other things....


The enlightened days of mental telepathy and ESP should have made the world a better place, but the minute the Rhine Institute opened up, all the crooks decided it was time to go collegiate!