
Each business day, some 35,000 executives, scientists, consultants and lawyers pass through the nation's airports to destinations across the globe. They carry, along with proprietary documents and computer files, the latest in personal electronic gear. Their goal is to further their interests, improve their bottom line, engage in transactions with foreign partners and maintain their competitive advantage. That describes one side of what has become, along with terrorism, the biggest threat to the economies of free nations since the Cold War. On the other side, carefully watching most of those travelers, beginning the moment they arrive at the airport – and often sooner – are uncounted numbers of espionage operatives. These individuals work for foreign intelligence services and economic concerns. They, too, are pursuing a goal: to separate international business travelers from their trade secrets. To succeed, they use many time-tested techniques to lure unsuspecting travelers into vulnerable or compromising positions. They also employ the latest electronic means to steal business information – often at a distance from their prey. This is the 21st century, after all, and economic and industrial espionage have become multi-billion-dollar enterprises, utilizing a wide array of the most sophisticated means to obtain proprietary information. Luke Bencie is a veteran of this struggle. He knows intimately the threats business travelers face and how to combat those threats. In Among Enemies: Counter-Espionage for the Business Traveler, Bencie provides everything you need to know to protect yourself and your company from attempted espionage. In these times, you can't afford to be without this important resource.


Few cities in the world are as exotic and complex as Bangkok and this unique book encourages the reader to journey at their own pace, delving into their personal interests.<br><br>A refreshing guide using eReader capacities and the Internet persuading the visitor to look at this metropolis from an alternative viewpoint. With the freedom to wander, the reader will discover traditional lifestyles, unconventional (yet formidable) transportation systems; life in the streets and retreats behind the temple facades. Along with a peek into world famous luxury hotels on the Chao Phraya River, there are also ample suggestions for enjoying long-tail boats and the lore of the lifestyle along the River and the khlongs.<br><br>Bangkok FreeStyle gives you the opportunity to observe the paradoxes, to learn about ancient Siam and to enjoy this modern megalopolis.<br><br>166 pages : each with a beautiful picture &ndash; and each pic is worth a thousand more words.<br><br>The perfect companion to discover Bangkok &ndash; on your own terms!



In 2018, kort op die hakke van sy topverkoper-memoires oor die Camino, Elders, en die kykNET-reeks Elders: Die Camino, reis Erns Grundling met ’n TV-span na Japan om ’n nuwe Elders-reeks te gaan verfilm – dié keer oor die land waar die Rugbywêreldbeker 2019 sal plaasvind. Sushi en shosholoza is sy verslag van die reis. Tussen pelgrimstogte soos die Kumano Kodo, die Camino se sustersroete, die uitklim van Mount Fuji en onderhoude met SA rugbyspelers in Japan – ook met Dan Carter en Jake White – kry lesers nes in Elders terugflitse na Erns se jeug. Van ’n laaitie wat OP se wedstryde op die ou Boet Erasmus-stadion ademloos volg, tot vandag se Erns wat stomgeslaan in sy Brave Blossoms-rugbytrui sit en kyk hoe Japan nou éintlik ’n rugbywedstryd hanteer. (Wenk: Dis nie Loftus dié nie!) Kom stap nog ’n slag saam met Erns, dié keer op die plek waar talle Suid-Afrikaners laat in 2019 die Bokke sal gaan ondersteun. Konnichiwa, Japan!


“Die wêreld is te groot vir een leeftyd. Tyd en lewe het my geleer dat hoe jy ook al probeer, die donner weet, jy kan nie regtig alles wat jy wíl doen, inpas nie.” Maar dit beteken nie jy kan nie probeer nie! Johan Bakkes kies altyd maar die smalle weë, dáár waar min ander dit nog gewaag het. Soos die berg Stok Kangri in Indië, al 6 200 meter daarvan. Maar Samoe(r)sa reis gee ons nie net insae in Bakkes se Indiese ekskursie nie.Benewens die heerlik avontuurlustige vertellings is daar ander stories wat veel nader aan die huis afspeel, en hy gee veral aandag aan die “Boksombende” wat al sy wedervaringe saam met hom meegemaak het. Jy reis immer voort, en telkens kom die wete: “Tydens die reise wat vir ons sin maak, eindig ons maar altyd op ’n ánder plek, maak nie ’n hel saak hoe ons ook al beplan nie”… Soos Laurence Block gesê het: “A man has to die of something. Live long enough, and sooner or later you die of too much living!”


Norditalien ist eine leicht zu erreichende Region für Wiederholungstäter. Wer einmal hier war, wird meist rückfällig und hat irgendwann die meisten der prächtigen Kathedralen, arkadengesäumten Piazzi, die blauen Seen und weitläufigen Patchwork-Landstriche gesehen. Dann wird es Zeit für die versteckten Schätze Norditaliens. Solche, zu denen keine Hinweisschilder führen. Oder die, die zwar allgemein bekannt und in herkömmlichen Reiseführern als Highlight ausgewiesen sind, aber irgendwo noch ein kleines Geheimnis bergen, das es zu entdecken gilt.
Abseits ausgetretener Pfade führt der Autor seine Leser mit diesem Buch, zu 40 gut erreichbaren Zielen. Ein bunter Mix aus Natur- und Städte-Attraktionen, spannenden Menschen, die es zu treffen lohnt, sowie Themenrouten, Shopping-Tipps und kuriosen sowie historischen Zielen, die einen Stopp wert sind – von sich kabbelnden Rubikon-Dörfern und der Campari-Keimzelle bis zu Cinque Terres stillen Nachbarn und modernen Mosaik-Künstlern.


CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE LOOP HIKE, «FRAGRANCE LAKE» CLICK HERE &nbsp;to download two free hikes from Day Hiking North Cascades 125 trails, each rated on an overall-quality scale of 1 to 5 Quick-reference icons for kids, dogs, views, and more Full-color photo insert and overview map 1% of sales donated to the Washington Trails Association «Romano is one of the better guidebook writers around&hellip; He covers a lot of territory that other guidebooks have passed up.»– Seattle Post-Intelligencer Discover the stunning scenery that abounds in the North Cascades region, where hikers indulge in the drama of steep peaks, deep valleys, and everything in between. This new guide covers the Bellingham area, Mount Baker, the Highway 20 corridor, North Cascades National Park, Winthrop and the Pasayten Wilderness area, parts of Glacier Peak Wilderness, and the Mountain Loop Highway. Compact and fresh with a broad range of hiking options, this is the most up-to-date guide for the area, organized along highway and other travel corridors with an emphasis on trails that are 12 miles or less, round-trip. Check out Craig Romano's blog:http://worldhiker.blogspot.com/ [i]**Mountaineers Books designates 1 percent of the sales of select guidebooks in our Day Hiking series toward volunteer trail maintenance.


Este libro intenta mostrar la representación textual de las islas Galápagos desde su descubrimiento hasta nuestros días. El argumento principal sugiere que la descripción de este espacio crucial para la modernidad, dada la retórica de los escritores de viajes y ficción, transforma el área insular para concebir formas alternativas del proyecto de construcción nacional en América Latina. Como resultado de las empresas coloniales, excursiones científicas, crónicas periodísticas o expediciones, la escritura de viaje de las Galápagos condiciona la formación del estado y su imaginario nacional. Esto ocurre por el capital simbólico que posee archipiélago y por el deseo de los intelectuales latinoamericanos de pertenecer a un territorio cosmopolita. El espacio insular funciona como un significante vacío donde los viajeros pueden comunicar su propio significado al narrar las experiencias de sus viajes. Este fenómeno crea una división conceptual y política entre la identidad de las islas y la nación ecuatoriana. Dichas ambigüedades narrativas crearon una ruptura que condujo a variaciones fundamentales en la forma en que los habitantes locales y entidades extranjeras interpretan las Galápagos hoy en día, ya que su literatura refleja una tensión particular de cara a las tendencias migratorias en las islas, así como los intereses globales que prevalecen en la apropiación del espacio.
This book, written in Spanish, takes a literary and cultural studies model to explain the textual representation of the Galápagos Islands since their discovery until present day. The main argument suggests that the depiction of this crucial space for modernity in Western thought, given the rhetoric of travel and fiction writers, transforms the insular area with the intention of conceiving disparate forms of political displacement. Specifically, these depictions show several conflicts that arose from the seeking of identity in Ecuador during the nation-building project that took place at the time. As a result of colonial enterprises (scientific excursions, exile, tourism, journalistic pieces, expeditions, etc.), travel writings of the Galápagos condition the formation of the state and its national imagery because of the extreme symbolic capital of the archipelago and the desire of Latin American intellectuals to belong to a cosmopolitan territory.


&#149; Stories of the modern South, of people who no longer recognize themselves, who have arrived, like the Sunbelt itself, to a strange day that seems disconnected from all the old days, the old stories. Yet it's on this day we must always answer for ourselves&emdash;right an overturned car, recover a brother&#8217;s body, convince a son of our worth and his.


"Precise, moving writing&#8212;a powerful and compelling collection."&#8212;Joseph Hurka, author of Fields of Light «One of the most compelling stories published [by the Yale Review]. . . . A thoughtful, reflective, sensitive, and graceful work.»&#8212;Kai Erikson, former editor, The Yale Review These are stories of unexpected encounters far from home, told with a vivid sense of place. A white man with more wives than money becomes Africa's least-competent thief, two Americans contemplate love's costs and possibilities in Mexico's mountains, a seasick missionary bumps into God on the equator. George Rosen's characters seek, and sometimes find, a reality in which «everywhere, there is something remarkable.»