
The emergence of genetic science has profoundly shaped how we think about biology. Indeed, it is difficult now to consider nearly any facet of human experience without first considering the gene. But this mode of understanding life is not, of course, transhistorical. Phillip Thurtle takes us back to the moment just before the emergence of genetic rationality at the turn of the twentieth century to explicate the technological, economic, cultural, and even narrative transformations necessary to make genetic thinking possible.The rise of managerial capitalism brought with it an array of homologous practices, all of which transformed the social fabric. With transformations in political economy and new technologies came new conceptions of biology, and it is in the relationships of social class to breeding practices, of middle managers to biological information processing, and of transportation to experiences of space and time, that we can begin to locate the conditions that made genetic thinking possible, desirable, and seemingly natural.In describing this historical moment, The Emergence of Genetic Rationality is panoramic in scope, addressing primary texts that range from horse breeding manuals to eugenics treatises, natural history tables to railway surveys, and novels to personal diaries. It draws on the work of figures as diverse as Thorstein Veblen, Jack London, Edith Wharton, William James, and Luther Burbank. The central figure, David Starr Jordan – naturalist, poet, eugenicist, educator – provides the book with a touchstone for deciphering the mode of rationality that genetics superseded.Building on continental philosophy, media studies, systems theory, and theories of narrative, The Emergence of Genetic Rationality provides an inter-disciplinary contribution to intellectual and scientific history, science studies, and cultural studies. It offers a truly encyclopedic cultural history that challenges our own ways of organizing knowledge even as it explicates those of an earlier era. In a time in which genetic rationality has become our own common sense, this discussion of its emergence reminds us of the interdependence of the tools we use to process information and the conceptions of life they animate.


From the potent properties of X rays evoked in Thomas Mann's Magic Mountain to the miniaturized surgical team of the classic science fiction film Fantastic Voyage, the possibility of peering into the inner reaches of the body has engaged the twentieth-century popular and scientific imagination. Drawing on examples that are international in scope, The Transparent Body examines the dissemination of medical images to a popular audience, advancing the argument that medical imaging technologies are the material embodiment of collective desires and fantasies–the most pervasive of which is the ideal of transparency itself. The Transparent Body traces the cultural context and wider social impact of such medical imaging practices as X ray and endoscopy, ultrasound imaging of fetuses, the filming and broadcasting of surgical operations, the creation of plastinated corpses for display as art objects, and the use of digitized cadavers in anatomical study.In the early twenty-first century, the interior of the body has become a pervasive cultural presence – as accessible to the public eye as to the physician's gaze. Jose van Dijck explores the multifaceted interactions between medical images and cultural ideologies that have brought about this situation. The Transparent Body unfolds the complexities involved in medical images and their making, illuminating their uses and meanings both within and outside of medicine. Van Dijck demonstrates the ways in which the ability to render the inner regions of the human body visible – and the proliferation of images of the body's interior in popular media – affect our view of corporeality and our understanding of health and disease. Written in an engaging style that brings thought-provoking cultural intersections vividly to life, The Transparent Body will be of special interest to those in media studies, cultural studies, science and technology studies, medical humanities, and the history of medicine.


The purpose of this book is to help you expose and understand the root causes of your &quot;false&quot; mental pain and begin the process of healing. The information I have provided here will allow you to see that your longstanding psychological suffering has not been based on the truth about you, and that just beyond that veil of falsehood is the joyful truth, accessible to anyone who truly wants it.<br><br>As a Board Certified Psychiatrist, I have had the opportunity to observe the psychological experiences of many people. For the past twenty years, I have treated thousands of patients, from children to adults and everyone in between. Based on my observations of these patients and the knowledge I&#39;ve accumulated over many years of practicing, I&#39;ve created the theory of Bad Jelly, and I offer it here for your benefit.<br><br>By learning about Bad Jelly and how to identify its presence and influence, you will be able to begin distinguishing the thoughts that are based on your true, innate self from those that are based on Bad Jelly. By applying the techniques I&#39;ve developed that neutralize Bad Jelly, you can free yourself from this harmful way of living.


Are you feeling exasperated and helpless about your family member&#39;s addiction? Are you at your wit&#39;s end, having tried everything you can think of to make them stop?<br><br>If someone you love is engaging in addictive behaviors such as alcohol and drug misuse, eating disorders, smoking, gambling, Internet addiction, sex addiction, compulsive overspending, or relationship addiction, you are undoubtedly experiencing unpredictability in your relationship.<br><br>Some of the most common emotions you will experience include:<br>– Guilt and shame<br>– Anger and anxiety<br>– Confusion and powerlessness<br><br>Whether the addict in your life is your spouse, partner, parent, child, friend, or colleague, the key to changing this reality for yourself lies in shifting your focus from your loved one&#39;s addiction to you own self-care. This book presents a dramatically fresh approach to help you get off the roller-coaster chaos of addiction, maintain your own sanity and serenity, and live your best life.


Power is embedded in our society and makes its way into relationships through control. Hidden in everyday interactions, control is one of the major contributors to disagreements, arguments and conflicts in interpersonal relationships. <br><br>Our sense of self is the most precious thing we have. Controllers may target someone&#39;s emotional, social, financial or physical well-being, but their most effective target is a person&#39;s self- identity. That is why control is so debilitating. When our autonomy is damaged our self-worth is damaged. <br><br>But control is not simple &acirc; if someone tries to use power over another, that person will resist. Resistance in turn can become controlling. This book unravels the tangled web to show how control can take over; what is and what is not controlling behaviour; what is control and what is resistance; the effects of the power struggle; the harm it causes and how to deal with it.<br><br>While the book&#39;s focus is on romantic relationships the material applies to many types of relationship such as student/teacher, parent/child, co-workers or employee/employer. The explanations provide a framework for understanding bullying and domestic violence.<br><br>The personal strategies are helpful for many different situations in which we find we lack the skills to achieve a good outcome. By understanding how control works people can stand back and see the inner workings of their relationships and how they operate.<br><br>Chapters:<br><br>1: &quot;Five Stages of Relationships&quot; -Relationships can be divided into five stages: honeymoon; power struggle; parallel lives; synergy; end (by death or breakup). This chapter describes the transition from honeymoon to power struggle, where many relationships become stuck.<br>2: &quot;Power Struggle&quot; -There are differences in why people hurt others. Some want to get their own way and hurt others in the process. Some hurt others because they like seeing their pain.<br>3: &quot;Why People Control&quot; -People control to enact their beliefs. Thirteen different beliefs are investigated.<br>4: &quot;Macro Control&quot; -There are different levels of control. The most control one person can have over another is to define their reality.<br>5: &quot;Social Methods of Control&quot; -A common method of social control is to alienate a partner from their friends and family. Another is to diminish the partner in public. <br>6: &quot;Resistance and Counter-Control&quot; -People resist being controlled. Their resistance behaviours can become self-destructive. Sometimes they resist to the point that they become controlling in return. <br>7: &quot;Manipulative Methods of Control&quot; -Manipulative control can be the hardest to pin down what it is.<br>8: &quot;Manipulative Arguments&quot; -Sometimes we know the other person&#39;s argument is not right but we can&#39;t exactly say why. Common fallacious arguments y controllers use are presented.<br>9: &quot;Who is Resisting and Who is Controlling?&quot; -It can be very hard to tease out what is happening with control. The levels of control provide a clue. <br>10: &quot;Covert Methods of Control&quot; -These diminish a partner but are hidden in everyday behaviours.<br>11: &quot;Overt Methods of Control&quot; -Controllers who use overt methods believe they have the right to dominate the other person.<br>12: &quot;Physical Methods of Control&quot; -Include domestic violence where the controller uses any means to subdue their partner.<br>13. &quot;Effect of the Power Struggle on the Self&quot; -Power struggles deplete people. Continual diminishment can lead to depression. Continual criticism or attack leads to anxiety.<br>14. &quot;History of Control&quot; -Shows how values and beliefs are passed down the generations.<br>15 &quot;Power of the Environment&quot; -From our inherited behaviours to modern day social expectations our environment influences what we do and how we think.<br>16. &quot;Power Over Ourselves&quot; – looks at how people can rebuild themselves using a healthier paradigm. <br>17. &quot;Does it Have to be a Power Struggle?&quot; -The book concludes that the power to influence is more effective than the power to control and includes some techniques to achieve that.


Cruise Control is the premiere book on the growing problem of sex addiction in gay men. This second edition explores how technology has impacted the instant ability to &quot;meet up&quot; and the implications of being in recovery in a committed relationship. Accessible resource for achieving sex addiction recovery including a &quot;30 day test&quot; and a dating plan.


One of the most beloved authors in English literature, Jane Austen wrote myriad novels, stories and poems that illustrated her sophisticated sense of irony, humor and biting commentary on the society of Regency England. As the majority of her work was published anonymously, in the custom of female authors at the time, much of her notoriety came about posthumously. In addition to her published works, Austen kept avid personal correspondence with friends and family, particularly her sister, Cassandra. This collection of letters provides an invaluable glimpse into the author's life, which was spent primarily within a close-knit family circle making perceptive observations of human behavior and relationships. Pursuant to the themes of her novels, it is clear that Austen was unimpressed by pomposity and pretention and held a deep adoration for those she loved. These letters, pervaded by her usual charming wit, will be a joy to read for any Jane Austen enthusiast.


The story of Abelard and Heloise is renowned as one of the most legendary and romantic love stories of all time. Peter Abelard was a French philosopher, theologian and preeminent logician of the 12th Century; Heloise, an intelligent and remarkable girl eighteen years his junior, who resided in the house of her uncle. Entering into the house as Heloise's tutor, Abelard soon seduced the young girl. The secret affair was discovered by the girl's uncle, followed quickly by a pregnancy, secret marriage, and the castration of Abelard. The pair retreated separately to a monastery and abbey, to live out the rest of their days in religious confinement. These letters are the best evidence of what transpired between the lovers after their separation, despite some speculation as to their true authorship. Powerfully written, these letters have resonated with readers for eight centuries as a standard of romantic love and devotion.


Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish writer and poet who distinguished himself as a leader of London's school of Aesthetics in the late nineteenth century. He became famous for his long hair, flamboyant dress, green carnations and colorful, biting wit. His successful novels, social comedies, poetry and letters reflected his belief in the supremacy of art. In 1895, Wilde was convicted of gross indecency in a legal suit from the father of his lover, Lord Alfred Douglas. He was imprisoned for two years, serving hard labor, during which time he wrote «De Profundis»: a letter to Douglas discussing their relationship and the spiritual journey that Wilde had undergone in prison. The eighty page manuscript begins by examining Lord Alfred's behavior and negative influence on Wilde during their three-year relationship; the second part of the letter describes the harsh conditions of prison and the physical and emotional toll it took on the writer. He finishes the letter with a Christian analogy of himself as a symbol of art and truth.


Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur (1735-1813), a French-American writer, was responsible for the first American novel deemed successful throughout Europe. With «Letters From an American Farmer», Crèvecoeur depicted the newly settled America as a country, and not just a system of colonies. This epistolary novel gave America an identity, expounding on the concept of The American Dream, with its themes of equal opportunity and self-determination, while also exploring the damage and conflict caused by slavery, an institution to which Crèvecoeur was strongly opposed. «Letters From an American Farmer» begins idealistically, the first few letters written in an idealistic tone, then expands to paint a full and vivid picture of a society in a state of turmoil, ravaged by civilization. This work has been translated into several languages, a landmark literary achievement, as it helped transform the «New World» into America in the minds of Europeans.