
James Holding enjoys a reputation as one of the more prolific contributors to the mystery magazines of the 1960s and 1970s. (Our bibliography shows nearly 200 stories published in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine, etc.) He had series, such as the «Leroy King» stories (which poke gentle fun at «Ellery Queen»). He had standalones. He had mysteries of every sort imaginable – and this volume includes a selection of 24 choice crimes (plus a poem)…a thematic grouping involving murder and mayhem. Included are:<P> BYLINES<BR> WHERE IS THY STING<BR> THE INQUISITIVE BUTCHER OF NICE<BR> AN EXERCISE IN INSURANCE<BR> THE PHOTOGRAPHER AND THE UNDERTAKER<BR> GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE<BR> THE DUTIFUL ROOKIE<BR> MYSTERY FAN<BR> CONFLICT OF INTEREST<BR> A HOMEMADE DRESS<BR> A MESSAGE FROM MARSHA<BR> A VISITOR TO MOMBASA<BR> SPECIAL DELIVERY<BR> THE ZAMBOANGA SHUTTLE<BR> PASSPORT TO PARADISE<BR> BORDER CROSSING<BR> THE FUND-RAISERS<BR> IN THE SOUP<BR> THE PACKING CASE<BR> REASON ENOUGH<BR> THE SWAP SHOP<BR> ONE FOR THE ROAD<BR> PAPER CAPER<BR> WORK OF ART<BR> EXIT THE DRAGON<P> If you enjoy this volume of classic mysteries, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see the 220+ other entries in this series, including mysteries, adventure, science fiction, fantasy, horror, westerns – and much, much more!


"When his hand reappeared, he was holding neither cigarettes nor keys. He was holding a small black revolver that glittered evilly in the diffused light admitted by the curtains, and his hand was steady as he touched it to the temple of the sleeping man in the bed…"<P> Murder, kidnapping, robbery, smuggling, industrial sabotage and international terrorism – Mahboob Chaudri, a Pakistani native working as a police officer in the Middle Eastern island emirate of Bahrain, tackles all these crimes and more…and solves them with a charming mixture of logic, wisdom, wit, and heart.<P> From 1984 to 1986, seven short Chaudri stories by Josh Pachter appeared in the pages of Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine and Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, and three more were later published in other places. In his classic anthology, «The Ethnic Detectives,» noted author/critic Bill Pronzini called Chaudri «one of crime fiction's most delightful new detectives,» and the Chaudri stories have been reprinted in several «Year's Best» collections and other anthologies.<P> In The Mahboob Chaudri Mystery MEGAPACK™ (published in paperback as «The Tree of Life»), all 10 of the Chaudri stories are gathered together in a single volume for the first time, complete with a new introduction and new afterwords for each story by the author.


James Holding (1907-1997) was a prolific short story author in the mystery field. (He also wrote children's books – including the Ellery Queen Jr. series – but short stories were his true domain.) Among the many series he created, the «Library Fuzz» stories, about detective Hal Johnson who tracks down overdue library books (and often stumbles across bigger crimes) is one of the most unusual…and fun!<P> This MEGAPACK™ collects all the «Library Fuzz» tales, plus several that feature secondary characters in their own stories…plus a (very different) alternate version of one story.<P> Included are:<P> LIBRARY FUZZ<BR> MORE THAN A MERE STORYBOOK<BR> THE BOOKMARK<BR> THE ELUSIVE MRS. STOUT<BR> HERO WITH A HEADACHE<BR> STILL A COP<BR> THE MUTILATED SCHOLAR<BR> THE SAVONAROLA SYNDROME<BR> THE HENCHMAN CASE<BR> THE YOUNG RUNNERS<BR> THE HONEYCOMB OF SILENCE<BR> THE JACK O'NEAL AFFAIR<BR> THE REWARD<BR> THE SEARCH FOR TAMERLANE<BR> SIDESWIPE<BR> THE BOOK CLUE<BR> THE VAPOR CLUE<BR> THE MISOPEDIST<BR> CAUSE FOR ALARM<BR> HELL IN A BASKET<P> If you enjoy this volume of classic mysteries, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see the 220+ other entries in this series, including mysteries, adventure, science fiction, fantasy, horror, westerns – and much, much more!


A new ruler has arisen on the ancient continent of Lemuria. It is Thongor the Barbarian, whose dauntless courage and mighty sword have made him overlord of a thriving young empire. Against him conspire in secret those dedicated to the Black Gods of Chaos. Suddenly Thongor's wife, the Princess Sumia, is abducted. Thongor speeds to her rescue – but his enemies are cunning as well as ruthless. Embroiled deeper and deeper in a danger compounded of both sorcery and science, Thongor learns that he must carry his battle to the Gods themselves!


Xothun had ruled in Omm for a thousand years – master of strange powers, yet slave to his craving for human blood. The lost city lived only to serve – and feed – Xothun.... Then came the barbarian adventurer, Thongor of Valkarth, with a city to free, a princess to rescue, glory to win – and his mightly sword to pit against Xothun's wizardry!<P> This is the second in the adventures of Thongor, greatest warrior of the forgotten continent of Lemuria!


Thongor of Valkarth – mightiest warrior of the ancient continent of Lemuria, before the dawn of history – launches into his saga with this rousing adventure of swordplay and sorcery. The ancient dragon kings have deemed the hour right to regain their dominance over Earth – and only Thongor and his companions, aided by the science and magic of the wizard Sharajsha, stand between mankind and the night of doom!<P> The first of the Thongor sword & sorcery series, «Thongor and the Wizard of Lemuria» was originally titled «The Wizard of Lemuria.» This is the author's 1969 revised and expanded text.


"Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine" returns with issue #17, presenting the best in modern and classic mystery fiction! Included this time are the usual columns, a terrific selection of genre-related nonfiction, and the following great stories:<p> His Latest Bow, by Timothy S. Greer<br> An Unlikely Hero, by Peter James Quirk<br> Brooklyn’s Elusive “Mr. G”, by Albert Ashforth<br> Red Jacks Wild, by Kim Newman<br> Bus-ted, by Laird Long<br> Dead Man's Hand, by Steve Liskow<br> Die, Miles Cornbloom, by Alex Shvartsman<br> Vows, by R.J. Lewis<br> Somewhere Between A & B, by Steve Hagood<br> The Greek Interpreter, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle<br> Gates of Baker Street, by Mackenzie Clarkes


Four different writers explore the darker aspects of crime fiction in THE NOIR NOVEL MEGAPACK™:<P> HUNTER AT LARGE, by Thomas B. Dewey … Mickey requested a year's leave of absence from his job on the police force. What else could he do? He'd just spent five months in the hospital because he'd been the only witness to a brutal murder…and the victim was his own wife!<P> NEVER BET YOUR LIFE, by George Harmon Coxe … It was a tidy Florida motel with all the important conveniences: a beautiful stretch of beach, a handy night club with a shapely chanteuse up front, and a wicked roulette wheel in the back. But when John Gannon – a wealthy sportsman with a penchant for suicide – showed up, the front fell away!<P> CARNAL PSYCHO, by Duane Rimel … They were beautiful and they were passionate – so he had to destroy them all – in a way so shocking that readers will gasp! MURDER IN LAS VEGAS, by Jack Waer … The big-time hood lay dead on Steve's bed with three slugs from Steve's gun in his gun – yet Steve Walters hadn't the slightest idea how he had gotten there. The wayward blonde who alone could clear his name, had taken one call to many. When Steve burst into her apartment, he found her, all right – with her throat cut!<P> If you enjoy this book, search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see the more than 200 other entries in the series, covering science fiction, modern authors, mysteries, westerns, classics, adventure stories, and much, much more!


This volume is a follow-up to our <i>Victorian Rogues MEGAPACK™</i> and presents no less than 31 additional tales of Victorian-era (or close to it!) villains, rogues, thieves, and criminals. You don't have to have read the previous volume, of course, since all of these works stand alone. But if you'd rather have an A.J. Raffles or Boston Blackie as the hero or center-point of a story than Sherlock Holmes or Charlie Chan, this is definitely the ebook for you!<P> Included are no less than 31 classic tales – more than 600 pages:<P> THE NARRATIVE OF MR. JAMES RIGBY, by Arthur Morrison<BR> THE CASE OF JANISSARY, by Arthur Morrison<BR> THE CASE OF «THE MIRROR OF PORTUGAL,» by Arthur Morrison<BR> THE CASE OF MR. LOFTUS DEACON, by Arthur Morrison<BR> OLD CATER'S MONEY, by Arthur Morrison<BR> HOW DON Q. STOOD AT BAY, by K. and Hesketh Prichard<BR> THE TREASURE OF FRANCHARD, by Robert Louis Stevenson<BR> MR. CLACKWORTHY GOES TO JAIL, by Christopher B. Booth<P> Plus 12 adventures of Romney Pringle, by R. Austin Freeman and John J. Pitcairn:<P> THE ASSYRIAN REJUVENATOR<BR> THE FOREIGN OFFICE DESPATCH<BR> THE CHICAGO HEIRESS<BR> THE LIZARD'S SCALE<BR> THE PASTE DIAMONDS<BR> THE KAILYARD NOVEL<BR> THE SUBMARINE BOAT<BR> THE KIMBLERLEY FUGITIVE<BR> THE SILKWORMS OF FLORENCE<BR> THE BOX OF SPECIE<BR> THE SILVER INGOTS<BR> THE HOUSE OF DETENTION<P> Plus 11 adventures of McAllister and Fatty Welch, by Arthur Train:<P> McALLISTER'S CHRISTMAS<BR> THE EXTRAORDINARY ADVENTURE OF THE BARON DE VILLE<BR> THE ESCAPE OF WILKINS<BR> THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL'S TRUNK<BR> THE GOLDEN TOUCH<BR> McALLISTER'S DATA OF ETHICS<BR> McALLISTER'S MARRIAGE<BR> THE JAILBIRD<BR> IN THE COURSE OF JUSTICE<BR> THE MAXIMILIAN DIAMOND<BR> EXTRADITION<P> If you enjoy this book, search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see the 200+ other entries in the series, covering science fiction, fantasy, mysteries, westerns, classics, adventure stories, and much, much more!


Pretty Phyllis Kirk was an interviewer for the Kinkaid Morals Report – the shocker that out-Kinseyed Kinsey. In her possession were secrets about the intimate lives of some very important people. Phyllis didn't live very long…<P> Jason Chase was a private-eye by accident. When Phyllis was discovered beaten to death, he found himself tangling with:<P> WOMPLER, king of the cheesecake racket (with a little blackmail thrown in free)…<P> JULIA, the drunken nymphomaniac who couldn't keep her hands off Jason…<P> Voluptuous young STEFFY, who didn't mind posing for Wompler as long as she got Jason…<P> Plus assorted B Girls, a lady wrestler, and some of the toughest hoods in town!