
The Stones of Paris in History and Letters is a two volume study on the city of Paris written by Benjamin Ellis Martin and Charlotte M. Martin. Through the numerous chapters regarding some of the most famous French authors and artists the Martins portray the painting of the French capital going deeper in its soul and showing something more than a city of shows or a huge bazaar. Table of Contents: Volume 1: Three Time-worn Staircases The Scholars' Quarter of the Middle Ages Molière and his Friends From Voltaire to Beaumarchais The Paris of the Revolution Volume 2: The Southern Bank in the Nineteenth Century The Paris of Honoré de Balzac The Paris of Alexandre Dumas The Paris of Victor Hugo The Making of the Marais The Women of the Marais


This meticulously edited collection has been formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. The works of William Wynn Westcott will reveal you the secrets Theosophy and Hermetic writings. This collection is an excellent source of information for everyone interested in Hermeticism, Alchemy, Kabalah and western esotericism in general. Contents: Hermetic Arcanum The Divine Pymander The Hermetic Art Aesch Mezareph Somnium Scipionis The Chaldaean Oracles Euphrates Egyptian Magic Sepher Yetzirah Numbers The Magical Ritual of the Sanctum Regnum Suicide The Isiac Tablet of Cardinal Bembo


History of the Jews is the first comprehensive history of the Jewish people, written by Jewish historian Heinrich Graetz. This universal history offers an insight in Jewish history, covering the period from the early days to modern times. The work is divided in six volumes: Vol. I: From the Earliest Period to the Death of Simon the Maccabee (135 B. C. E.) Vol. II: From the Reign of Hyrcanus (135 B. C. E.) to the Completion of the Babylonian Talmud (500 C. E.) Vol. III: From the Revolt against the Zendik (511 C. E.) to the Capture of St. Jean d'Acre by the Mahometans (1291 C. E.) Vol. IV: From the Rise of the Kabbala (1270 C. E.) to the Permanent Settlement of the Marranos in Holland (1618 C. E.) Vol. V: From the Chmielnicki Persecution of the Jews in Poland (1648 C. E.) to the Period of Emancipation in Central Europe (c. 1870 C. E.) Vol. VI: Chronological Table of Jewish History.


The Blue Equinox details the principles and aims of the secret society O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis) and its ally the A∴A∴, both of which were under Aleister Crowley's control at the time book was published. It includes such topics as The Law of Liberty, The Gnostic Mass, and Crowley's «Hymn to Pan». The book opens with Crowley's poem «Hymn to Pan», a devotional work devoted to the ancient Greek deity Pan. This is followed by an editorial, in which Crowley discusses Thelema, the A∴A∴ and the O.T.O., and the important role which he believed that they had to play in the Aeon of Horus.


Napoleon was not only a great commander and ruler, he was also a king of words. This extraordinary collection of personal correspondence of Napoleon and his wife Josephine show us this great leader in a new light. Throughout this correspondence readers will be able to follow Napoleon's career through his own eyes and thoughts who he shared with women he loved the most. Also, this collection is enriched with historical and chronological notes with aim to provide additional explanations to modern readers.


Das goldene Zeitalter des klassischen Griechenlands wurde durch diesen antiken Weltkrieg, der von Sizilien bis nach Kleinasien getobt hatte und in dem jede größere Macht der Region beteiligt gewesen war, beendet. Der Peloponnesische Krieg zwischen dem von Athen geführten Attischen Seebund und dem Peloponnesischen Bund unter seiner Führungsmacht Sparta, dauerte von 431 v. Chr. bis 404 v. Chr. Der Krieg war ein Wendepunkt für die Geschichte der griechischen Poliswelt, deren ohnehin labiles politisches Gleichgewicht nun endgültig aufgehoben wurde. Versuche, einen dauerhaften, allgemeinen Frieden auf der Basis von Autonomie und Gleichberechtigung zu erreichen, führten nur zu kurzfristigen Atempausen. Die griechische Poliswelt fand so im 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. keinen Ausweg aus dem permanenten Kriegszustand. Am Ende dieser Entwicklung stand Griechenland unter der Hegemonie des ehrgeizigen Königs Philipp II. von Makedonien, und später Alexander des Großen. Dieser Krieg war das erste Ereignis, das Gegenstand einer wissenschaftlichen historischen Darstellung wurde: Der griechische Historiker Thukydides lieferte in seiner Geschichte des Peloponnesischen Kriegs eine ausführliche zeitgenössische Darstellung, in der er die Ursachen und Hintergründe des Krieges in einer Weise analysierte, die für die europäische Geschichtsschreibung vorbildlich wurde. Sein Geschichtswerk prägt das heutige Wissen über den Verlauf des Peloponnesischen Krieges maßgeblich.


Buffalo Bill was of the most famous and well-known figures of the American Old West. His legend began to spread when he was only 23. Shortly thereafter he started performing in shows that displayed cowboy themes and episodes from the frontier and Indian Wars. In his late thirties Cody wrote his autobiography which can be considered as the back-trail through the Old West—the West that Bill knew and loved.


The flash of Napoleon Bonaparte's sword so blinded men in his lifetime, and, indeed, long after, that they were unable to distinguish a second weapon in his hand. The clearer vision which time and study bring have shown that he used words almost as effectively as the sword, and that throughout his career the address ably supported the military manoeuvre. Between these pages Napoleon's official life can be traced in detail from Toulon to St. Helena. The most important documents which he wrote relating to public affairs is printed in the collection. Across the pages of this book the mighty procession of soldiers and generals, priests and cardinals, kings and peoples who, in the twenty years in which Napoleon was the preeminent figure of Europe, fell captive to his charms or his power. Here are the words by which he fired starving armies to battle, bullied obstinate powers to follow his plans, put hope into despot-ridden people, told kings their duties. Contents: Part I. The Campaign in Italy Part II. The Egyptian Expedition Part III. Napoleon, First Consul Part IV. Napoleon, Emperor of France Part V. The Fall of Napoleon Napoleon's Will


A Voyage to Terra Australis is a two-volume sea voyage journal written by English mariner and explorer Matthew Flinders. It describes his circumnavigation of the Australian continent in the early years of the 19th century, and his imprisonment by the French on the island of Mauritius from 1804–1810. The book tells in great detail of his explorations and included maps and drawings of the profiles of unknown coastline areas of what Flinders called «Terra Australis Incognita». By this, he was referring to the great unknown Southern continent that had been sighted and partly mapped by prominent earlier mariners such as Captain James Cook.


The Prophecies is a collection of prophecies by French physician Nostradamus. The book begins with a preface, in the form of a message to his son César, followed by the Centuries themselves. The predictions do not follow chronological coherence and were written combining French, Greek, Latin and Occitan. It is believed that it contains anagrams, mythological and astrological references, in a subjective language that makes comprehension difficult. Some scholars claim that this was a resource used by Nostradamus to evade the Holy Inquisition, for fear of being persecuted for heresy.