
В монографии рассматриваются особенности эмоционально-речевой сферы детей, рожденных в результате экстракорпорального оплодотворения (ЭКО) в сравнении с зачатыми естественным путем. Доказывается, что они вследствие совокупности фактoров находятся в группе риска возникновения речевых нарушений, поэтому им требуется своевременная логопедическая и психологическая помощь: необходимость профилактики нарушений с момента зачатия и начало коррекции – с младенческого периода. Особое внимание уделяется медицинским, психологическим и когнитивным аспектам развития близнецoв, проводится сопоставительный анализ их с одиночнорожденными. Изучается реабилитационный потенциал детей, находящихся в группе риска, и разрабатывается модель коррекционно-педагогической помощи детям, рожденным посредством ЭКО, с дифференцированным использованием средств артпедагогики и вовлечением междисциплинарной команды специалистов и родителей.


В сборник вошли доклады, сделанные на секционных заседаниях и круглых столах IV международной конференции «Современное образование: векторы развития. Инновационные подходы к преподаванию социально-гуманитарных дисциплин», состоявшейся в Московском педагогическом государственном университете в апреле 2019 года. Издание адресовано преподавателям высшей школы, специалистам-исследователям, студентам и аспирантам.


В сборнике представлены статьи и тезисы участников VII научно-практической конференции «Развитие познавательных способностей младших школьников», прошедшей 24 октября 2019 г. на кафедре психологии младшего школьника факультета начального образования Института детства МПГУ. Статьи посвящены актуальным проблемам развития познавательных способностей младших школьников в условиях современного образования. Опубликованные в сборнике материалы могут быть полезны преподавателям, аспирантам, студентам бакалавриата и магистратуры, практическим работникам образования – учителям, воспитателям, психологам.


Сборник содержит статьи участников студенческой научной сессии, прошедшей в г. Москва 8–12 апреля 2019 г. Адресован студентам, магистрантам, аспирантам, учителям математики и информатики.


Addresses Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) as a technique for sensitivity-enhancement in solid-state NMR spectroscopy This comprehensive handbook is a compendium of the current state-of-the art of high field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization—from long-proven, early developments, up to today’s hot topics. It covers all the relevant subjects that have made a direct or indirect contribution toward advancing this field, and focuses on topics such as: the theory behind the effects seen within DNP; instrumentation required for carrying out DNP; and specific applications of DNP including protein monitoring, catalysis, nanoparticles, biological and clinical studies. Development and application of techniques that have indirectly contributed to advancing MAS DNP NMR, such as DNP experiments on static solids within microwave resonant structures, and high-field EPR, are also examined. Handbook of High Field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization is presented in three sections—Theoretical Aspects, DNP Development (instrumentation / radical / sample), and DNP NMR Applications. The first section offers chapters on; solid and cross effect DNP; thermal mixing; Overhauser; and dissolution DNP. The second looks at: microwave technology, gyrotron, and IOE; homebuilt and commercial DNP spectrometers; and glassing vs. solvent-free DNP. The final section provides information on; amyloid, membrane, and nanocrystalline proteins; metals, and surface enhanced DNP; pharmaceuticals; nanoparticles; and much more. Covers one of the biggest developing fields in magnetic resonance Relevant to students, academics, and industry within the physical, materials, medical, and biochemical sciences An excellent starting point and point-of-reference for researchers in the field Edited by a widely respected team with contributions from key researchers in the NMR community Part of the eMagRes Handbook Series Handbook of High Field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization is an ideal reference for all researchers and graduate students involved in this complex, interdisciplinary field. About eMagRes Handbooks eMagRes publishes a wide range of online articles on all aspects of magnetic resonance in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The existence of this large number of articles, written by experts in various fields, is enabling the publication of a series of eMagRes Handbooks on specific areas of NMR and MRI. The chapters of each of these handbooks will comprise a carefully chosen selection of eMagRes articles. In consultation with the eMagRes Editorial Board, the eMagRes Handbooks are coherently planned in advance by specially-selected Editors, and new articles are written to give appropriate complete coverage. The handbooks are intended to be of value and interest to research students, postdoctoral fellows and other researchers learning about the scientific area in question and undertaking relevant experiments, whether in academia or industry. Have the content of this Handbook and the complete content of eMagRes at your fingertips! Visit: www. wileyonlinelibrary. com/ref/eMagRes


The conception of lasers and optoelectronic devices such as solar cells have been made possible, thanks to the modern day mastery of processes that harness the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. This first volume is dedicated to thermal radiation and experimental facts that reveal the quantification of matter. The study of black body radiation allows the introduction of fundamental precepts such as Planck's law and the energy-related qualities that characterize radiation. The properties of light and wave–particle duality are also examined, based on the interpretation of light interferences, the photoelectric effect and the Compton effect. This book goes on to investigate the hydrogen atomic emission spectrum and how it dovetails into our understanding of quantum numbers to describe the energy, angular momentum, magnetic moment and spin of an electron. A look at the spectroscopic notation of the states explains the different wavelengths measured from the splitting of spectral lines. Finally, this first volume is completed by the study of de Broglie's wave theory and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which facilitated the advancement of quantum mechanics.


A synthesis of contemporary analytical and modeling approaches in population ecology The book provides an overview of the key analytical approaches that are currently used in demographic, genetic, and spatial analyses in population ecology. The chapters present current problems, introduce advances in analytical methods and models, and demonstrate the applications of quantitative methods to ecological data. The book covers new tools for designing robust field studies; estimation of abundance and demographic rates; matrix population models and analyses of population dynamics; and current approaches for genetic and spatial analysis. Each chapter is illustrated by empirical examples based on real datasets, with a companion website that offers online exercises and examples of computer code in the R statistical software platform. Fills a niche for a book that emphasizes applied aspects of population analysis Covers many of the current methods being used to analyse population dynamics and structure Illustrates the application of specific analytical methods through worked examples based on real datasets Offers readers the opportunity to work through examples or adapt the routines to their own datasets using computer code in the R statistical platform Population Ecology in Practice is an excellent book for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in population ecology or ecological statistics, as well as established researchers needing a desktop reference for contemporary methods used to develop robust population assessments.


The latest research on techniques for effective healing of chronic and difficult to heal wounds The healing of chronic wounds is a global medical concern, specifically for patients suffering from obesity and type II diabetes. Therapeutic Dressing and Wound Healing Applications is an essential text for research labs, industry professionals, and general clinical practitioners that want to make the shift towards advanced therapeutic dressing and groundbreaking wound application for better healing. This book takes a clinical and scientific approach to wound healing, and includes recent case studies to highlight key points and areas of improvement. It is divided into two key sections that include insight into the biochemical basis of wounds, as well as techniques and recent advancements. Chapters include information on: ● Debridement and disinfection properties of wound dressing ● Biofilms, silver nanoparticles, and honey dressings ● Clinical perspectives for treating diabetic wounds ● Treating mixed infections ● Wound healing and tissue regeneration treatments ● Gene based therapy, 3D bioprinting and freeze-dried wafers Anyone looking to update and improve the treatment of chronic wounds for patients will find the latest pertinent information in Therapeutic Dressing and Wound Healing Applications.