
Acupressure involves fingers to add pressure to areas of the body. A pamphlet will help by showing those who want to learn how to do the procedure where to place the fingers and the areas where acupressure shouldn't be used. Information is available about how long the pressure should be held and the benefits of using acupressure. There are also some people who shouldn't use the treatment because of health concerns, and a pamphlet would go into more detail with this information.


You may not know this but Bipolar Type 2 is one of the most common mental disorders, which people suffer from these days. Due to symptoms being less severe, many refer to it as «soft bipolar». Yet, even though the symptoms associated with type 2 are less intense, it can still have a detrimental effect on the quality of life for the sufferer. In fact, they often find it extremely troubling as they have the classic symptoms of bipolar type 1. They can be subject to serious and recurring bouts of depression, along with more subtle bipolar symptoms such as periods of irritability, confusion, impulsiveness and agitation. When bipolar type 2 sufferers have a manic episode, it is usually milder so rather than being hyperactive, they tend to feel more energized and happier. Due to this, they do not suffer the terrible repercussions of a full-blown manic episode. However, it is worth saying that even though the symptoms are less severe they still need the right course of medication and therapy so they are able to take control of their illness. If they do not, then there is a chance their condition can become worse, which could have serious consequences. Unfortunately studies show that bipolar type 2 has become much more prevalent. In fact, it is now believed bipolar type 2 is three to four times more common than bipolar type 1. Yet, no one can offer an explanation as to why this has become the case. However, it could be because bipolar disorder was categorized into four different classifications, therefore has now become much easier to recognize and diagnose. Even though it has become more prevalent, many believe patients are receiving the wrong diagnosis. Many say the reason for this is that the manic episodes in bipolar type 2 are much less severe than those of type 1,so can class as being in a «normal» state of elation. Furthermore, if the symptoms associated with hypomania manifest themselves as racing thoughts, anxiety, insomnia or irritability then it becomes difficult for medical professionals to determine whether they suffer from bipolar type 2 or depression. Often when a person suffers a manic episode they usually feel elated but for those who are bipolar type two, they usually feel more depressed rather than elation.


Raising a bipolar teen may prove to be a challenge especially if you do not know whether or not he is bipolar. You may be asking yourself the question: is my teen bipolar? In order to know whether your teen is bipolar or not there are some symptoms that you need to look for. For starters it is very important to know that bipolar teens usually have a combination of manic (extremely high) and depressed (low) moods. Such moods usually alternate or even at times feel a combination of manic and depressed feelings at almost the same time. The bipolar syndrome mostly affects people in the adult stage but not above 35. As much as it occurs in children it is quite rare among them. Such mood variations usually make it very hard for parents to raise a bipolar teen. Bipolar teen symptoms usually differ according to whether it is manic or depressed. Signs of a bipolar teen suffering from manic moods include:Mood changes that are quite severe compared to other aged the same and come from a similar background with him. The teen may appear to be excessively happy or silly and at times irritating. Always unrealistically high with self-esteem. Increasingly talkative as well as keeps changing topics very fast. The teen is easily distracted as he keeps moving from one point to another. Keeps taking risks thinking he will not be harmed. Signs of a bipolar teen suffering from depressed moods include:Sadness that is persistent as well as crying all the time. Lack of interest in his favorite activities. Frequently complaining of pains mostly headaches and stomachaches. Exhibits poor concentration tendencies as well as bore dome and low energy levels. Sleeping and eating patterns are changed. He may oversleep or overeat. Parenting a bipolar teen may be a challenge especially due to the fact that they tend to display characters that are similar to teenagers that have other problems including drug abuse, schizophrenia and delinquency. It is therefore important that as a parent of a bipolar teen to find professional help for you to be able to understand your teen so as not to be in a position to make any mistakes. Such a diagnosis can only be done by a competent doctor as well as a child and adolescent psychologist. Living with a bipolar teen my also prove irritating at times especially for the siblings hence they need to be enlightened on their sibling's condition for them to be able to understand the bipolar teen within the family or class. Bipolar teens can get effective treatment to try and correct their conditions. Medication such as lithium and also being exposed to psychotherapy will help very much in ensuring that the teen is relieved from bipolar disorder. The lithium in most cases helps in the reduction of the amount and severity of the episodes as well as prevent manic and depression episodes. Psychotherapy also helps the bipolar teenager understand himself better and even adapt to stresses and even be able to improve their relationships as well as help them rebuild their self-esteem.


Adults and children who have been diagnosed with a bipolar disorder can benefit from eating a bipolar diet. Bipolar disorders can be described as a psychological illness that manifests itself in intense low and high mood swings. While professionals in the medical field cannot recommend a specific cure for the illness, they can recommend changes in an individual's diet plan because they are closely related. Changes in the diet can assist with managing the condition and keeping it under control. Diet and Bipolar Disorder Even though bipolar disorders are not interconnected or associated or with various kinds of nutritional deficiencies, some of the most recent studies are indicating that certain nutrients are being linked with improving an individual's high and low mood swings. Based on this research, the nutrients that have been listed in the sections below can help with the symptoms but they will not take the place of the medicine that the physician has prescribed to a patient. Patients should also talk with their physician before making any major changes or adjustments in their regular diet plans and supplements. The patient can also share some of the information that they have found on topics like: Best Diet for Bipolar Disorder, Finding the Best Bipolar Diet book and Ketogenic Diet Bipolar plans. Diets and Improving the Mood Swings Omega 3 Fatty Acid Omega 3 fatty acids are recommended for a wide variety of illnesses and other conditions. This statement is also true for those who suffer with bipolar disorders. Therefore, some of the foods that should be added to the bipolar diet plan are different kinds of fish. For those who enjoy eating fish, they can choose herring, mackerel and salmon. Fish is considered to be an idea source of nutrients for this specific problem. In fact, some surveys show that people that eat large amounts of fish on a regular basis have less depression. Even though the bipolar and nutrient research is ongoing, omega 3 fatty acids have been identified as foods that lessen stress, while it also aids these individuals in focusing. In addition to eating fish, there are also other sources of omega 3 fatty acids and they include flaxseed oil and fish oil supplements. Lean Protein and Bipolar Diet Lean protein is recommended in many different types of diet plans. One of the main reasons for eating protein is due to its repair and building of muscle tissue. Some of the best and most common sources of lean proteins are turkey, chicken and lean cuts of red meat. However, for people who do not eat any type of meat, they can drink protein shakes as an added supplement. Complex Carbohydrates Most people like eating foods that contain carbohydrates because they are great and essential sources of energy. However, it is important to choose the right types of carbs if the individual would like to have energy that will last. Which means, they should fill their diets with the foods that contain complex carbs. Complex carbohydrates will keep the person from consuming too much sugar. Some of the common examples of complex carbohydrates can be found in fruits, whole grains and in vegetables. For instance, an individual can eat plenty of apples, peaches, oranges, grapefruits, Brussels sprouts, whole wheat bread and beans on their bipolar diet.


For many years people have held the belief that the Bipolar Disorder only affects adults, but recent findings suggest that having a bipolar child is not only possible, it is actually more and more common these days. While adults generally treat the disorder with the help of medication, therapy and pharmaceuticals, the same approach cannot really be taken with children, especially younger ones, and that's precisely why the Bipolar Survival Guide for Children by Heather Rose was written. In a majority of cases it is believe that Bipolar Disorder is passed on genetically, sometimes over the course of generations. The book will first teach you all you need to know about the signs of a bipolar child, allowing you to make sure that your child indeed has Bipolar Disorder and is not just going through the normal stage of childhood where he or she is prone to temper tantrums. While many do not know this, determining whether or not your child has the disorder as early as possible is extremely important as it will allow you and them to work on ways to cope with the problem. Naturally, apart from being taught everything about the bipolar child symptoms, the book also goes into great detail when it comes to raising a bipolar child so that the disorder doesn't impeded upon daily life. Long story short, the book contains seven big and effective strategies which will make living with a bipolar child a reality. Naturally, these strategies aren't the run-of-the-mill advice you receive from uneducated people trying to sound like real experts; these are methods that will teach your child to gain a much better control and understanding of their condition, methods you aren't going to find floating around on self-help websites. Of course, parenting a bipolar child is as stressful for the child as it is for the parent; after all, you must be terribly concerned about not only your child's future, but about whether or not the condition will one day lead to tragic consequences… not to mention that you probably don't feel like dealing with a problematic child after work every single day. Rest assured that this book also touches on the parent's perspective as far as bipolar children go, teaching you precisely how to implement the afore-mentioned seven strategies in your parenting, how you should behave to help your child remain stable, and the kind of mindset you need to adopt in order to ensure you and your child make it through problematic situations. All in all, Bipolar Disorder is far from being a negligible condition as it's not only more common today, but it has led many people to tragic endings. It is not rare to see children suffering from the disorder, but the good news is that if you ask yourself «is my child bipolar» soon enough, you'll be able to diagnose them properly and teach them how to gain a better control of the condition. Raising a bipolar child can be a tremendously harsh experience, and the Bipolar Survival Guide for Children will tremendously help you and your child to get through it.


For anybody familiar with the condition known as bipolar 2 , you will probably know how difficult and distressing the condition can be. Bipolar 2 disorder is a condition most commonly characterised by at least one hypomanic (happy) episode and one major depressive episode. Firstly, what is bipolar 2 ? – Bipolar 2 disorder, is a type of mental illness that is very similar to bipolar 1 disorder. Typically, persons suffering from bipolar 2 will experience severe mood swings and changes, alternating from periods of extreme lows, to highs over time. The only real difference between bipolar 1 and 2 is that in bipolar 2, the person suffering from the condition will never experience what is known as full on «mania» type highs. The less-intense elevated moods in bipolar 2 disorder are known as «hypomania» or hypomanic episodes. Generally, people suffering from bipolar 2 disorder will have, or will experience at least one hypomanic episode in their life. Unfortunately, people suffering from this condition also suffer spells of depression, sometimes quite severe. This is where the term «manic depression» comes from. What are the symptoms of bipolar 2 ? – Although bipolar 2 is thought to be generally less severe than bipolar 1, it is still an extremely serious medical condition and there are a number of symptoms to look for if you believe that you, or somebody you know, may be suffering from bipolar 2 disorder. People suffering from bipolar 2 usually have an elevated mood, irritability and notice some small changes in everyday functions. Instead of full-blown mania, in which persons can become hysterical and uncontrollable, those afflicted will instead experience hypomania episodes like we spoke about earlier. These are much less severe changes in mood but still just as serious. In bipolar 2, spells of depression can typically last for much longer than periods of hypomania. Bipolar 2 treatments – In bipolar 2, hypomania can actually disguise itself as feelings of joy, happiness or even optimism. If this hypomania is not causing any obvious signs of unhealthy or unnatural behaviour, it can often go undiagnosed, and as such, will obviously not be treated. This is a stark contrast to true mania type episodes, which can result in a person or persons becoming seriously injured, both physically and psychologically. True mania type episodes require treatment via specially designed medicines. Those suffering from bipolar 2 disorder can greatly benefit from preventive drugs designed to stabilize their mood over the long term. These drugs have been made to help prevent the negative side effects of hypomania, and can also help to prevent spells of depression. Mood stabilizers are also a great treatment when dealing with bipolar 2 disorder. Lithium, Depakote, Lamictal, Tegretol and Trileptal, are some of the more commonly prescribed drugs when dealing with this terrible condition. Anti-psychotics, anti-depressants and even tranquilizers have also been proven to help treat bipolar 2. There are things that can be done at home to help combat the affects of bipolar 2. Changes in diet, such as eating healthier, fresher foods and drinking more water have all been recommended. Try to get a good night's sleep and not over work yourself. All of these seemingly small changes can make a big, big difference. Bipolar 2 support – Finally, if you think that you, or somebody you know, may be suffering from bipolar 1 or bipolar 2 disorder then it is urgent that you seek medical help and advice as soon as possible. There are a number of books, forums, experts and help lines out there, all designed to give you all the care, support, help and advice that you could ever need. Remember, you are not alone, thousands upon thousands of others are suffering from this same condition and you and your loved ones can still lead a perfectly normal everyday life. I wish you good luck and good health for the future.


Of the many medical specializations to transform themselves during the rise of National Socialism, anatomy has received relatively little attention from historians. While politics and racial laws drove many anatomists from the profession, most who remained joined the Nazi party, and some helped to develop the scientific basis for its racialist dogma. As historian and anatomist Sabine Hildebrandt reveals, however, their complicity with the Nazi state went beyond the merely ideological. They progressed through gradual stages of ethical transgression, turning increasingly to victims of the regime for body procurement, as the traditional model of working with bodies of the deceased gave way, in some cases, to a new paradigm of experimentation with the “future dead.”


Nikki begin uiteindelik in haar nuwe skool aanpas. Sy het twee cool vriende en Brandon het haar uiteindelik begin raaksien. Nikki wil saam met Brandon na die skooldans gaan, maar wanneer MacKenzie begin spog dat sy saam met Brandon gaan, besluit Nikki om liewer na haar sussie se partytjie te gaan. Later vind sy uit dat MacKenzie gejok het, en Nikki besef haar droom om saam met Brandon dans toe te gaan kan waar word. Maar hoe woon jy twee partytjies tegelyk by?


This step-by-step instruction manual with videos introduces a spectrum of osteopathic manipulative techniques incorporating principles of psychomotor learning that enable optimal skill acquisition during both independent and supervised practice. Introductory chapters contain historical and essential concepts for performing osteopathic manipulative techniques including somatic dysfunction diagnosis. Each technique chapter includes pertinent background and summary concepts, key features of somatic dysfunction diagnosis, an end-goal focus for performing the technique, relevant anatomic image(s), and performance steps to foster knowledge retention. Key Highlights Online access to 160 technique video demonstrationsHigh quality illustrations that reinforce anatomyPsychomotor skills learning and assessment strategiesNearly 100 self-study/review questions in multiple choice format, also accessible via WinkingSkull.comThis evidence-based manual for learning manipulation treatment is the must-have tool for all osteopathic medical students and residents.


Writing a medical paper, or any other scientific text, is full of pitfalls which make it difficult to get it accepted for publication. This unique book gives practical advice on how one can circumvent these dangers. It is richly filled with examples, predominantly negative ones. which exhibit how one should not write a medical paper. This book highlights the fallibilities that manuscripts are often susceptible to, and hence will help writers avoid committing those mistakes. Special Features: Abundant information about a complex subject condensed in a small formatNumerous examples from bad manuscripts to drive home conceptsPractical advice on mistakes to be avoidedExplanation of the fate of a manuscript after its submission and, eventually, acceptance, to help writers understand expectations and responsesLucid language, and enjoyable readThis book will be of value to anyone with an interest in scientific publishing. Junior medical scientists (independent of specialty), experienced scientists who wish to venture as authors, reviewers, and even editorial personnel can refer to the book time and again.