
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics Book Citation Index (Web of Science Core Collection)


Indexed in Clarivate Analytics Book Citation Index (Web of Science Core Collection)


Guilty Til' Proven Innocent is a story about my life growing up and becoming a custom home builder like my dad. A mortgage broker, a manufacture of synthetic marijuana (K2) a legal business when I started. An entrepreneur with Daddy Real Entertainment with a recording studio, record label, owning 2 night clubs, limo service and a concert promoter. Hobnobbing with celebrities and living the good life. Then an encounter with the DEA and two and a half years in a prison camp. Meeting Brilliant Minds, listening and telling our stories.


Beschädigungen der Oberfläche bis hin zu Glasbruch sind nicht immer einfach zu beurteilen. Ohne entsprechende Erfahrung ist eine sorgfältige, eindeutige Ursa-chenzuordnung nicht immer möglich. Um die vorhandenen Erfahrungen auch an-deren Glasfachleuten weiterzugeben, wurde dieses umfassende Buch über Glas-beschädigungen und Glasbrüche und deren Ursachen geschrieben, das weit über das bisher Erarbeitete und Veröffentlichte hinausgeht. Neben den bisher durch den Autor in der 4. Auflage veröffentlichten 49 unterschiedlichsten, schematisierten Glasbruchbildern an den verschiedenen Glasarten wurden auch in der nunmehr vorliegenden 5. Auflage wiederum 4 neue und interessante Bruchbilder aus der Praxis aufgenommen, die häufiger auftreten. Auch das Kapitel „Oberflächenbeschädigungen bei Glas“ mit bisher 23 differierenden Schadensbildern wurde um zusätzliche 6 Schadensfälle erweitert. Alle Kapitel von der Glasherstellung über die Kerbspannungstheorie bis hin zur Bruchmechanik wurden überarbeitet, erweitert und komplettiert. Zusätzliches Thema in der 5. Auflage ist die Materialverträglichkeit. Bei der Vielzahl an Materialien, die im Hochbau und Innenausbau eingesetzt werden können, ist die Verträglichkeit ein absolut wichtiger, nicht zu unterschätzender Punkt, der sehr schnell zu gravierenden, kostspieligen Schäden führen kann. Auch zu diesem Thema sind 12 zusätzliche Schadensbilder aufgenommen worden. Im Anschluss daran wird die Nutzungsdauer von Bauteilen auszugsweise für alle mit Glas in Zusammenhang stehenden Bauteilen kurz in einer Tabelle dargestellt, wie sie vom Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR) herausgegeben wird. Somit werden physikalische, mechanische und optische Eigenschaften und Eigenarten von Glas, deren Nutzungsdauer, Bruchvorgänge, Oberflächenschäden und Materialverträglichkeiten detailliert behandelt, um den vielen Anwendern und Nutzern von Glas entsprechendes Wissen zu vermitteln. Das nunmehr vorliegende, umfassende Nachschlagewerk dient Glasfachleuten insbesondere zur • exakten Bestimmung der Ursachen für Beschädigungen und Glasbrüche, • korrekten Beurteilung und eindeutigen Zuordnung der Schadensursachen, • sicheren Anwendung der theoretischen Grundlagen in der Praxis. Das umfangreiche Bildmaterial von Autor Ekkehard Wagner und weiterer Sachverständiger ermöglicht somit nicht nur eine genaue Beurteilung der Schadensursa-chen – darüber hinaus dient es zu einem besseren Verständnis der Eigenschaften, Eigenarten und Schadensbilder von Glas.


Unlike such obvious forms of oppression as feudalism or slavery, capitalism has been able to survive through its genius for disguising corporate profit imperatives as opportunities for individual human equality and advancement. But it was the genius of Karl Marx, in his masterwork, Capital, to discover the converse law of surplus value: behind the illusion of the democratic, supply-and-demand marketplace, lies the workplace, where people trying to earn a living are required to work way beyond the time it takes to pay their wages. Leave it to the genius of Samir Amin to advance Marx's theories—adding to them the work of radical economists such as Michal Kalecki, Josef Steindl, Paul Baran, and Paul Sweezy—to show how Marxian theory can be adapted to modern economic conditions. Amin extends Marx's analysis to describe a concept of “imperialist rent” derived from the radically unequal wages paid for the same labor done by people in both the Global North and the Global South, the rich nations and the poor ones. This is global oligopolistic capitalism, in which finance capital has come to dominate worldwide production and distribution. Amin also advances Baran and Sweezy’s notion of economic surplus to explain a globally monopolized system in which Marx's “law of value” takes the form of a “law of globalized value,” generating a super-exploitation of workers in the Global South. Modern Imperialism, Monopoly Finance Capital, and Marx's Law of Value offers readers, in one volume, the complete collection of Samir Amin’s work on Marxian value theory. The book includes texts from two of Amin's recent works, Three Essays on Marx’s Value Theory and The Law of Worldwide Value, which have provoked considerable controversy and correspondence. Here, Amin answers his critics with a series of letters, clarifying and developing his ideas. This work will occupy an important place among the theoretical resources for anyone involved in the study of contemporary Marxian economic and political theory.Unlike such obvious forms of oppression as feudalism or slavery, capitalism has been able to survive through its genius for disguising corporate profit imperatives as opportunities for individual human equality and advancement. But it was the genius of Karl Marx, in his masterwork, Capital, to discover the converse law of surplus value: behind the illusion of the democratic, supply-and-demand marketplace, lies the workplace, where people trying to earn a living are required to work way beyond the time it takes to pay their wages. Leave it to the genius of Samir Amin to advance Marx's theories—adding to them the work of radical economists such as Michal Kalecki, Josef Steindl, Paul Baran, and Paul Sweezy—to show how Marxian theory can be adapted to modern economic conditions. Amin extends Marx's analysis to describe a concept of “imperialist rent” derived from the radically unequal wages paid for the same labor done by people in both the Global North and the Global South, the rich nations and the poor ones. This is global oligopolistic capitalism, in which finance capital has come to dominate worldwide production and distribution. Amin also advances Baran and Sweezy’s notion of economic surplus to explain a globally monopolized system in which Marx's “law of value” takes the form of a “law of globalized value,” generating a super-exploitation of workers in the Global South. Modern Imperialism, Monopoly Finance Capital, and Marx's Law of Value offers readers, in one volume, the complete collection of Samir Amin’s work on Marxian value theory. The book includes texts from two of Amin's recent works, Three Essays on Marx’s Value Theory and The Law of Worldwide Value, which have provoked considerable controversy and correspondence. Here, Amin answers his critics with a series of letters, clarifying and developing his ideas. This work will occupy an important place among the theoretical resources for anyone involved in the study of contemporary Marxian economic and political theory.


Feature Writing and Reporting offers a fresh look at feature writing and reporting in the 21st century. Award-winning professor and author Jennifer Brannock Cox teaches students the fundamentals of feature writing and reporting while emphasizing the skills and tools needed to be successful in the digital era. Packed with the best samples of feature writing today, this practical text gives students ample opportunity to practice their writing as they build a portfolio of work for their future careers. Special attention on new multimedia and online reporting prepares readers for success in a rapidly changing media landscape. 
