
Spend less time in the garden—and get more results! This book demystifies the growing of fruit and vegetables and shows that, with the right approach, it can be done successfully as a weekend project or slotted into a busy week. Experienced garden designer Clare Matthews explains simple short cuts and unusual low maintenance strategies that really work. Her book is filled with inspirational color photography from her own weekend vegetable garden where the principles promoted in this book have been tried, tested and proven. Low Maintenance Vegetable Gardening will appeal to the complete novice planning a new vegetable garden as well as the more experienced gardener who is looking to save time and increase productivity. Filled with fantastic images and sound horticultural advice, it is an indispensible guide for anyone with limited time who still wants to achieve high yields from their vegetable plot.

Inside Low Maintenance Vegetable Gardening

A no-nonsense guide to growing the vegetables you love to eat the easy way.
Explains time-saving techniques, simple short cuts, and effective low-maintenance strategies.
Packed with practical advice from planning what to grow and companion planting to dealing with pests and diseases and no-dig gardening.
Gorgeous color photography from the author's own weekend vegetable garden, shot by renowned garden photographer Clive Nichols.
Essential reading for the time-poor gardener who wants to achieve maximum yields from their vegetable plot with minimum effort.


"Grow a garden inside! Houseplants bring life and color to any room, and with the right care you can successfully cultivate everything from succulents and bonsai to foliage, flowers, and fruit. Here is everything you always wanted to know about houseplants packed into one easy-to-use volume. Horticulturist David Squire provides simple, step-by-step instructions on choosing the right plants and helping them thrive, with tips on propagation, repotting, grooming, and pest control. The heart of the book is a well-illustrated plant directory that offers a fresh perspective on more than 300 popular varieties, arranged by houseplant families. Each entry features a color photograph for identification; the plant’s botanical and common names; its height, spread, optimum climate and light; and propagation tips. Other essential information on feeding, watering, and grooming is covered in a handy quick reference icon panel.
Inside The Houseplant Handbook:
Complete guide to caring for houseplants, written by an expert horticulturist.
User-friendly reference, rich in practical advice on every stage of indoor gardening.
Explains how to achieve lasting success with flowering and fruiting plants, cacti, succulents, palms, cycads, bulbs, bromeliads, and ferns.
Step-by-step instructions on selection, watering, feeding, presentation, repotting, grooming, propagation, and pest control.
Comprehensive Plant Directory covers more than 300 species with color identification photos, botanical and common names, and essential advice.
Quick reference panels provide each species' required summer and winter temperature and light conditions, its watering and fertilizing needs, and propagation tips. "


Термогазодинамическая обработка объектов газовой сверхзвуковой направленной струей, которая является обрабатывающим инструментом.


Изложены основы эксплуатации промышленного железнодорожного транспорта. Рассмотрены организация движения и маневровой работы на предприятиях отрасли, технология цехов горнорудных предприятий.


In Organic Hobby Farming, Andy Tomolonis, a longtime organic gardener, part-time hobby farmer, and award-winning Boston-area journalist, strips down the concept of “organic” and explains why natural farming has emerged as the healthiest and most viable method of growing for hobby farms and other small-scale operations. In addition to the improved taste and the appeal of excluding toxic materials, organic farming benefits farmers, their families, and the environment. It offers economic plusses as well. The current consumer demand for “local” and “organic” food underscores the need for small hobby farms that offer unique high-end goods. Tomolonis explains the basic principles of organic farming and describes how hobby farmers and their families can eat healthier, save money, help preserve the environment, and even turn their passion into a small-scale side business.Chapter 1 will help you assess the land you live on to determine whether it’s suited for organic vegetables, fruit, berries, or livestock. Farmers who are looking to lease or buy land will find practical advice on how to evaluate properties and find their best use, taking climate, soil, water and geography into consideration. In Chapter 2, Tomolonis continues with practical advice on how to choose the right tools without overspending—starting slowly with quality hand implements and then expanding as you determine the need for costlier power equipment.Chapter 3 moves on to the heart of any successful organic farm—building the soil. “The Good Earth” brings readers down to earth, i.e., the soil. You’ll learn how to evaluate and improve your soil with compost and cover crops and protect it from erosion, chemical contamination and other harm. The author also stresses the importance of understanding the complex relationship between underground soil organisms that play such a crucial role in natural plant health. The best soil, with the right balance of nutrients and a healthy population of microbes, will help your plants survive hardship, resist diseases and produce healthier more bountiful harvests, the author explains.Chapter 4 walks you through the steps needed to develop an organized farm plan. The chapter presents a convenient month-by-month overview of the farmer’s year, offering a timeline and detailed instructions for sowing seeds indoors, transplanting seedlings, guarding against insects and weeds, harvesting, planting cover crops extending the season and developing a schedule for successive food crops. Whether you want to feed your growing family all summer long or produce enough food for a small-scale agribusiness, the information here is invaluable. This chapter also covers organic methods for harnessing the power of nature by luring beneficial insects that will help control farm and garden pests.Learn about heirlooms, hybrids, and eclectic vegetable varieties in the comprehensive directory of vegetable crops and herbs introduced in Chapter 5. Tomolonis reveals his favorite varieties, including many alluring heirlooms that have grown in popularity. Each crop description offers detailed information on soil preparation, sowing, companion planting, and battling weeds and insects without harmful chemicals. The author, a former produce manager for a national grocery chain, also includes tips for harvesting crops, prepping them for display, and bringing the goods to market.If you’re looking for advice on fruits and berries, Organic Hobby Farms introduces new options in Chapter 6, where the author suggests ways to branch out with Asian pears, peaches, and apples, as well as nutritious blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. As he does in other chapters, Tomolonis explains in common terms, how to choose the best varieties for your region, prepare the soil for maximum production, and deal with pests and diseases organically.Organic Hobby Farming also describes the basics of adding chickens to your farm—for wholesome organic eggs or pastured meat. Select the right breeds, raise a flock from day-old chicks and protect the birds from predators and pests the natural way. Tomolonis also delves into the fascinating world of apiculture in Chapter 8. He and his wife, Valerie, are avid beekeepers with hives that produce gallons of healthy unpasteurized local honey. In addition to bees, the book provides insight into keeping such small livestock as meat rabbits and dairy goats.Hobby farmers who want to turn their agricultural skills into a money-making operation will find practical advice in Chapter 9, which discusses commercial options. Learn how to sell your goods to local restaurants, at farmers’ markets, or as part of a community-supported-agriculture (CSA) program. And, once you make a decision to turn commercial, you’ll find advice in developing a business plan, crafting a mission statement, setting goals, and creating farm budgets. You’ll also learn the myriad benefits—and challenges—of becoming USDA certified organic.Finally, Organic Hobby Farming steers you to multiple sources of additional information with an extensive listing of resources, broken down by subject and chapter. With Organic Hobby Farming, creative-thinking readers will learn ways to increase the profitability of their organic ventures. The reader can decide to transform his hobby farm into a specialty destination for heirloom varieties, organic raw honey, preserves, dried herbs, or a particularly desirable breed of heritage livestock.As Tomolonis states in the book’s introduction, “eat safer, more nutritious food, learn about your soil and plants, support the local food movement and help save the planet—one acre at a time.”


В пособии представлены материалы, разработанные на основе содержания федерального государственного образовательного стандарта дошкольного образования (ФГОС ДО). Основная задача, которую ставили перед собой авторы, – помочь сотрудникам образовательных учреждений, реализующих программы дошкольного образования, сориентироваться в требованиях, представленных в новом для дошкольного образования документе. Текст ФГОС ДО представлен в виде схем, таблиц и моделей и сопровождается небольшими комментариями, что поможет читателям составить собственное мнение о возможностях его реализации в практике дошкольного образования. Пособие адресовано заведующим дошкольных образовательных учреждений разных типов, заместителям заведующих по учебно-воспитательной работе, методистам, старшим воспитателям, воспитателям, родителям и другим заинтересованным читателям.


Монография посвящена вопросам диагностики и прогнозирования электроизоляционных свойств кабельных линий. Кратко изложена методика оценки состояния изоляции, основанная на регистрации импульсов ЧР. Рассмотрены способы оценки влияния ЧР, термофлуктуационных процессов на ресурс изоляции. Приведены результаты диагностики электроизоляционных материалов. Книга предназначена для специалистов и исследователей, занимающихся вопросами неразрушающего контроля изоляции и прогнозирования ресурса силовых кабельных линий с учетом режимных параметров сети.


Монография посвящена бурно растущей области компьютерного зрения – разработке алгоритмов и систем, основанных на бионических принципах. Рассматриваются особенности пространственно-неоднородного (фовеального) зрения живых организмов и искусственных систем. Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Министерства науки и высшего образования РФ в рамках Постановления Правительства РФ от 09.04.2010 № 218, проект «Создание программного комплекса для управления человеческим капиталом на основе нейротехнологий для предприятий высокотехнологичного сектора Российской Федерации» (шифр 2019-218-11-8185, внутренний номер ХД/19-22-НЙ).