
"Brilliant Minds in Captivity" is the continuing from the book «Guilty Til' Proven Innocent» which is a book about my life growing up and becoming a Custom Home Builder, Mortgage Broker an entrepreneur manufacturing synthetic marijuana called K2, everything was legal, and I was making millions. I started a recording studio, record label, two-night clubs, limo service, and concert promotions. I was hobnobbing with celebrities and living a wonderful life.   Then an encounter with the DEA stating I had a banned chemical in my products, but I never even heard of that chemical, it did not matter they will get you after they investigate you.  Their lies, and scare tactics work. They coerce and threaten you into a plea deal. They took two and a half million dollars from me and sentenced me to 48 months in a prison camp. After two-and-a-half years warehoused in the camp and a slave working to keep the prison up next door I was released to home confinement early because of the Coronavirus and now here I am at home living with an ankle bracelet, writing my stories.


Guilty Til' Proven Innocent is a story about my life growing up and becoming a custom home builder like my dad. A mortgage broker, a manufacture of synthetic marijuana (K2) a legal business when I started. An entrepreneur with Daddy Real Entertainment with a recording studio, record label, owning 2 night clubs, limo service and a concert promoter. Hobnobbing with celebrities and living the good life. Then an encounter with the DEA and two and a half years in a prison camp. Meeting Brilliant Minds, listening and telling our stories.