
Emil Petaja (1915 – 2000) was an American science fiction and fantasy writer whose career spanned seven decades. He was the author of 13 published novels, nearly 150 short stories, numerous poems, and a handful of books and articles on various subjects. Though he wrote science fiction, fantasy, horror stories, detective fiction, and poetry, Petaja considered his work part of an older tradition of «weird fiction.» You can find echoes not only of H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard in his work, but previous generations of weird authors such as Poe, Blackwood, and E.F. Benson. This volume includes 10 stories and a poem:<P> MONSIEUR BLUEBEARD<BR> LIVE EVIL<BR> SKYDRIFT<BR> THE DARK BALCONY<BR> THE HUNGRY GHOST<BR> THE INSISTENT GHOST<BR> THE JONAH<BR> THE MUSIC-BOX FROM HELL<BR> VOTARESS<BR> THE INTRUDER<BR> MARMOK (poem)<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 190+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!


Kurt was raised by his father's werewolf pack after his human mother abandoned him. Or had she been eaten? When he returns to the area from which she came, seeking answers, he does not anticipate falling in love with a woman. But what can he possibly offer her, especially when he realizes she is engaged to an heir of the wealthy family that now occupies the land?


George T. Wetzel (1921-1983) was, for decades, the leading researcher into the life and works of H.P. Lovecraft. His scholarly essays (which Wildside Press is working on collecting) appeared in numerous books and magazines from the 1940s through the 1970s. All the time he dabbled in writing weird fiction on his own, but never pursued it beyond the occasional contribution to a small press anthology or fan-produced magazine. Like his idol, H.P. Lovecraft, he dabbled in the art. We are pleased to include a fine selection of virtually all of his fiction, including: A TALE OF THE ELDER GODS<BR> ANONYMOUS<BR> THE GOTHIC HORROR<BR> CAER SIDHI<BR> THE ENTITY<BR> EATER OF THE DEAD<BR> NIGHTMARE HOUSE<BR> WHAT THE MOON BRINGS<BR> NIGHT ON FORT CARROLL<BR> POISON PEN<BR> THE ADVENTURE OF GOSNELL<BR> JUMBEE<BR> SEEING THINGS AT NIGHT<BR> THE PIRATE OF SHELL CASTLE<P> If you enjoy this book, search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see the more than 180 other entries in the series, covering science fiction, modern authors, mysteries, westerns, classics, adventure stories, and much, much more!


Baffling robberies from locked rooms, cunning crimes and mysterious murders…these were all part of the stock-in-trade of Miss Victoria Lincoln, private detective. Called in to investigate the case of the Haunted Gallery, she had occasion to call on the help of Caroline Gerrard, a pupil at her old College. Impressed, she invited the girl to become her assistant after she left College. Thereafter Caroline assisted the detective in a series of bizarre cases that had baffled the police and appeared insoluble – until Victoria Lincoln got to work!


Tabaea the Thief stole something more precious than Dragons' Blood from the enchanted old house: evesdropping on the doddering wizard who owned the place, she stole the secret of wizardry itself.


Dumery of Shiphaven was a lad with a love of wizardry–and no magic at all. He dreamed of apprenticing himself to a great wizard, but because he had not even a touch of the talent, it was a dream he could never fulfill. He would never apprentice himself to a great wizard, nor even a meager one; no matter how he loved magic and the magical arts, he would never work with wizards or wizardry. That's what Dumery was beginning to think, anyway–until he spied a great wizard humbling himself before a man selling dragon's blood, the precious stuff that made difficult spells work. If Dumery couldn't be a wizard, he could still become a dragon-hunter–and have all those condescending wizards crawling to him. And so Dumery set off on a quest–a quest in search of dragons and dragon-hunters, and ultimately the secret that lay beneath all the wizardry in Ethshar. Before he reached its end, he would uncover the terrible mystery of the dragon-hunters–and scheme a scheme that would change the face of Ethsharitic magic forever.


She was everything he wanted, and everything he had been promised. A fortune-teller's prophecy had sent Kelder of Shulara to seek adventure along the Great Highway. He had been ready to give it up, and dismiss the seer as a fraud, when he met Irith. Irith was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She was bright and charming and cheerful. And she had wings. Kelder tried to earn Irith's love and respect. He tried to please her, and to fulfill the prophecy that seemed to say he would one day marry her. But as he came to know her, he began to realize that she was not quite what she appeared to be. She was not just a lovely young woman. She was not even entirely human. She had ruined men's lives. And he needed to learn what she truly was before she destroyed him, as well. What he would learn, and where he would go, would makes its mark on the destiny of Ethshar.


A pretty girl and a drunken producer are involved in a dramatic motor accident on the road from Lyons to Paris – a fruitful source for black­mail. The first sinister consequence occurs at a party where, among the actresses and producers, Dr. Morelle is present with his secretary. Miss Frayle. The famous criminologist finds himself plunged into one of the strangest cases of his career as he takes to the airwaves to unmask a murderer before he can kill again! A classic British mystery by the BBC's «Armchair Detective.»


When the radio operator on a luxury cruise ship is murdered, Lt. Valcour takes charge. While investigating the crew and the passengers, especially a lovely but lethal man-eater, the killer strikes again – and it's up to Valcour to solve the crimes before anyone else falls victim! <P> Rufus King (1893-1966) was an American author of Whodunit crime novels. He created four series of detective stories: the most famous being Lieutenant Valcour. Modern critics are rediscovering Rufus King's work. Mike Grost, on Golden Age Detective, features a long writeup of King, stating: «King had a vivid writing style, with colorful characters, events, and images. He was clearly a born writer.»


A.R. Morlan's work is quirky, often hard to categorize, and non-stop inventive and imaginative. She has gathered a cult following for her science fiction, fantasy, horror, suspense, and erotic fiction of the last four decades. (And sometimes she writes in all those genres at once…) This volume, a «best of» selected from her short fiction by Mary Wickizer Burgess, presents 22 mind-bending tales of the fantastic. Included are:<P> INTRODUCTION, by Mary Wickizer Burgess<br> GARBAGE DAY AT EWERTON<br> THE GERMAN LADY<br> HUNGER<br> DUET ON THIN ICE<br> “…AND THE HORSES HISS AT MIDNIGHT”<br> THE UPPYROAKE KAMIKAZE AND THE VIRGIN SHREDDER<br> THE HEMINGWAY KITTENS<br> THE CAT-TRACKER LADY OF ASAD ALLEY<br> NO HEAVEN WILL NOT EVER HEAVEN BE…v IN THE GREAT MILK-WHITE EYE OF GOD<br> ABOVE THE CAPITANS, SOUTH OF CORONA, NEAR ARROYO DEL MACHO<br> THE SECOND MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN THE WORLDv DORA’S TRUNK<br> THE TIME OF THE BLEEDING PUMPKINS<br> AT FUNLAND BY THE SWINGS, WITH BIG CHUCK<br> DECORATING DEAD PEOPLE, UNDER THE LAWNS<br> BETWEEN LONG. 150 W. AND 90 W., ONE DEGREE ABOVE HELL<br> THE CUTTLEFISH<br> “’RILLAS”<br> “CONTINGENCIES AND PENTI-LOPE-LOPE”<br> THE FOLD-O-RAMA WARS AT THE BLUE MOON ROACH HOTEL<br> SHOWDOWN BETWEEN THE UNNATURAL-BORN CHIMERA AND THE SHADOWFOX GRIEFER<br> STREET COFFINS<p> If you enjoy this book, search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see the more than 170 other entries in the series, covering science fiction, fantasy, horror, mysteries, westerns, classics, adventure stories, and much, much more–always at a terrific price!