
Thriving – LifeStyles with Love!<br>A collection of short stories for inspiration.<br><br>&quot;Wonderful little Pepper-Uppers.&quot;<br>Each saga is shaped as a photo-essay and most need only a few minutes to read.<br><br>A different way to get a glimpse into the every-day life in Thailand – a travelogue.<br><br>These are a few of the people that have left particularly large impressions. Knowing them has provided inspiration, energy and verve; perhaps through this book, others will also benefit.<br><br>Each novella shines a light on some events that stands out over the years. This is not an endeavor to bestow the title of &quot;angel&quot; upon anyone; rather it offers a look into everyday life. Thriving – LifeStyles with Love includes people living in meager situations as well as University Professors, techies, owners of family enterprises, and many more. It is their generosity of spirit, which cuts across all social levels and professions (also contributing much to a better life and society) that makes them so special.<br><br>A popular expression in Thailand goes like this (phonetic translation into English):<br>Kon Thai ben khon jai dee!<br>Thai people have a kind heart!<br><br>These stories delight and shine a light on the benefits from these kind-hearts.


This ebook is for the modern traveler &ndash; the bold, the brave, and those that want to use technology for new insights.<br><br>Our quirky Frontier Town (Nakhon Phanom) is the perfect place to use as a base for adventure, research, exploration, chill-out and more:<br>* The most spectacular river-caves in the world are across the Mekong in Laos<br>* Ancient stone walls (equal to those in Angkor Wat) can be found meandering the Mekong<br>* Relics of the Buddha are enshrined in many of the Khmer-style temples throughout the region<br>* The Rua-Fai-Festival to honour the Naga-spirit is awesome, and the means for making these candle-lit boats remains unchanged for centuries<br>* Chill-out could be a day (or days) wandering among Mom & Pop restaurants providing deliciously healthy food, in unforgettable ambiance &ndash; and the modest costs will also surprise you<br>* Beautiful pictures to enhance each subject.<br><br>This part of Thailand, Isaan, remains remote. The formidable power of iPads/eReaders harness the technology, and Frontier Towns provides the information, so that visitors can enjoy unique and unforgettable days in Frontier Towns on the Mekong.


Few cities in the world are as exotic and complex as Bangkok and this unique book encourages the reader to journey at their own pace, delving into their personal interests.<br><br>A refreshing guide using eReader capacities and the Internet persuading the visitor to look at this metropolis from an alternative viewpoint. With the freedom to wander, the reader will discover traditional lifestyles, unconventional (yet formidable) transportation systems; life in the streets and retreats behind the temple facades. Along with a peek into world famous luxury hotels on the Chao Phraya River, there are also ample suggestions for enjoying long-tail boats and the lore of the lifestyle along the River and the khlongs.<br><br>Bangkok FreeStyle gives you the opportunity to observe the paradoxes, to learn about ancient Siam and to enjoy this modern megalopolis.<br><br>166 pages : each with a beautiful picture &ndash; and each pic is worth a thousand more words.<br><br>The perfect companion to discover Bangkok &ndash; on your own terms!