
A superb collection of page-turning mysteries in which fabulous female protagonists solve – and sometimes perpetrate – all kinds of crimes.<br /> <br />Featuring cops, killers, PIs, crooks and amateur sleuths, these award-winning stories will have you on the edge of your seat, will chill your blood and sometimes make you laugh out loud.


The Second Cut features a thrilling selection of stories culled from the Scarlet Stiletto Awards held annually by Sisters in Crime Australia.<br /> <br />This sequel to the bestselling First Cut features the 1st Prize winners from 2007 – 2010, and a selection of category winners from the 17-year history of the Scarlet Stiletto Awards.<br /> <br />A superb collection of page-turning mysteries in which fabulous female protagonists solve – and sometimes perpetrate – all kinds of crimes. Featuring cops, killers, PIs, crooks and amateur sleuths, these award-winning stories will have you on the edge of your seat, will chill your blood and sometimes make you laugh out loud.


Scarlet Stiletto The First Cut presents a superb collection of spine-chilling crime fiction stories culled from the annual Scarlet Stiletto Awards hosted by Sisters in Crime Australia.<br /> <br />You'll find the whole gamut from murder and mayhem to police procedurals and crime in verse. Some will have your blood running cold, some will raise gooseflesh, and others will make you laugh – but all will have you on the edge of your seat, and wanting more.<br /> <br />&quot;A crime and mystery short story collection of startling originality; and a grim warning of what evil lurks in Australian suburbia.&quot; – Kerry Greenwood


The Scarlet Stiletto Awards were set up 26 years ago to encourage and support female crime writers. Since then over 3000 stories have been entered in the annual short story competition which requires the author and the main protagonist of the story to be women.<br /> <br />2017 saw 186 entries, 26 of which were shortlisted, with 13 being chosen to receive awards and which appear in this collection. The stories are set in varied locations, from the outback to busy cities; they are funny, poignant and thought-provoking. But they are all written by talented women and Sisters in Crime are honoured to present their work.


Scarlet Stiletto: The Tenth Cut – 2018 features nine award-winning stories from the 25th annual Scarlet Stiletto Awards. 'Crime and mystery short story collections of startling originality; and a grim warning of what evil lurks in Australian suburbia.' – Kerry Greenwood The Scarlet Stiletto series of eBooks – the First to the Tenth Cuts – feature superb collections of spine-chilling crime and mystery short stories, by Australian women writers, curated from 25 years of the Scarlet Stiletto Awards hosted by Sisters in Crime Australia.


Thanks to Aunt Peg and her enthusiastic dog show pals, Melanie&rsquo;s aptly named Bite Club reading group has book lovers all over town burying their noses in thrilling murder mysteries. But another pet project surfaces when Melanie reluctantly agrees to train a Bulldog puppy for elusive member Evan Major. Between the unusual bruise on his face and a bizarre run-in with an unknown dog show attendee, introverted Evan&rsquo;s penchant for trouble sends him to an early grave&mdash;while landing Melanie in the hot seat for homicide . . .<BR /> &#160;<BR /> To prove her innocence, Melanie digs into the victim&rsquo;s shady past and uncovers a juicy scandal that cost Evan his marriage and, possibly, his life. Melanie realizes that booking the real culprit will require gathering her suspects together at the next Bite Club meeting. What she doesn&#39;t know is Aunt Peg has been hiding some explosive secrets of her own&mdash;secrets that, once unleashed, could pit Melanie against an unpredictable killer bent on bringing this story to an abrupt end . . .<BR /> &#160;<BR /><B>&ldquo;If you like dogs, you&rsquo;ll love Laurien Berenson&rsquo;s Melanie Travis mysteries!&rdquo;</B><BR /><B><I>&mdash;</I></B><B>Joanne Fluke, <I>New York Times</I> bestselling author</B><BR /> &#160;


The Reds would give a spire off the Kremlin to lay hands on Dr. Hans Bracht, America's foremost missile genius. And here he was on a Bangkok-bound plane with only G-2's Colonel North to guard him. The plane's passenger list made North sweat: MARY HOLLBERG, a shapely Fraulein who said she was a concert pianist but obviously wasn’t; CHU HOONG, multimillionaire manufacturer of Dragon's Tooth Elixir; LITA NALINE, an exotic, sloe-eyed film star who developed a sudden affection for Colonel North; BORIS SALENKOV, who resembled Stalin in more ways than his mustache; LEX ROSE, a Hollywood executive and once a card-carrying Commie. Looking at them, Colonel North knew that murder would be the least of his troubles…


Obsessed with creating life in a laboratory, a medical student haunts graveyards and dissecting rooms in search of the materials for his experiments. But when he achieves success, he rejects his ghastly creation. The creature&#8212;longing for love but shunned by all&#8212;turns evil and exacts revenge. Two centuries after its initial publication, Frankenstein endures as a synonym for «monster.» The first modern horror novel as well as the first science-fiction novel, Mary Shelley's Gothic romance has intrigued generations of readers. A definitive survey, this Dover Thrift Study Edition offers the novel's complete and unabridged text, plus a comprehensive study guide. Created to help readers gain a thorough understanding of Frankenstein's content and context, the guide includes: &#8226; Chapter-by-chapter summaries&#8226; Explanations and discussions of the plot&#8226; Question-and-answer sections&#8226; Shelley biography&#8226; List of characters and more Dover Thrift Study Editions feature everything that students need to undertake a confident reading of a classic text, as well as to prepare themselves for class discussions, essays, and exams.


Sam Simone is a family man that loves his wife and children. Sam manages the Good Samaritan Stores for the Good Samaritan Society. The work that the Society does helps the less fortunate. Sam&#39;s daughter, Marie becomes part of a nasty game played by a couple of school officials that aims to remove students from the school. The removal game kicks students out for not being up to the standards of the teacher and vice-principal. Sam must save his daughter and another student from being hurt in a violent clash between the husband of the teacher and the vice-principal.


Это мир, в котором чудовища поджидают вас буквально за углом, мир, где с помощью высшей математики можно творить магию, мир, который стоит на грани катастрофы. Это мир, в котором живет Боб Говард, простой программист. Он работает на Прачечную, сверхсекретное правительственное агентство по борьбе с потусторонними угрозами. Пока его коллеги спасают Землю, Боб корпит за компьютером, задыхаясь от бесконечного потока заявок, служебных записок и бланков. Но вскоре его скучная работа изменится навсегда. Сеть шпионских интриг, порталы, ведущие в умирающие параллельные вселенные, демоны и Древние боги – вот с чем ему придется разбираться теперь. Такие противники могут легко расправиться с любым Джеймсом Бондом, и Боб может противопоставить им только свой разум и выдающийся интеллект. Но, главное, вовремя отправить начальству отчет, ведь конец света еще не наступил, а вот штраф можно получить уже сейчас.