
Musaicum Books presents to you this meticulously edited collection of Hilaire Bellocs most influential works: Nonfiction: History The Book of the Bayeux Tapestry The Path to Rome The Old Road The French Revolution Blenheim Tourcoing Crécy Waterloo Malplaquet Poitiers First and Last Europe and the Faith Survivals and New Arrivals: The Old and New Enemies of the Catholic Church The Jews The Historic Thames A Change in the Cabinet A General Sketch of the European War: The First Phase The Two Maps of Europe Economics Servile State Essays: Avril: Essays on the Poetry of the French Renaissance Hills and the Sea On Nothing and Kindred Subjects On Everything On Anything On Something This and That On The Free Press Fiction: Novels & Short Stories The Mercy of Allah The Green Overcoat Poetry: A Moral Alphabet Bad Child's Book of Beasts More Beasts For Worse Children The Modern Traveller Cautionary Tales for Children More Peers


London and the Kingdom is a three volume historical study about the city of London throughout the history. First volume covers the history of London from circa 4th century AD and the late Roman period to the end of 15th century. Second volume covers the period from the accession of James VI of Scotland as a king James I of England in 1603 to the death of Queen Anne in 1714. The third volume begins with the accession of George I and covers the history and social and cultural development of the city throughout the next century.


The History of Ancient Greek Literature is an exceptional and comprehensive textbook of Europe's oldest civilization. The book covers the ancient Greek literature from the earliest texts until the time of the Byzantine Empire. It begins with the earliest surviving works of ancient Greek literature, the two epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey, set in an idealized archaic past today identified as having some relation to the Mycenaean era. Homer's epics as well as the Homeric Hymns and the two poems of Hesiod, Theogony and Works and Days, comprised the major foundations of the Greek literary tradition that would continue into the Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman periods. All above mentioned periods are presented in this book with a special emphasise on every particularly literary genre of ancient Greek literature – epic poetry, lyric poetry, drama, historiography and philosophy. Contents Homer Lesser Homeric Poems; Hesiod; Orpheus The Descendants of Homer, Hesiod, and Orpheus The Song The Beginnings of Prose Herodotus Philosophic and Political Literature to the Death of Socrates Thucydides The Drama Aeschylus Sophocles Euripides Comedy Plato Xenophon The 'Orators' Demosthenes and His Contemporaries The Later Literature, Alexandrian and Roman


The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life is a first-person account of a 2-month summer tour in 1846 of the U.S. states of Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado and Kansas. Francis Parkman, the author, was 23 at the time. The heart of the book covers the three weeks Parkman spent hunting buffalo with a band of Oglala Sioux. Contents: The Frontier Breaking the Ice Fort Leavenworth "Jumping Off" "The Big Blue" The Platte and the Desert The Buffalo Taking French Leave Scenes at Fort Laramie The War Parties Scenes at the Camp Ill Luck Hunting Indians The Ogallalla Village The Hunting Camp The Trappers The Black Hills A Mountain Hunt Passage of the Mountains The Lonely Journey The Pueblo and Bent's Fort Tete Rouge, the Volunteer Indian Alarms The Chase The Buffalo Camp Down the Arkansas The Settlements


Life with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers is Henry Schoolcraft's autobiographical account of his career as an Indian Agent. "Ten years ago I returned from the area of the Mississippi Valley to New York, my native State, after many years' residence and exploratory travels of that quarter of the Union. Having become extensively known, personally, and as an author, and my name having been associated with several distinguished actors in our western history, the wish has often been expressed to see some record of the events as they occurred. In yielding to this wish, it must not be supposed that the writer is about to submit an autobiography of himself; nor yet a methodical record of his times–tasks which, were he ever so well qualified for, he does not at all aspire to, and which, indeed, he has not now the leisure, if he had the desire, to undertake."


On the Border with Crook is considered one of the best firsthand accounts of frontier army life, as the author of the book gives equal time to both the soldier and the Native American. John Bourke, the author of this book was a captain in the United States Army. He served as an aide to General George Crook in the Apache Wars from 1872 to 1883. As Crook's aide, Bourke had the opportunity to witness every facet of life in the Old West—the battles, wildlife, the internal squabbling among the military, the Indian Agency, settlers, and Native Americans. Bourke kept a diary in sequential journals throughout his adult life, documenting his observations in the West. He used these notes as the basis for his later monographs and writings. During his time as aide to General Crook during the Apache Wars, Bourke kept journals of his observations that resulted in this book. Within it, Bourke describes the landscape, Army life on long campaigns, and his observations of the Native Americans. His passages recounts General Crook's meetings with Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, and Geronimo as the General attempted to sign peace treaties and relocate tribes to reservations. Bourke provides considerable detail of towns and their citizens in the Southwest, specifically the Arizona Territory.


Scenes and Adventures in the Semi-Alpine Region of the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas is the first written account of a European-American exploration of the Ozarks. "These early adventures in the Ozarks comprehend my first exploratory effort in the great area of the West. To traverse the plains and mountain elevations west of the Mississippi, which had once echoed the tramp of the squadrons of De Soto—to range over hills, and through rugged defiles, which he had once searched in the hope of finding mines of gold and silver rivalling those of Mexico and Peru; and this, too, coming as a climax to the panorama of a long, long journey from the East—constituted an attainment of youthful exultation and self-felicitation, which might have been forgotten with its termination. But the incidents are perceived to have had a value of a different kind. They supply the first attempt to trace the track of the Spanish cavaliers west of the Mississippi. The name of De Soto is inseparably connected with the territorial area of Missouri and Arkansas, which he was the first European to penetrate, and in the latter of which he died."


The History of the Jewish People in America is a thorough historical account of Jewish communities in both South and North America starting from the earliest days of Spanish colonization all the way to the beginning of the 20th century. Contents: The Participation of Jews in the Discovery of the New World Early Jewish Martyrs Under Spanish Rule in the New World Victims of the Inquisition in Mexico and in Peru Marranos in the Portuguese Colonies The Short-lived Dominion of the Dutch Over Brazil Recife: The First Jewish Community in the New World The Jews in Surinam or Dutch Guiana The Dutch and English West Indies New Amsterdam and New York New England and the Other English Colonies The Religious Aspect of the War of Independence The Participation of Jews in the War of the Revolution The Decline of Newport; Washington and the Jews Other Communities in the First Periods of Independence The Question of Religious Liberty in Virginia and in North Carolina The War of 1812 and the Removal of Jewish Disabilities in Maryland Mordecai Manuel Noah and His Territorialist-Zionistic Plans The First Communities in the Mississippi Valley New Settlements in the Middle West and on the Pacific Coast The Jews in the Early History of Texas Conservative Judaism and Its Stand Against Reform The Discussion About Slavery Lincoln and the Jews Participation of Jews in the Civil War Immigration From Russia Prior to 1880 Relations With Russia The Passport Question The American-Jewish Committee The Jews in the Dominion of Canada Jews in South America, Mexico and Cuba


The book «The Sea: Its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, & Heroism» is an exciting review of the history of sea travels from the earliest times to the XIX century. It includes the first mentions of sea travel, the history of shipbuilding, mentions the greatest men who pursued geographical discoveries like Columbus and his contemporaries, and the deeds of pirates like Sir Francis Drake. The author revises the history of the most significant shipwrecks and concludes with poetry dedicated to sea and ship travel. The author spent his life traveling on a steamship and collected numerous stories and illustrations of interesting distant places. The book is the culmination of his lifetime interest in sea, travel, history, and art.


In 1741, Manhattan had the second-largest slave population of any city in the Thirteen Colonies after Charleston, South Carolina. As a result The Conspiracy of 1741, also known as the Negro Plot of 1741 broke out in New York. This rebellion is marked as one of the most controversial events in the early American history because most historians disagree as to whether such a plot existed and, if there was one, its scale. This alleged conspiracy served as an excuse for a brutal revenge of the local authorities. The main target were African slaves. As in the Salem witch trials, a few witnesses implicated many other suspects. In the end, over 100 people were hanged, exiled, or burned at the stake.