
Join two born-again Christians exploring the Old City of Jerusalem without a tour group.<br><br>Experience the excitement of discovering the Hebraic roots of our Christian faith. Visit archaeological sites and museums that strengthen our faith. Discover Jewish holidays and learn their significance to Jesus and to us. Read about thriving churches in the Old City. Mingle with citizens of the Old City. Learn how to shop the souk and communicate with vendors. Hear the call of ancient stones from the Holy Land. Worship with us as we meet with God in churches, synagogues, mosques, tombs, tunnels, ramparts, and at the Western Wall.


Average People, Extraordinary Trail is written for anyone that has an interest in the Appalachian Trail (A.T.), or hiking in general. You don&#39;t have to be an experienced hiker, or professional outdoorsman, to enjoy a day, or a year, on the A.T.<br><br>Enjoy a &quot;desk hike&quot; while reading the author&#39;s daily journal entries from his 2009 A.T. thru-hike. Prepare for your own hike, or just learn a little about the Appalachian Trail. Each chapter has a planning section and an equipment section. Over 100 photographs are included.


Are you traveling to a foreign country and… DON&#39;T KNOW THE LANGUAGE? Simply get a local person&#39;s attention and point to a photo of need for help. IT WORKS LIKE MAGIC.<br><br>Hundreds of travel photo aids are included. Great for use on smartphones and other handheld devices!&#39;



Shortlisted for the Edward Stanford Travel Writing Awards
In The Hidden Ways, Alistair Moffat traverses the lost paths of Scotland. Down Roman roads tramped by armies, warpaths and pilgrim routes, drove roads and rail roads, turnpikes and sea roads, he traces the arteries through which our nation's lifeblood has flowed in a bid to understand how our history has left its mark upon our landscape.
Moffat's travels along the hidden ways reveal not only the searing beauty and magic of the Scottish landscape, but open up a different sort of history, a new way of understanding our past by walking in the footsteps of our ancestors. In retracing the forgotten paths, he charts a powerful, surprising and moving history of Scotland through the unremembered lives who have moved through it.


In the medieval Castilian village of Guzmán (population: 80), villagers have gathered for centuries in the 'telling room' to share stories and drink the local wine. It was here, in the summer of 2000, that Michael Paterniti found himself listening to a compelling tale about a cheese made from an ancient family recipe that was reputed to be among the finest in the world. Until, Ambrosio said, things had gone horribly wrong. Hooked on the story, Paterniti relocated his young family to the tiny hilltop village to find out more. But like many Spanish villages, Guzmán was rife with gossip and old feuds, secret alliances and plotted vengeance and before long Paterniti was sucked into the heart of an unfolding mystery. When he learned that the cheesemaker had apparently plotted to murder his closest friend, the village began to spill its long-held secrets, and Paterniti found himself implicated in ways he never expected …




While travelling in Calgary, Alberto Manguel was struck by how the novel he was reading seemed to reflect the world he was living in. An article in the daily paper would be suddenly illuminated by a passage in the novel; a long reflection would be prompted by a single word. He decided to keep a record of these moments, rereading a book a month, and formed A Reading Diary: a volume of notes, impressions of travel, of friends, of public and private events, all elicited by his reading.


The Pacific Northwest experiences the most varied and fascinating weather in the United States, including world-record winter snows, the strongest non-tropical storms in the nation, and shifts from desert to rain forest in a matter of miles. Local weather features dominate the meteorological landscape, from the Puget Sound convergence zone and wind surges along the Washington Coast, to gap winds through the Columbia Gorge and the &#65533;Banana Belt&#65533; of southern Oregon. This book is the first comprehensive and authoritative guide to Northwest weather that is directed to the general reader; helpful to boaters, hikers, and skiers; and valuable to expert meteorologists.In The Weather of the Pacific Northwest, University of Washington atmospheric scientist and popular radio commentator Cliff Mass unravels the intricacies of Northwest weather, from the mundane to the mystifying. By examining our legendary floods, snowstorms, and windstorms, and a wide variety of local weather features, Mass answers such interesting questions as:o Why does the Northwest have localized rain shadows?o What is the origin of the hurricane force winds that often buffet the region?o Why does the Northwest have so few thunderstorms?o What is the origin of the Pineapple Express?o Why do ferryboats sometimes seem to float above the water's surface?o Why is it so hard to predict Northwest weather?Mass brings together eyewitness accounts, historical records, and meteorological science to explain Pacific Northwest weather. He also considers possible local effects of global warming. The final chapters guide readers in interpreting the Northwest sky and in securing weather information on their own.