

Прошло уже более 50 лет со времени полета американцев на Луну. В СССР тоже велись аналогичные работы. Бытует мнение, что они уступали американскому проекту в техническом плане. Это не совсем так.Работы по советской лунной программе проводились на высоком техническом уровне, но были свернуты из-за острых противоречий по вопросам дальнейшего развития отечественной космонавтики.В предлагаемой книге приводятся отдельные воспоминания о драматическом завершении работ по нашей лунной программе.



This publication explores the views of stakeholders in the two decades of partnership between the Asian Development Bank and the Kolkata Municipal Corporation in India. The Asian Development Bank supported Kolkata's integrated planning and phased investments of over $1 billion towards building resilience, inclusiveness, and improved and sustainable urban services. Essential lessons provided in this publication may be useful for other megacities in the region seeking to become more livable.


This report summarizes the findings of the Asian Development Bank's technical assistance project TA-7250: Cross- Sectoral Implications of Biofuel Production and Use in India. Implementation of its national biofuel policy will help offset the effects of oil price increases on the economy of India in the next 2 decades. The advantages of biodiesel, as a supply-side response to counter the adverse impacts, are significant. Bioethanol, in contrast, will not generate sufficient economic benefits to justify social costs. Therefore, first-generation bioethanol has limited scope in India. As these biofuels compete for agricultural resources and compromise food security, a combination of policies–biodiesel expansion, energy efficiency improvements, and food productivity increase–will provide India with better energy security, food security, and opportunities for inclusive growth and carbon emission reduction.



