
This book outlines the principles of thermoelectric generation and refrigeration from the discovery of the Seebeck and Peltier effects in the nineteenth century through the introduction of semiconductor thermoelements in the mid-twentieth century to the more recent development of nanostructured materials. It is shown that the efficiency of a thermoelectric generator and the coefficient of performance of a thermoelectric refrigerator can be related to a quantity known as the figure of merit. The figure of merit depends on the Seebeck coefficient and the ratio of the electrical to thermal conductivity. It is shown that expressions for these parameters can be derived from the band theory of solids. The conditions for favourable electronic properties are discussed. The methods for selecting materials with a low lattice thermal conductivity are outlined and the ways in which the scattering of phonons can be enhanced are described. The application of these principles is demonstrated for specific materials including the bismuth telluride alloys, bismuth antimony, alloys based on lead telluride, silicon-germanium and materials described as phonon-glass electron-crystals. It is shown that there can be advantages in using the less familiar transverse thermoelectric effects and the transverse thermomagnetic effects. Finally, practical aspects of thermoelectric generation and refrigeration are discussed. The book is aimed at readers who do not have a specialised knowledge of solid state physics.


Quantum robotics is an emerging engineering and scientific research discipline that explores the application of quantum mechanics, quantum computing, quantum algorithms, and related fields to robotics. This work broadly surveys advances in our scientific understanding and engineering of quantum mechanisms and how these developments are expected to impact the technical capability for robots to sense, plan, learn, and act in a dynamic environment. It also discusses the new technological potential that quantum approaches may unlock for sensing and control, especially for exploring and manipulating quantum-scale environments. Finally, the work surveys the state of the art in current implementations, along with their benefits and limitations, and provides a roadmap for the future.


This book describes modern focused ion beam microscopes and techniques and how they can be used to aid materials metrology and as tools for the fabrication of devices that in turn are used in many other aspects of fundamental metrology. Beginning with a description of the currently available instruments including the new addition to the field of plasma-based sources, it then gives an overview of ion solid interactions and how the different types of instrument can be applied. Chapters then describe how these machines can be applied to the field of materials science and device fabrication giving examples of recent and current activity in both these areas.


This volume, prepared by an acknowledged expert on the Manhattan Project, gives a concise, fast-paced account of all major aspects of the project at a level accessible to an undergraduate college or advanced high-school student familiar with some basic concepts of energy, atomic structure, and isotopes. The text describes the underlying scientific discoveries that made nuclear weapons possible, how the project was organized, the daunting challenges faced and overcome in obtaining fissile uranium and plutonium, and in designing workable bombs, the dramatic Trinity test carried out in the desert of southern New Mexico in July 1945, and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Photoemission (also known as photoelectron) spectroscopy refers to the process in which an electron is removed from a specimen after the atomic absorption of a photon. The first evidence of this phenomenon dates back to 1887 but it was not until 1905 that Einstein offered an explanation of this effect, which is now referred to as «„the photoelectric effect“». Quantitative Core Level Photoelectron Spectroscopy: A Primer tackles the pragmatic aspects of the photoemission process with the aim of introducing the reader to the concepts and instrumentation that emerge from an experimental approach. The basic elements implemented for the technique are discussed and the geometry of the instrumentation is explained. The book covers each of the features that have been observed in the X-ray photoemission spectra and provides the tools necessary for their understanding and correct identification. Charging effects are covered in the penultimate chapter with the final chapter bringing closure to the basic uses of the X-ray photoemission process, as well as guiding the reader through some of the most popular applications used in current research.


Microelectronics is a challenging course to many undergraduate students and is often described as very messy. Before taking this course, all the students have learned circuit analysis, where basically all the problems can be solved by applying Kirchhoff's


As an alternative to traditional client-server systems, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems provide major advantages in terms of scalability, autonomy and dynamic behavior of peers, and decentralization of control. Thus, they are well suited for large-scale data sharing in distributed environments. Most of the existing P2P approaches for data sharing rely on either structured networks (e.g., DHTs) for efficient indexing, or unstructured networks for ease of deployment, or some combination. However, these approaches have some limitations, such as lack of freedom for data placement in DHTs, and high latency and high network traffic in unstructured networks. To address these limitations, gossip protocols which are easy to deploy and scale well, can be exploited. In this book, we will give an overview of these different P2P techniques and architectures, discuss their trade-offs, and illustrate their use for decentralizing several large-scale data sharing applications.

Table of Contents: P2P Overlays, Query Routing, and Gossiping / Content Distribution in P2P Systems / Recommendation Systems / Top-k Query Processing in P2P Systems


Multisim is now the de facto standard for circuit simulation. It is a SPICE-based circuit simulator which combines analog, discrete-time, and mixed-mode circuits. In addition, it is the only simulator which incorporates microcontroller simulation in the same environment. It also includes a tool for printed circuit board design.
Advanced Circuit Simulation Using Multisim Workbench is a companion book to Circuit Analysis Using Multisim, published by Morgan & Claypool in 2011. This new book covers advanced analyses and the creation of models and subcircuits. It also includes coverage of transmission lines, the special elements which are used to connect components in PCBs and integrated circuits. Finally, it includes a description of Ultiboard, the tool for PCB creation from a circuit description in Multisim. Both books completely cover most of the important features available for a successful circuit simulation with Multisim.
Table of Contents: Models and Subcircuits / Transmission Lines / Other Types of Analyses / Simulating Microcontrollers / PCB Design With Ultiboard


Earth observation is the field of science concerned with the problem of monitoring and modeling the processes on the Earth surface and their interaction with the atmosphere. The Earth is continuously monitored with advanced optical and radar sensors. The images are analyzed and processed to deliver useful products to individual users, agencies and public administrations. To deal with these problems, remote sensing image processing is nowadays a mature research area, and the techniques developed in the field allow many real-life applications with great societal value. For instance, urban monitoring, fire detection or flood prediction can have a great impact on economical and environmental issues. To attain such objectives, the remote sensing community has turned into a multidisciplinary field of science that embraces physics, signal theory, computer science, electronics and communications. From a machine learning and signal/image processing point of view, all the applications are tackled under specific formalisms, such as classification and clustering, regression and function approximation, data coding, restoration and enhancement, source unmixing, data fusion or feature selection and extraction. This book covers some of the fields in a comprehensive way.

Table of Contents: Remote Sensing from Earth Observation Satellites / The Statistics of Remote Sensing Images / Remote Sensing Feature Selection and Extraction / Classification / Spectral Mixture Analysis / Estimation of Physical Parameters


This book links the challenges to which the electricity network is exposed with the range of new technology, methodologies and market mechanisms known under the name «smart grid.» The main challenges will be described by the way in which they impact the electricity network: the introduction of renewable electricity production, energy efficiency, the introduction and further opening of the electricity market, increasing demands for reliability and voltage quality, and the growing need for more transport capacity in the grid. Three fundamentally different types of solutions are distinguished in this book: solutions only involving the electricity network (like HVDC and active distribution networks), solutions including the network users but under the control of the network operator (like requirements on production units and curtailment), and fully market-driven solutions (like demand response). An overview is given of the various solutions to the challenges that are possible with new technology; this includes some that are actively discussed elsewhere and others that are somewhat forgotten.

Linking the different solutions with the needs of the electricity network, in the light of the various challenges, is a recurring theme in this book.

Table of Contents: Introduction / The Challenges / Solutions in the Grid / Participation of Network Users / Market Incentives / Discussion / Conclusions