
From losing his master's chickens to burning down the mayor's house, young wizard-to-be Tristan's adventures always seem to go wrong… until a talking cat named Thomas adopts him! Together, they may be able to replace the chickens, set things right with Tristan's wizard master… and start to discover Tristan's true powers. A delightful fantasy for the young and young at heart!


The sixth volume in the Agatha, Anthony, Derringer, and Macavity award-winning «Chesapeake Crimes» series includes stories by: Barb Goffman, Rosemary and Larry Mild, E. B. Davis, Shaun Taylor Bevins, Cathy Wiley, Art Taylor, Shari Randall, Meg Opperman, Carla Coupe, Timothy Bentler-Jungr, Linda Lombardi, Debbi Mack, Clyde Linsley, and Donna Andrews. <P> "One thing I’ve learned during a long career as a writer is that a good short story is one of the hardest things to write. To capture mood, character, tension, and a satisfying climax in a few pages requires more skill than having the luxury of a novel to get things right. That’s why I’m so impressed that the writers of Chesapeake Crimes seem to deliver quality work in anthology after anthology. This one is especially fun as the theme is holidays. And who hasn’t wanted to commit a murder at a family holiday celebration?" – Rhys Bowen


No man is happier than Li Fong – until he discovers his lovely wives are really serpent-demons! <P> Long and long ago, before the foreign devils came, old China was a land of ancient culture and strange magic. There, Li Fong, a student of apothecary, seems the luckiest of men. By what has to be happy chance, he has been led to take two charming and quite wealthy ladies as his wives.<P> How could he know that his loving and beloved Mei Ling and Meilan are really spirit-demons? Or that the great snake that comes to his aid is really Mei Ling in her natural form?<P> But the wicked Taoist magician Chang Lu knows the truth and plots evil for Li Fong and his wives. Nor can the magic of Mei Ling prevail, though she struggles to protect her husband and gain true humanity for herself.<P> In the end, she can only summon the beautiful and terrible dragons to her aid!


What if Snow White were the real villain and the «wicked queen» just a sadly maligned innocent? What if awakening Sleeping Beauty would be the mistake of a lifetime – of several lifetimes? What if the famous folk tales were retold with an eye to more horrific possibilities? Only Tanith Lee – «Goddess-Empress of the Hot Read» (Village Voice) could retell the world-famous tales of the Brothers Grimm (and others) as they might have been told by the Sisters Grimmer! This special edition, put together for the 30th anniversary of the original edition, adds a new Grimmer fairy tale written especially for this volume!


Gyron de London, most powerful–and most hated–industrialist of the year 2190, is warned by a mysterious letter that his doom is due on the 30th March, three weeks hence. Further anonymous letters repeat the message. The frightened tycoon takes every precaution, even to sealing himself in a steel, radiation-proof cube surrounded by armed guards – but death overtakes him on the specified day, exactly as forecast! <P> Since no one had entered the cube after the industrialist was seen to enter it alive, the police conclude that his death was from natural causes. Famed scientific investigator Adam Quirke is called in by the unsatisfied family, and discovers that de London was the victim of a highly scientific murder. An impossible crime mystery set in the future!


"Michael McCarty's 'A Little Help from My Fiends' truly shines. His collection of short stories is a lovingly created, watered with blood and harvested at the peak of ripeness kind of work. The approach to the collection is so fresh that – were it a steak – you would note still a bit of warmth and even a faint pulse. You see, each story in this collection is co-authored with another excellent storyteller. Mark McLaughlin, Terrie Leigh Relf and Dave Miller, to name a few, make appearances. Each short story is prefaced with a few words that identify the co-author, point to an interesting tidbit of the tale's creation, and never fail to show McCarty lauding the co-author while remaining modestly in the background." – Sylvia Cochran


GONJI, the demon-stalked warrior with the soul of his samurai forebears and the heart of his Viking mother, surges on through legend-haunted medieval Europe, seeking the key to his mysterious destiny… <P> His infamy–and celebrity!–has seen a militant cult spawned around his legend and philosophies. Thus, Gonji must face persecution from religious and secular hierarchies, while dealing with human and supernatural assassins.<P> Facing almost certain death, Gonji must make a grim decision. His ally, the enigmatic golden werewolf Simon Sardonis, has come to him with an earnest plea for help in France against a monstrous enemy of his own: the brutal, shape-shifting Farouche Clan. These are sorcerous invaders from another world, with whom Simon shares an eerie kinship. Their savagery overwhelms even Simon's formidable power, and now they threaten the woman he loves. But worse still, the Farouche fiends are the vanguard of a tyrannical, inter-dimensional conspiracy. A conspiracy which has insidiously snared Gonji in its age-old web of evil dominance.<P>But can Gonji and the ferocious lycanthrope Simon together raise an effective force against such colossal evil, when the armies of their world refuse to help? Is there any power mighty enough to battle another world's dark sorcery, when it devours all before it with… A HUNGERING OF WOLVES?


Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine returns with its May/June 2014 issue, presenting the best in modern and classic mystery fiction! Included this time are the usual columns by Lenny Picker and Mrs Hudson, plus the following stories: <P> Living The Lie, by Marc Bilgrey<br> The Adventure of the Sherlock Holmes Chocolate Cards, by Gary Lovisi<br> A Most Valuable Institution, by Dan Andriacco<br> A Cold Place to Die, by J.P. Seewald<br> The Shocking Affair of the Steamship Friesland, by Jack Grochot<br> Killing Sam Clemens, by William Burton McCormick<br> A Fresh Start, by Janice Law<br> The Ruba Rombic Robberies, by Gary Lovisi<br> Only the Dead, by Gordon Linzner<br> Rationalist Femme: Punitive Justice, by William E. Chambers<br> The Woman, by Mackenzie Clarkes<br> Reflection of Guilt, by Laird Long<br> The Adventure of the Nine Hole League, by William E. Chambers<br> The Speckled Bandanna, by Hal Charles<br> The Adventure of the Dying Detective, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle <P> "Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine" is produced under license from Conan Doyle Estate Ltd.


The Second Reginald Bretnor Megapack collects 15 great science fiction, fantasy, and mystery tales – including two complete novels! Assembled here are: <P>THE HAUNTING OF H.M.S. «DRYAD»<BR> FEGHOOT SHIPWRECKED<BR> THE GHOST<BR> CIVIL RIGHTS<BR> GNURRS COME FROM THE VOODVORK OUT<BR> LITTLE ANTON<BR> THE LADIES OF BEETLEGOOSE NINE<BR> COUNT VON SCHIMMELHORN AND THE TIME-PONY<BR> PAPA SCHIMMELHORN'S YANG<BR> PAPA SCHIMMELHORN AND THE S.O.D.O.M. SERUM<BR> SCHIMMELHORN’S GOLD<BR> T.V.<BR> A KILLING IN SWORDS<BR> IN A PICKLE<BR> THE GNU MUTATION<P> If you enjoy this book, search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see the more than 100 other entries in the series, covering science fiction, modern authors, mysteries, westerns, classics, adventure stories, and much, much more!


Now that the killer was hunting him down, now that he was about to die, Neil wondered: Was Corinne worth dying for? She had lied to him, she had cheated him and been unfaithful to him. Now she had betrayed him. But Neil understood at last. He was as helpless against Corinne as he was against the bullets that were waiting for him. <P> A classic crime novel from a master of the genre!