
“They” worried about the impression she’d make. Who could imagine that she’d fall in love, passionately, the way others of her blood must have done? Who was this strange girl who had been born in this place—and still it wasn’t her home?…


We all have to die sometime, but it’s more the manner of our going, and the reason why we must die when we do that’s the rub.


It’s well established now that the way you put a question often determines not only the answer you’ll get, but the type of answer possible. So … a mechanical answerer, geared to produce the ultimate revelations in reference to anything you want to know, might have unsuspected limitations.


A space rover has no business with a family. But what can a man in the full vigor of youth do—if his heart cries out for a home?


In a post-apocalyptic experiment scientists have an intriguing plan, in the first installment of H. Beam Piper’s excellent Terro-Human Future History series.


Open the C. Cydwick Ohms Time Door, take but a single step, and… William Nolan introduces us to the capricious Time Door of Professor C. Cydwick Ohms, guaranteed to solve the accumulated problems of the world of the year 2057.


Poor Henry was an unhappy husband whose wife had a habit of using bad clichès. Alféar was a genii who was, quite like most humans, a creature of habit. Their murder compact was absolutely perfect, with—


You can't always escape evils by running away from them…but it may help!


Two honeymooners desperate for shelter find themselves in quite a sticky situation.


Time is money. Time heals all wounds. Given time, anything is possible. And now he had all the time in the world!