
An unprovoked, meaningless night attack is terrifying enough on your own home planet, worse on a world across the Galaxy. But the horror is the offer of help that cannot be accepted!


There were two varieties of aliens—blue and bluer—but not as blue as the Earthmen!


It was a fine day at the beach for Purnie’s game—but his new friends played very rough!


Channing wanted a planet. Had they sold him a pup?


When adopting a pet, choose the species that is most intelligent, obedient, loyal, fun to play with, yet a shrewd, fearless protector. For the best in pets—choose a human being!


There is one fact no sane man can quarrel with … everything has a beginning and an end. But some men aren't sane; thus it isn’t always so!


The dark star passed, bringing with it eternal night and turning history into incredible myth in a single generation! In this story of desperation and courage a family believing themselves to be the last humans alive on Earth must fight daily against a cold uncaring universe. Fritz Leiber won multiple Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy awards. This story shows him at the height of his prowess.


'The Mad Planet' by Murray Leinster was the first global warming story ever written. Set hundreds of years in the future, Earth has gone mad, CO2 levels have risen across the globe causing a rise in temperature, and human beings have descended to savagery. The change in climate has wreaked havoc with the environment giving rise to new predators and challenges for man. Burl has spent his entire life one step away from oblivion, he's heard the stories about the former greatness of his race, and yearns for a return to that time.


Being two men rolled out of one would solve my problems—but which one would I be?


The way we feel about another person, or about objects, is often bound up in associations that have no direct connection with the person or object at all. Often, what we call a “change of heart” comes about sheerly from a change in the many associations which make up our present viewpoint. Now, suppose that these associations could be altered artificially, at the option of the person who was in charge of the process....